
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Print Option Description and User's Guide

jprajsmkkey (Windows)

Organization of this page


     {-U login-user-name [-P password]
      -H host-name-of-JP1/AJS3 - Manager
      { -a | -u | -d }
      | -l }


The jprajsmkkey command encrypts JP1/AJS3 - Manager authentication information and registers it in the authentication information file.

The command also allows you to browse, update, or delete the authentication information registered in the authentication information file.

The registered authentication information is used when the jprwebcollect command is executed.

Example of command specification:
  • To specify the following items to register them in the authentication information file: Login user name: jp1admin, password: jp1admin, JP1/AJS3 - Manager host name: host001

jprajsmkkey -U jp1admin -P jp1admin -H host001 -a
  • To specify the following items and enter the password in the console to register them in the authentication information file: Login user name: jp1admin, JP1/AJS3 - Manager host name: host001

jprajsmkkey -U jp1admin -H host001 -a
Enter Password :
Re-Enter Password :
  • To specify the following items to update the authentication information file: Login user name: jp1admin, password: jp1admin01, JP1/AJS3 - Manager host name: host001

jprajsmkkey -U jp1admin -P jp1admin01 -H host001 -u
  • To specify the following items to delete the user from the authentication information file: Login user name: jp1admin, JP1/AJS3 - Manager host name: host001

jprajsmkkey -U jp1admin -H host001 -d
  • To output the list of users registered in the authentication information file

jprajsmkkey -l

Command directory


Options and arguments

-U login-user-name

Specify the name of the JP1 user who logs in to JP1/AJS3 - Manager to connect to, from 1 to 31 bytes. For details on the JP1 user name, see the manual of the JP1/Base.

A colon (:) cannot be specified in the JP1user name.

This option cannot be specified together with the -l option.

-P password

Specify the password for the JP1 user who logs in from 6 to 32 bytes. For details on the password of the JP1 user, see the manual of the JP1/Base.

If you omit the password when the -a option and the -u option are specified, you need to enter the same password twice in the command prompt. Do not enter a wrong password as the password is not shown. An error is displayed when the first and second passwords entered are different. Thus, execute the command again.

This option cannot be specified together with the -l option.

If you specify this option together with the -d option, the specified password value is ignored.

-H host-name-of-JP1/AJS3 - Manager

Specify the host name or IP address of JP1/AJS3 - Manager to connect to, from 1 to 255 bytes.

A colon (:) cannot be specified in the host name.

This option cannot be specified together with the -l option.


The option specifies to encrypt the specified JP1 user name, password, and JP1/AJS3 - Manager host name and register them in the authentication information file.

A KAVR4104-E error occurs if the combination of the specified JP1 user name and JP1/AJS3 - Manager host name already exists. Update them with the -u option.

This option cannot be specified together with -u, -d, or -l option.

If the -u, -d, or -l option is not specified, the command assumes that the -a option is specified.


Updates the authentication information file with the specified JP1 user name, password, and JP1/AJS3 - Manager host name.

If the combination of the specified JP1 user name and JP1/AJS3 - Manager host name already exists, the password is overwritten. If it does not exist, a KAVR4108-E error occurs. Use the -a option to register the user.

This option cannot be specified together with -a, -d, or -l option.


Deletes the combination of the specified JP1 user name and JP1/AJS3 - Manager host name from the authentication information file. No password is required.

A KAVR4108-E error occurs if the combination of the specified JP1 user name and JP1/AJS3 - Manager host name does not exist.

This option cannot be specified together with -a, -u, or -l option.


Outputs a list of JP1/AJS3 - Manager host names and login users to the standard output.

Output information:

The command outputs JP1/AJS3 - Manager host names and login user names, but not passwords.

[host-name-#1-of-JP1/AJS3 - Manager] login-user-name-#1
[host-name-#2-of-JP1/AJS3 - Manager] login-user-name-#2

When more than one user is registered, all data is output.

A KAVR4109-E error occurs if you execute the command when JP1/AJS3 - Manager host names and login users are not registered.

This option cannot be specified together with -U, -P, -H, -a, -u, or -d option.

Output example:
[mgrhost1] jp1admin
[mgrhost100] jp1admin
[localhost] jp1admin
Return values


Normal termination


Abnormal termination (argument specification error)


Abnormal termination (runtime error)

  • The jprajsmkkey command does not check if the login user name and password are valid. They are authenticated when the jprwebcollect command is executed.

  • If a wrong login user name, password, or JP1/AJS3 - Manager host name is specified, an authentication error occurs when the jprwebcollect command is executed. For details on how to set up the login user and password, see the manual of the JP1/Base. For details on how to set up the JP1/AJS3 - Manager host name, see the manual of the JP1/AJS3.

  • If more than one user uses a machine in which JP1/AJS3 - Print Option is installed, enable multi-user remote operation, and each user should register their authentication information.

  • When the JP1/AJS3 - Manager host name was changed, delete before change host name and register after change host name by executing the jprajsmkkey command.