
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Print Option Description and User's Guide

Summary of amendments

The following table lists changes in this manual (3021-3-L53(E)) and product changes related to this manual.



Supported Windows 11, Windows Server 2022, Linux 9.1, and Amazon Linux.

2.1.1, 2.1.2, 3.4.2, 3.4.4, 3.4.5(2)(a)

Added the following programs as prerequisite programs:

  • Microsoft Office 2021 32-bit (Microsoft Excel 2021 32-bit)

  • Microsoft Office 2021 64-bit (Microsoft Excel 2021 64-bit)

  • Microsoft 365 (Microsoft Excel)


Deleted the following OSs from the prerequisite OSs:

  • Windows 10(x86)

  • Windows Server 2012

  • Windows 8.1

  • Windows 8

  • Windows 7

  • HP-UX 11i V3 (IPF)

  • AIX V7.1

  • Solaris 11(SPARC)

  • CentOS 6 (x64)

  • CentOS 7

  • CentOS 8

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux(R) Server 6 (64-bit x86_64)

  • Oracle Linux(R) Operating System 6 (x64)


Deleted the following program from the prerequisite programs:

  • Microsoft Office 2013 32-bit (Microsoft Excel 2013 32-bit)

  • Microsoft Office 2013 64-bit (Microsoft Excel 2013 64-bit)

  • Microsoft Office 2010 32-bit (Microsoft Excel 2010 32-bit)

  • Microsoft Office 2010 64-bit (Microsoft Excel 2010 64-bit)


Changed the upper limit of the year that can be specified by the collection period for execution schedules and results from 2036 to the year set up by the JP1/AJS environment setting parameter SCHEDULELIMIT.

7.2, 8.

A line-feed position in the unit name can now be specified in the map output.

7.6, 7.8, 7.19.4

Supported the UTF-8 character code for the English language type in Linux.


The installation path is now added to the Path system environment variable during installation in a Windows environment.



--: Not applicable

In addition to the above changes, minor editorial corrections were made.