
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Print Option Description and User's Guide

3.4.5 Setting up multi-user remote operation

The multi-user remote operation functionality enables multiple users to use JP1/AJS3 - Print Option at the same time through Remote Desktop (abbreviated hereafter to RDP) connections.

Organization of this subsection

(1) System configuration

The following figure shows the configuration of a system to use multi-user remote operation with JP1/AJS3 - Print Option.

Figure 3‒2: System configuration for multi-user remote operation


(2) OS configuration

The following describes the OS configuration to use the multi-user remote operation functionality in JP1/AJS3 - Print Option.

(a) Prerequisite

In JP1/AJS3 - Print Option, multi-user remote operation assumes the use of the RDP server environment. In this manual, the following platform environments are collectively called a RDP server environment:

  • Windows Server 2022

  • Windows Server 2019

  • Windows Server 2016

If you do not install the Remote Desktop Services role, you can use the multi-user remote operation.

(b) Notes

  • OS users who act as administrator users must have Administrators permissions.

  • We recommend that OS users who will be end users be created as general users. If end users do not change the settings for operations, OS users could have Administrators permissions.

  • All OS users who use RDP connections must have unique names even if they are in different domains.

  • All OS users who use RDP connections may not have OS user names that contain any of reserved words, invalid characters, and periods or space characters, which are not allowed to be used as an OS user name in Windows.

    Furthermore, do not use any of the following OS user names:

    • An OS user name beginning with AJS, regardless of whether it is in uppercase or lowercase

    • An OS user name beginning with HLICLIB, regardless of whether it is in uppercase or lowercase

  • Use a different JP1 user for each OS user.

    In addition, each OS user must be configured to allow only one RDP session in which they can use JP1/AJS3 - Print Option.

    If you install the Remote Desktop Services role, on Configuration for Remote Desktop Session Host server of the RDP server, in the Edit Settings area, under General, set Restrict each user to a single session to Yes.

(3) Setting up JP1/AJS3 - Print Option

As an administrator user, use the following procedure to set up JP1/AJS3 - Print Option:

  1. Estimate the needs for memory space.

    Estimate the amount of memory space needed for a single process of JP1/AJS3 - Print Option, multiplying it by the number of users who use JP1/AJS3 - Print Option.

  2. Set up JP1/AJS3 - Print Option to enable the multi-user remote operation functionality.

    Open the installation-folder\jprpo.ini in a text editor or any other tool to enter the following:


    If you cannot find the jprpo.ini file there, then copy the jprpo.ini.model file and rename it to jprpo.ini.


    - We recommend that end users have only read permissions on the jprpo.ini file so that they cannot change settings in this file.

    - The max number to perform JP1/AJS3 - Print Option operations concurrently from more than one session is 5.

  3. Enable multiple users to use format definition files.

    Make sure that files with the extension .model (hereafter called Standard file) #2 are stored in the default format definition folder#1.

  4. Restart JP1/AJS3 - Print Option.#3




During the execution of step 4, sample multi-user format definition files are created based on the Standard files in the default format definition folder.

The destination where the sample multi-user format definition files are placed is as follows (hereafter called multi-user format definition folder):


Placing Standard files manually:

Compressed Standard files exist in english_sample_set.exe (e.g. job.jof.model) under the %allusersprofile%\Hitachi\JP1\JP1_DEFAULT\JP1AJS2PO folder. Decompress it for use.


If you perform step 4 under the situation where no Standard file exists in the default format definition folder, no format definition file is created in the multi-user format definition folder, and hence JP1/AJS3 - Print Option initiated by multiple users will fail in an error (KAVR2000-E) because no format definition file is given.

In this case, restart JP1/AJS3 - Print Option after manually placing an arbitrary format definition file in the created multi-user format definition folder.

For details on the destination to place the format definition file and on how to set a format definition file, see D.1 Product file information for JP1/AJS3 - Print Option.


The parameter MULTI_USERS in the jprpo.ini file can have either of the following values:


The multi-user remote operation functionality is enabled.


The multi-user remote operation functionality is disabled (default).