
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

2.4.4 Report files in line graph format

The report section of a report in line graph format displays the report details, the graph, and the graph introductory notes table. You can also specify settings to display multiple lines in a graph. The following figure shows an example of a report file in line graph format.

Figure 2‒27: HTML-format report file (line graph format)


The following subsections describe the contents displayed in report files.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Report details

This area displays the collection target server name, subresource names, and instance names.

(2) Graph introductory-notes table

As the introductory notes to the lines in a graph, the graph line colors, subresource names, and instance names are displayed. A graph introductory-notes table can be displayed in two formats: the instance count-based format and the subresource-based format.

(a) Instance count-based format

In a table in this format, each introductory note is output in the subresource-name (instance-name) format for each graph line color.

Introductory-notes tables in this format are output if It turns up and displays is cleared in the Graph Detail Setup window, or if the graph_legend_row key (or its value) is omitted from the report definition file.

The columns of a table in instance count-based format are sorted by the number of instances. You cannot specify the number of columns. The following figure shows an example of a graph introductory-notes table in instance count-based format.

Figure 2‒28: Graph introductory-notes table in instance count-based format


(b) Subresource-based format

In a table in this format, the introductory notes on the graph lines are grouped by subresource. A note is output in (number-of-instances) format for each graph line color. Introductory-notes tables in this format are output if It turns up and displays is selected in the Graph Detail Setup window, or if a value is set for the graph_legend_row key in the report definition file.

For the subresource-based format, columns are created according to the number of instances. You can also specify the number of columns.

If the specified number of columns is greater than needed, only the necessary columns are created. By default, when a report is created, the subresource-based format is used and the maximum number of columns is set to 10.

For details about the It turns up and displays checkbox on the Graph Detail Setup window, see 4.9.5(1) Graph Detail Setup window. For details about the raph_legend_row key of the Report definition file, see 6.3.21(3) Details of the report conditions definition.

The following figure shows an example of a graph introductory-notes table in subresource-based format. In this example, the maximum number of columns is set to 5 when there are 6 instances for each subresource.

Figure 2‒29: Graph introductory-notes table in subresource-based format


(3) Graph

Each graph consists of a graph frame, graph lines, units, plot type, line-type introductory notes, and dates. The following figure shows a graph output example.

Figure 2‒30: Graph output example (line-graph format)


(a) Graph frame

  • The vertical axis indicates the value, and the horizontal axis indicates the time.

  • Values of up to 6 digits can be displayed as the scale values for the vertical axis.

  • For a graph in which the scale values on the vertical axis exceed 1,000,000, you can select whether the values are displayed with exponents or displayed with integers or decimal numbers. You can specify the display format in the exponential-notation key of the ssorptd action definition file. For details on the exponential-notation key, see 6.3.22 ssorptd action definition file (ssorptd.def).

  • You can select which period will be used to determine the start and end times of the graph time axis, the period within the report term for which collection data exists, or the data extraction period. The details are shown below.

    If the period within the report term for which collection data exists is selected:

    The times of the first and last plot points within the data extraction period specified by using the Creating of Report File window or the ssodemandrpt command become the start time and the end time. This period is used by default. The following figure shows an example of a graph displayed when the period within the report term for which collection data exists is selected.

    Figure 2‒31: Example of a graph displayed when the period within the report term for which collection data exists is selected


    Collection data and plot point conditions used in the above example:

    Data extraction period: From 00:00:00 on October 1, 2013 to 00:00:00 on October 4, 2013

    Plot points: From 08:30:00 on October 1, 2013 to 08:10:00 on October 3, 2013

    If the data extraction period is selected:

    The data extraction period specified by using the Creating of Report File window or the ssodemandrpt command is used to determine the start and end times.

    If the start time is omitted, the time at the first plot point is used as the start time. If the end time is omitted, the time at the last plot point is used as the end time. The following figure shows an example of a graph displayed when the data extraction period is selected.

    Figure 2‒32: Example of a graph displayed when the data extraction period is selected


    Collection data and plot point conditions used in the above example:

    Data extraction period: From 00:00:00 on October 1, 2013 to 00:00:00 on October 4, 2013

    Plot points: From 08:30:00 on October 1, 2013 to 08:10:00 on October 3, 2013

    The data extraction period can be specified in either the Time-axis in the Graph Detail Setup window or the graph_time_adjust key in the report definition file. For details on the Time-axis, see 4.9.5(1) Graph Detail Setup window. For details on the graph_time_adjust key, see 6.3.21(3) Details of the report conditions definition.

  • You can select either of the following methods to scale the graph time axis:

    Specifying the number of divisions:

    You can specify 1 to 60 as the number of divisions. However, if you specify a value larger than 50, the displayed time strings overlap. The following figure shows an example of a time axis that is scaled by the number of divisions of the time axis. In this example, 6 is specified as the number of divisions.

    Figure 2‒33: Example of the time axis scaled by the number of divisions


    Specifying the time interval:

    You can specify from 1 minute to 365 days as the time interval. The time axis of a graph is scaled at the specified interval from the start time on the axis.

    If you specify a short interval that divides the time axis into more than 50, the displayed time strings overlap.

    The time interval can be specified in either Scale Line in the Graph Detail Setup window or the graph_xdivide key in the report definition file. For details on Scale Line, see 4.9.5(1) Graph Detail Setup window, and for details on the graph_xdivide key, see 6.3.21(3) Details of the report conditions definition. The following figure shows an example of a time axis that is scaled by time interval.

    Figure 2‒34: Example of a time axis scaled by time interval


    Display interval and plot point conditions used in the above example:

    Display interval: 12-hour intervals

    Plot points: From 08:30:00 on October 1, 2013 to 08:10:00 on October 3, 2013

  • The dates are rotated by 90 degrees in the following cases:

    If 7 or a larger value is specified as the number of divisions:

    The following figure shows an example of the time axis displayed when 7 or a larger value is specified as the number of divisions. In this example, the dates are rotated by 90 degrees because 15 is specified as the number of divisions.

    Figure 2‒35: Example of the time axis displayed when 7 or a larger value is specified as the number of divisions


    If the time axis is scaled by the time interval and the last scale point is too close to the end time:

    The following figure shows an example of a graph whose time axis is scaled by time interval. The time axis is scaled at 15-hour intervals when plot points are created from 08:30:00 on October 1, 2013 to 08:10:00 on October 3, 2013. Because the third scale point and the end time of the graph time axis are close to each other, 90-degree rotation is employed.

    Figure 2‒36: Example of the time axis scaled by time interval


(b) Graph lines

There are three types of graph lines, collection data lines, warning threshold lines, and critical threshold lines. For details on each type of graph line, see (e) Introductory notes on line types.

Collection data lines

A maximum of 100 collection data lines can be drawn in one graph. The number of lines can be calculated as number-of-subresources x number-of-instances. Lines are drawn in ascending order of instance number for each subresource. However, if number-of-subresources x number-of-instances exceeds 100, then only the first 100 lines are drawn.

Table 2-10 shows instances for which the lines will not be drawn if number-of-subresources x number-of-instances exceeds 100 under a certain condition. In this table, there are 9 subresources, and each subresource has 13 instances. In this case, the lines for all instances of subresources 1 to 7 are drawn. For subresource 8, lines are drawn for instances 1 to 9, but not for instances 10 to 13. Lines are not drawn for instance numbers 10 and higher of subresource ID8, or for any instances of subresource 9.

Table 2‒15: Instances for which lines will not be drawn if number-of-subresources x number-of-instances exceeds 100 (in the case of a resource consisting of 9 subresources, each of which has 13 instances)

Subresource ID

Instance number

Accumulated number of collection data lines
































Not drawn




Not drawn



Not drawn




Not drawn

Within the specified extraction period, the average is obtained for the data in each interval that is specified as a plot type, and collection data lines are drawn for those intervals. If no data is extracted in an interval, you can select whether to draw lines for that interval. Figure 2-31 shows an example of a graph when lines are drawn for an interval in which no data was extracted. Figure 2-32 shows an example of a graph when no lines are drawn for an interval in which no data was extracted.

Figure 2‒37: Example of a graph when part of the data was not extracted during extraction at the time intervals specified as a plot type (lines are drawn for missing data)


Figure 2‒38: Example of a graph when part of the data was not extracted during extraction at the time intervals specified as a plot type (lines are not drawn for missing data)


Whether to draw lines for missing data can be specified in Graph Line in the Graph Detail Setup window or the graph_blank key in the report definition file. For details on Graph Line, see 4.9.5(1) Graph Detail Setup window, and for details on the graph_blank key, see 6.3.21(3) Details of the report conditions definition.

Graph lines can be associated with subresources and instances by using the graph line color and graph introductory notes. When you position the mouse pointer over a collection data line, the names of the subresource and instance associated with that line are displayed in a tooltip. In the tooltip, these names are displayed in the subresource-name (instance-name) format. The tooltips for collection data lines can be displayed only for lines that are displayed.

If multiple collection data lines overlap, the line drawn last takes precedence over other lines.

Warning threshold lines
  • Warning threshold lines are drawn if Warning Threshold is selected in The display of Threshold in the Threshold Line Detail Setup window. Warning threshold lines are also drawn if It displays by setup of every Subresource is selected under Threshold Line, or Warning threshold or Warning and critical thresholds is selected under Threshold Line in the Graph Detail Setup window. You can also set the drawing of warning threshold lines in the graph_threshold key in the report definition file. For details on the Threshold Line Detail Setup window, see 4.9.4(2) Threshold Line Detail Setup window. For details on the Graph Detail Setup window, see 4.9.5(1) Graph Detail Setup window. For details on the graph_threshold key, see 6.3.21(3) Details of the report conditions definition.

    Note that even if drawing of warning threshold lines is set, warning thresholds are not output unless the corresponding collection data lines are output.

  • By default, warning threshold lines are not drawn.

  • Warning threshold lines are drawn as dashed lines.

  • Warning threshold lines are drawn in the same colors as those of the target collection data lines.

  • You can specify whether to draw a warning threshold line for each subresource.

  • While a warning threshold line is being drawn, if the threshold changes, the variation is applied to the drawing.

  • If multiple lines overlap, the threshold that is drawn last is displayed.

  • The subresource and instance names are displayed in a tooltip in the subresource-name (instance-name) format.

    Tooltips can be displayed only for lines that are displayed.

Critical threshold lines
  • Critical threshold lines are drawn if Critical Threshold is selected in The display of Threshold in the Threshold Line Detail Setup window, or if Threshold Line is selected in the Graph Detail Setup window. Drawing of critical threshold lines can also be set in the graph_threshold key in the report definition file. For details on the Threshold Line Detail Setup window, see 4.9.4(2) Threshold Line Detail Setup window. For details on the Graph Detail Setup window, see 4.9.5(1) Graph Detail Setup window. For details on the graph_threshold key, see 6.3.21(3) Details of the report conditions definition.

    Note that even if critical threshold lines are set, critical thresholds are not output unless the corresponding collection data is output.

  • By default, critical threshold lines are not drawn.

  • Critical threshold lines are drawn as dotted lines.

  • Critical threshold lines are drawn in the same colors as those of the target collection data lines.

  • You can specify whether to draw a critical threshold line for each subresource.

  • If the threshold changes while a critical threshold line is being drawn, the variation is applied to the drawing.

  • If multiple lines overlap, the threshold that is drawn last is displayed.

  • The subresource and instance names are displayed in a tooltip in the subresource-name (instance-name) format.

    Tooltips can be displayed only for lines that are displayed.

(c) Unit

Displays the unit for collection data values.

(d) Prot type

Displays the plot type specified in the Report Type Setup window or in the plot_type key in the report definition file.

(e) Introductory notes on line types

  • The graph line types are described below the graph introductory-notes table.

  • Lines are drawn in black.

  • Collection data lines are drawn as solid lines, warning threshold lines as dashed lines, and critical threshold lines as dotted lines.

  • All three types are displayed regardless of warning threshold line and critical threshold line output.

(f) Date

  • On the time axis, times are displayed in YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format. Normally, a line break is inserted between DD and hh.

  • For the conditions in which 90-degree rotation is employed, see (a) Graph frame.

  • Even if 90-degree rotation is employed, depending on the settings, character strings might overlap and be difficult to read. If character strings overlap excessively, they might be displayed as if they are horizontal lines. The following figure shows an example.

    Figure 2‒39: Example of a graph that has excessively-overlapping character strings


    Time axis and scale line conditions:

    Time axis: The start time is 08:30:00 on October 1, 2013, and the end time is 20:30:00 on October 1, 2013.

    Scale line setting: 1-minute interval

    Depending on the settings, multiple scale lines might be output at the same X coordinate. In this case, the date is output only for the first drawn scale line.

(4) Statistics information

You can output the maximum value, minimum value, and average of each subresource and instance that are the targets of the report. If the maximum value or minimum value is a fraction, it is rounded to the second decimal place. If that value is an integer, the decimal places .00 are added.

This setting can be specified in Statistics in the Graph Detail Setup window or the report definition file. For details on Statistics, see 4.9.5(1) Graph Detail Setup window. For details on the graph_statistics_info key, see 6.3.21(3) Details of the report conditions definition. By default, statistics information is not output.

You can select the statistics information format from among the four table formats for report output. The statistics information is displayed below each graph.

(5) Notes

For line graphs, data is averaged according to the specified plot type, by using the start time on the graph time axis as the base. Drawing of a line in a graph is based on the time at which averaging of the data for the line starts. For example, assume that the report term is from 10:00 to 20:00 and the plot type is 1 hour. In addition, assume that the graph_time_adjust key is set to off or that The start and end of a time-axis are united during the data extraction is cleared in the Graph Detail Setup window. In this case, if data actually exists only in the period from 10:30 to 19:00, the graph is drawn with values plotted at 1-hour intervals on the time axis that starts at 10:30 and ends at 18:30.