
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

2.4.3 Details of HTML-format report files

This subsection describes the HTML-format report files created with the report creation function. You can save HTML-format report files to a directory of your choosing. However, if you want to display HTML-format report files with Report Browser, you must save these files in an HTML database.

Each HTML-format report file consists of a report header section and a report section. The following figure shows the structure of an HTML-format report file.

Figure 2‒25: Structure of an HTML-format report file


The following table lists the display forms of instance names in HTML-format report files.

Instance name by resource

Instance name order


All numeric values

Sorted in ascending order as numeric values


Other than the above

Sorted in ascending order as strings


Organization of this subsection

(1) Report header section

The report header section displays the report title, report term, report date, and report index. The following figure shows an example of the report header section.

Figure 2‒26: Report header section of an HTML-format report file


Report title

The report title specified during report creation is displayed.

Report Term

The report term specified during report creation is displayed.

Report Date

The date on which report creation was executed by using the Report Configuration window or report command is displayed.

Report Index

The indexes of graphs and tables displayed in the report section are listed. The list displays all the subresources and instances on which the report was created. To move to the actual graph or table, click the name of the server targeted for collection.

(2) Report section

Report sections can have the following formats (graph formats and a table format):

  1. Line graph format

  2. Histogram format

  3. Bar graph format

  4. Stacked bar graph format

  5. Pie chart format

  6. Table format

    The table format can further be categorized into the following four formats:

    • Subresource columns - Instance rows

    • Instance columns - Subresource rows

    • According to instance

    • According to subresource