
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

6.3.22 ssorptd action definition file (ssorptd.def)

Define ssorptd daemon process actions in the ssorptd action definition file. If you have made any changes in this definition file, perform one of the following operations to apply these changes:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

The following shows the format of the ssorptd action definition file.


When coding definitions in the ssorptd action definition file, note the following:

(2) Description

The next table lists the items that must be, or can be, defined in the ssorptd action definition file.

Key name



<<4>>((1 to 32 megabytes))

Specify the maximum size of a log file.


<<3>> ((1 to 10))

Specify the number of the log files.



Specify whether to output a trace file for troubleshooting at failure occurrence. To output the trace file, specify on. To not output the trace file, specify off.


<<4>> ((1 to 32 megabytes))

Specify the maximum size of a trace file.


<<3>> ((1 to 10))

Specify the number of the trace files.


<<2>> ((1 to 99))

Specify the maximum number of concurrent sessions the ssorptd daemon process allows for the connections via the Report Configuration window and the report command (ssodemandrpt). In other words, specify the maximum number of concurrent sessions with the Report Configuration window and the report command (ssodemandrpt). Note that one of the specified number of sessions is always secured for the Report Configuration window. Also, regardless of the setting of this key, multiple Report Configuration windows cannot be opened concurrently.


<<20>> ((1 to 64))

Specify the maximum number of report conditions that can be defined in a report definition file.


To create a report, as many ssoextractlog commands as the number of report conditions are executed concurrently. Therefore, if you increase the value of this key, you must add that increase to the value of the max-client: key in the ssocolmng action definition file (ssocolmng.def).



Specify the collecting server IP address to be displayed in the host-name format (IP-address) in the Report Condition Addition wizard.

Specify the same value as that specified in the change-my-address: key in the ssocolmng action definition file.



Select the format in which values are displayed for the scale markings on the vertical and horizontal axes of the graphs in HTML-format report files if values to be displayed are 1,000,000 or larger. You can select one of two formats. One is the integer or decimal fraction display format, and the other is the exponent display format. The selected format is applied to line graphs, histograms, bar graphs, and stacked bar graphs.

When on is specified, exponent display is used.

When off is specified, integer or decimal fraction display is used.

Note that if the value of a scale marking is less than 1,000,000, integer or decimal fraction display is used regardless of the specification in this key.


If a scale marking exceeds 17 digits (including the minus sign), the displayed value might protrude from the vertical axis or outside the graph frame or be partly hidden. In such a case, specify on (exponent display) in this key. For the text display in a graph, see also Note in 2.4.2(2) HTML-format report files.

#1 If you change the value of this item, you must restart the ssorptd daemon process.

#2 If you change the value of this item, you must restart the Report Configuration window.