
JP1 Version 13 IT Operations Automation: Getting Started 



Admin role

A kind of role. User groups granted this role can manage service groups, manage service templates, develop service templates, manage services, and execute services.



Changing the status of a development service template to the status in which the development service template can be debugged and added as a service in the development environment. Development service templates that have been built can be imported in the JP1/AO server.


Common Component

This component is a collection of functions that are shared by Hitachi Command Suite products. Common Components are installed as part of JP1/AO and provide functions such as user management, log output, and commands.


Components refer to plug-ins and release service templates that can be deployed in the flow of a service template as steps.

connection destination

This term refers to a connection destination host that JP1/AO manages as a target of a service. You can restrict user access to the connection destination by associating the connection destination with a service group.



A series of operations that detect problems with flows or plug-ins through examination of the results of a debug task. These operations are intended to validate the behavior of a development service template.

debug task

A task that is generated during debugging of a development service template. This task is generated when a debug service is executed. In the debug process, the results of the debug task can be used to identify problems with flows or plug-ins.


A JP1/AO function that helps you debug development service templates.

Develop role

A kind of role. User groups granted this role can manage service templates, develop service templates, manage services, and execute services.

development plug-in

A plug-in being created by the user, or a plug-in created as a result of making a copy of an existing plug-in. Development plug-ins are used in the development environment.

development service template

A service template being created by the user, or a service template created as a result of making a copy of a release service template. Development service templates are used in the development environment.



A definition of procedural steps in the operation to be automated in a service template.


Hitachi Command Suite

A product that configures and monitors storage environments and allows for integrated management of heterogeneous storage systems.


Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Operation

A product that provides functions required to automate operation procedures and offers run book automation capabilities.

JP1 resource group

In JP1/Base, the management targets (resources), such as jobs and events, are classified into various groups. These groups of management targets (resources) are called JP1 resource groups.

JP1 user

A user managed by JP1/Base. JP1 users are allowed to log in to JP1/AO if external authentication with JP1/Base is configured.

JP1/Automatic Operation Content Pack

A package of multiple service templates. This package provides a variety of service templates of different types for different categories such as virtual server operations and cloud operations.


Modify role

A kind of role. User groups granted this role can manage services and execute services.



The smallest unit of processing for automating IT operations. Plug-ins are categorized into JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins and JP1/AO Content Pack plug-ins. The JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins that perform email notification, flow iteration, and other general purpose processing are referred to as basic plug-ins.


A collection of data used to manage a user, including the user ID and address.

property mapping

Property mapping is a mechanism that enables value inheritance between step properties or between a step property and service property. For example, the property mapping can be set for a step to inherit (as the value of the input property) the value of the previous step's output property.


relational line

A line that connects two steps. You can put steps required for performing an application and connect these steps with relational lines to define the order in which the processing steps are to be performed.


An act of making sure that a verified development service template can be added as a service in the production environment. Once a development service template is released, the template is treated as a release service template and can no longer be edited. After the release, the release service template is imported in the JP1/AO server.

release plug-in

A plug-in that is imported after the release of a development service template, or a plug-in that is included in the service template provided by JP1/AO. Release plug-ins are used in the production environment.

release service template

A development service template that has been released. The service template provided by JP1/AO is a release service template. Release service templates are used in the production environment. You can deploy release service templates as service plug-ins in a flow during development of a service template.


An attribute that restricts operations (such as service management and execution) that a user group can perform on a service group. Four types of roles exist: the Admin role, the Develop role, the Modify role, and the Submit role.



A JP1/AO term that refers to an imported service template to which the property values appropriate for the environment are input. You can automate operation procedures by executing services.

Service Share Property

A property containing a value shared by services to be executed by JP1/AO. For example, if you define the host name of the connection destination server, the user ID, and the password as Service Share Properties, you do not need to enter server information that is already defined. The Service Share Properties provided by JP1/AO are referred to as built-in shared service properties.

service template

A template that facilitates execution of different operation procedures for your IT system based on the specified property values and schedules in the JP1/AO window.

service template package

A service template that was built and imported in the JP1/AO server. Service template packages are stored as files with the extension ".st". Multiple service template packages can be contained in a file in ZIP format.


An element of a flow. This executes a plug-in.

Submit role

A kind of role. User groups granted this role can execute services.



A unit of processing generated as a result of service execution. You can check the progress or result of automatic processing by checking the task.


user group

A group of users who use the same service group and have the same operation permission for that service group.

User Management permission

The permission required to manipulate all the user accounts. The user with the User Management permission can use the function for managing users and user groups.