
JP1 Version 13 IT Operations Automation: Getting Started 

1.3.2 New installation of JP1/AO (in Linux)

Use the Hitachi PP Installer to install JP1/AO. The Hitachi PP Installer is stored in the distribution media for JP1/AO. For details about the procedure to be performed on an OS, see the documentation for the OS.

Before you begin


  1. Insert the distribution media for JP1/AO.

  2. Mount the distribution media. For details on how to mount the distribution media, see the documentation for the OS.

    /bin/mount -r -o mode=0544 /dev/cdrom/mnt/cdrom

    The device special file name (dev/cdrom) and the mount directory name (/mnt/cdrom) for the distribution media file system differ depending on the environment.

  3. Start the Hitachi PP Installer.

    Depending on the environment, the directory and file names for the distribution media might differ from those shown below. Use the ls command to check them, and then enter the displayed file name.

    /mnt/cdrom/X64LIN/setup /mnt/cdrom

    For /mnt/cdrom, specify the mount directory name for the distribution media to be used.

  4. In the initial window that appears when the Hitachi PP Installer starts, enter "I".

    The list of software programs that can be installed appears.

  5. Move the cursor over the software to be installed, and then press the space bar.

  6. Enter "I".

    The installation of JP1/AO starts. After the installation is complete, enter "Q" to return to the initial window.

  7. Unmount the distribution media.

    After the installation is complete, unmount the distribution media. For details on how to unmount the distribution media, see the documentation for the OS.

    /bin/umount /mnt/cdrom

    For /mnt/cdrom, specify the mount directory name for the distribution media to be used.

  8. After the installation is complete, execute the hcmds64srv command with the start option specified to start JP1/AO services.

    Location where the commands are stored:


    Example of executing the command:

    hcmds64srv -start

    • In Linux, do not specify a symbolic link as the installation destination. If you specify a symbolic link, installation will fail.

    • If you interrupt the installation, an empty folder might be created. If an empty folder is created, manually delete it.

    • If the installation of Common Component fails and you attempt to install it again, you cannot specify an installation destination different from the previous installation destination. Even if you enter a different installation destination, Common Component is automatically installed in the previous installation destination.
