
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide


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The jbsrt_distrib command is executed on a manager host (i.e. host on which JP1/IM - Manager is installed).

This command distributes information defined in the configuration definition file from the host on which the command is executed to lower-level hosts, and then the definitions are enabled.

The two methods for distributing configuration definition information are the batch distribution method and the differential distribution method.

When this command is executed, JP1/Base must be running on all hosts to which the configuration definition is to be distributed (on the hosts whose configuration definition is to be changed and all of their higher hosts when a differential distribution method is used). If JP1/Base has not started yet on a target host, the configuration definition will not be distributed to the host. If this happens, a message is displayed during command execution, notifying you that the configuration information cannot be set. By continuing the process, the configuration definition is distributed to other hosts on which JP1/Base has started. To distribute the configuration information to a host to which the definition could not be distributed, start JP1/Base on the host, and then re-execute the jbsrt_distrib command to distribute the definition. If you are using the batch distribution method, enter N when a message asking you to delete configuration information is displayed. This completes the distribution of the configuration definition in the entire system.

The following configuration definition file is referenced by this command:

In Windows:


shared-folder\jp1base\conf\route\jbs_route.conf (when the -h option is specified)



shared-directory/jp1base/conf/route/jbs_route.conf (when the -h option is specified)

For details on the format of the configuration definition file, see Configuration definition file in 16. Definition Files.


Common definition (JBSRT_DISTRIB_VERSION=0):
jbsrt_distrib [{-D [-f] | -L}]
              [-h logical-host-name]
Common definition (JBSRT_DISTRIB_VERSION=1):
jbsrt_distrib [{-D [-f] | -L | -f}]
              [-h logical-host-name]

Required execution permission

In Windows: Administrators (If User Account Control (UAC) for Windows is enabled, you must execute the command from the administrator console.)

In UNIX: Superuser or JP1/Base administrator permission

Command directory

In Windows:






Specify this argument to distribute the configuration definition information by using the differential distribution method. This method deletes configuration definition information from or distributes configuration definition information to only hosts for which changes have been made in the configuration definition. If you omit this option, the value set for JBSRT_DISTRIB_VERSION in the common definition information takes effect.


Specify this argument to distribute the configuration definition information by using the batch distribution method. This method deletes configuration definition information from or distributes configuration definition information to all hosts in the configuration definition information. If you omit this option, the value set for JBSRT_DISTRIB_VERSION in the common definition information takes effect.


Specify this argument if you do not want a message confirming command execution (a message asking you to enter Y or N) to be output. If you specify this option, the message confirming command execution is omitted, the value Y is assumed, and processing continues. If you omit this option, a message confirming command execution will be displayed.

-h logical-host-name

When using JP1/Base in a cluster system, specify the logical host for which you will execute the command. If you omit this option, the host name set in the environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME is assumed. If the environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME is not set, the physical host name is assumed. There is no need to specify this argument unless you are running a cluster system.

Environment variables


This environment variable expands the set of values that can be returned by the command. To use the expanded set of return values, specify 1. To use the original (unexpanded) set of return values, specify 0. If you omit this environment variable, the command will return a value from the original set of return values.


Return values (original set)


Normal end


Abnormal end

Return values (expanded set)


Normal end


Distribution or deletion of the configuration definition information failed on some hosts.


Configuration management server processing is being performed.


The command timed out.


Invalid argument


Permission error


A configuration definition information access error occurred, or the configuration definition information is corrupted.


Definition file access error


Definition file format error


An error occurred during communication with the configuration management server.


Insufficient memory


Other error


The examples below show the command with the -f option specified and the command with the -f option omitted.

With the -f option specified:
# jbsrt_distrib -D -f
Sending the configuration definition...
KAVB3109-I The definition distribution command terminated normally.
With the -f option omitted:
# jbsrt_distrib -D
All hosts to which the configuration definition is to be distributed must be running.
Do you want to distribute the configuration definition? [Y/N] y
Sending the configuration definition...
KAVB3109-I The definition distribution command terminated normally.

The following example shows how to expand the set of values returned by the command:

# jbsrt_distrib