
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

2.6.3 Managing the system's hierarchical configuration by using commands

There are two ways of managing the hierarchical configuration of a system that includes JP1/Base and JP1/IM. One way is by using the IM configuration management functionality, and the other way is by using the configuration management functionality provided by JP1/Base (commands related to configuration definition). This subsection explains how to manage a system's hierarchical configuration by using the configuration management functionality provided by JP1/Base.

The configuration management functionality provided by JP1/Base uses commands related to configuration definition in order to set, on managers and agents, the configuration definition information that defines the system's hierarchical configuration.

The commands related to configuration definition are as follows:

These commands are used to perform operations such as distributing configuration definition information from a manager to agents and updating a manager's configuration definition information with the configuration definition information collected from agents.

For details about the commands, see jbsrt_distrib, jbsrt_sync, jbsrt_del, and jbsrt_get in 15. Commands.

To set configuration definition information, on the manager, define the system's hierarchical configuration in the JP1/IM configuration definition file (jbs_route.conf), and then distribute the definition information to lower-level hosts by executing the jbsrt_distrib command. For details about how to set configuration definition information, see the description about how to set the system's hierarchical configuration without using the IM configuration management functionality in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Distributing the configuration definition information

If hosts to be managed are added or managed hosts are deleted, you need to update the agent configuration definition information (distribute new configuration definition information by executing the jbsrt_distrib command). There are two ways to distribute configuration definition information, as follows.

Batch distribution method

Configuration definition information is deleted from or distributed to all hosts included the configuration definition.

Differential distribution method

Configuration definition information is deleted from or distributed to only those hosts to which changes were made in the configuration definition. This method was added in JP1/Base version 11-10.

This section explains the differential distribution method.

(2) Prerequisites for using the differential distribution method

To use the differential distribution method, the following conditions must be met for manager hosts and submanager hosts:

(3) Setting the distribution method

For JBSRT_DISTRIB_VERSION in the common definition information, specify which distribution method is to be used when the jbsrt_distrib command is executed.


Differential distribution method


Batch distribution method

You can also specify the distribution method as an option of the jbsrt_distrib command. The distribution method specified as a command option will be used regardless of the value set for JBSRT_DISTRIB_VERSION in the common definition information.

If the -D option is specified for the jbsrt_distrib command

Differential distribution method

If the -L option is specified for the jbsrt_distrib command

Batch distribution method

If neither the -D option nor the -L option is specified, the distribution method set for JBSRT_DISTRIB_VERSION in the common definition information will be used.

Note that, when JP1/Base is newly installed, JBSRT_DISTRIB_VERSION is set to 1 (differential distribution method). If you installed JP1/Base by overwriting a JP1/Base version earlier than 11-10, JBSRT_DISTRIB_VERSION is not defined (in which case, the batch distribution method will be used).

For details about how to specify the distribution method by using JBSRT_DISTRIB_VERSION in the common definition information, see 12.2.1 Specifying the method for distributing configuration definition information.

For details about the jbsrt_distrib command, see jbsrt_distrib in 15. Commands.

(4) Notes about using the differential distribution method

If configuration definition information is deleted from an individual agent or submanager as in the cases described below, the hosts from which the information was deleted can no longer be detected as differential information by the manager. For this reason, use the batch distribution method to distribute configuration definition information.

(5) Reviewing the communication timeout value

During operation under a system hierarchical configuration with three or more levels, the distribution or synchronization of configuration definition by submanagers or hosts below submanagers may take too much time and fail to return a response to the integrated manager within a certain period of time. Hence, the application or synchronization of system hierarchical configuration by using a configuration management command (jbsrt_distrib or jbsrt_sync) or IM configuration management may result in timeout.

Such timeout occurs mainly in cases where there are many agents under a submanager or the network circuit speed between a submanager and an agent is low.

If timeout occurs in spite that there are no abnormalities with lower-level hosts, adjust the integrated manager's communication timeout value to be the larger one because the timeout may be caused due to either of the above mentioned cases. For details about how to set the communication timeout value, see Common definition settings file (configuration management functionality) in 16. Definition Files.

Actual elapsed time spent for the distribution or synchronization process on a manager host in the system hierarchical configuration can be confirmed in the message KAVB3185-I. Use it as a reference for adjusting the timeout value.