
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

Configuration definition file

Organization of this page









File name

jbs_route.conf (configuration definition file)

jbs_route.conf.model (model file for the configuration definition file)

Storage directory

In Windows
For a physical host:


For a logical host:


For a physical host:


For a logical host:



This file defines the system hierarchy that is to be managed by JP1/IM.

JP1/IM operates under a hierarchical system configuration that consists of managers that manage the system and agents. There can be a hierarchy under each manager, which enables JP1/IM to manage systems of various sizes.

The system hierarchy is managed by JP1/Base, which is the prerequisite product that provides the core functionality of JP1/IM.

Based on the hierarchy information that is defined in this file, the JP1/IM functions operate as follows:

You must enter a linefeed on the last line of the file.

When the definitions are applied

The specified configuration definition information takes effect when the following commands are executed for applying the definitions:

Information that is specified

  • Specifies the host name of a manager.

    The manager is the host where JP1/IM - Manager is installed.

  • Express the host name using from 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters, the hyphen (-), and the period (.).

  • A hash mark (#) (code 0x23) at the start of a line indicates a comment.

  • If you divide the system configuration definition, place an asterisk (*) immediately before the host name that is duplicated in (continued to) another configuration definition file.

  • Specifies the name of a host that is managed by the specified manager.

  • Express the host name using from 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters, the hyphen (-) and the period (.).

  • A hash mark (#) (code 0x23) at the start of a line indicates a comment.

  • If you divide the system configuration definition, place an asterisk (*) immediately before the host name that is duplicated in (continued from) another configuration definition file.

  • JP1/Base must be installed on a managed host. A managed host cannot be defined under more than one manager.

  • Specify a host name that is registered in the hosts file or on the DNS server, or a host name that is defined in jp1hosts or jp1hosts2.

  • If you specify an asterisk (*) as part of the host name, which is not permitted, the jbsrt_distrib command will not delete the configuration definition information that follows that host name.

  • You cannot specify an alias name for a host.

  • If you use the automated action function or the command execution function, specify for a managed host the same host name that is specified in the command execution or automated action function. If the host is a physical host, specify the host name that is returned by the hostname command.

Example definition

The following describes examples of configuration definition files for a JP1/IM system based on the system hierarchy shown in the table below. The first example is of a batch definition; the second example is of divided definitions.

Table 16‒26: JP1/IM system hierarchy (example)

Integrated manager

Site manager




jp1ag1, jp1ag2


jp1ag3, jp1ag4, jp1ag5

Example of a batch definition:

To create a batch definition, edit the configuration definition file at the integrated manager as follows (there is no need to edit the files at the site managers or agents):

Configuration definition file for integrated manager jp1sv1:
Example of divided definitions:

To create divided definitions, edit a configuration definition file at the integrated manager and at each site manager as follows (there is no need to edit files at the agents):

Configuration definition file for integrated manager jp1sv1:
Configuration definition file for site manager jp1sv2:
Configuration definition file for site manager jp1sv3: