
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

14.2.1 Effects and follow-up tasks when changing host names

Organization of this subsection

(1) User authentication

If you change the host name of the authentication server in Windows, in the JP1/Base Environment Settings dialog box, display the Authentication Server page. Then, change the host name. For UNIX, use the jbssetusrsrv command to change the host name. The user authentication function is not affected unless the host name of the authentication server is changed.

(2) User mapping

For the user mapping function, perform the following carefully so that none of the host names remain unchanged.

(a) When the manager host name is changed

For every agent host on which remote command execution is initiated from a manager, check the mapping definition file on the agent host.

The second field server-host-name in JP1-user-name:server-host-name:user-list in the mapping definition file needs to be changed when the manager host name is changed.

To change the information:

  1. Execute the jbsgetumap command and acquire the text file.

  2. Change the applicable server host name to the new server host name.

    You do not need to change the server host name if the old server host name is *.

  3. After you change the server host name, execute the jbsmkumap command and register the new definition.

For details on the commands, see jbsgetumap and jbsmkumap in 15. Commands.


For server-host-name, specify the host name displayed by the hostname command. However, if you are using domain names for DNS operation, add a host name definition in Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) format.

(b) When the agent host name is changed

Changing an agent host name has no effect.

(3) Event service

If you have specified host names in the event server settings file (conf) and API settings file (api), you need to correct them completely. Only the host names set by users need to be corrected. You do not need to correct the default names. Since the event service does not automatically store default host names, you need not worry about correcting them.

If you use the hostname command to change the host name in UNIX, stop the event service first, and then change the name. If you change the host name while an event service is running, you will not be able to stop the event service.

When the stop processing of an event service is not completed due to a sudden power outage, the files listed below might remain. If any files remain, stop all event services running on the host and then delete the files. If you apply a JP1/Base patch while the files remain, KAJP1028-E and KAJP1049-E are issued. The patch is applied successfully even when KAJP1028-E and KAJP1049-E are issued.

In Windows






(4) When using JP1/IM - Manager

When you use Read From Selected Event in an event search, you need to set the hosts file so the machine that uses JP1/IM - Manager can reference the old host name (for example, to make ping old-host-name successful). If you do not need this type of operation, you do not need to change the settings regarding the event service.

With JP1/IM - Manager, the system is configured based on the contents of the configuration definition file. Therefore, each time a host name is changed, the system configuration needs to be redistributed (by executing the jbsrt_distrib command). Unless the system configuration is redistributed, JP1 events might not be forwarded correctly. For details on how to redistribute the system configuration, see the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide.


For a JP1 event that was issued while an old host name was still in use, JP1/IM - View displays the old host name as the registered host name even after the host name is changed. When you perform a search, the old host name is also used as the registered host name. You cannot use this type of JP1 event to display the monitor screen for JP1/AJS.

(5) When using a cluster system

If you change a logical host name in a cluster system environment, delete the previous logical host name. And then, complete the same setup for the new logical host name.

In Windows:

For details on how to delete a logical host name, see 5.7.1 Deleting logical hosts (in Windows). For details on setting up a cluster system, see 5.4.3 Setup.


For details on how to delete a logical host name, see 5.7.2 Deleting logical hosts (in UNIX). For details on setting up a cluster system, see 5.5.3 Setup.

(6) Hitachi Network Objectplaza Trace Library (HNTRLib2)

It is not necessary to restart Hitachi Network Objectplaza Trace Library (HNTRLib2) after changing the host name. However, if you do not so, the previous logical host name is output to the header of the integrated trace log.

(7) jp1hosts definition file or jp1hosts2 definition file

If you are using a jp1hosts definition file or a jp1hosts2 definition file, change the host name in the file.