
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

5.5.3 Setup

To operate JP1/Base in a cluster system, you must set up a physical host environment (for primary and secondary nodes) and a logical host environment (for primary and secondary nodes). The setup procedure is shown in the following figure. Before you set up, you must specify the language on the physical host. The language set on the physical host is inherited to the logical host. For details on how to set the language, see 3.4.2 Setting the language (for UNIX).

Figure 5‒13: Setup procedure for a cluster system (in UNIX)


Organization of this subsection

(1) Setup on the primary node

To set up the physical and logical hosts on the primary node:

  1. Set user management for the physical host (when running an authentication server on the physical host).

    Specify this option if you want to run an authentication server on the physical host. For details on user management, see 8.3 User management setup (in UNIX).

  2. Set the logical host.

    Execute the command as follows: Create a shared directory and shared file on a shared disk to set up the authentication server.

    jp1base_setup_cluster -h node0 -d /shdsk/node0 -a node0 -s 

    For details on the jp1base_setup_cluster command, see jp1base_setup_cluster (UNIX only) in 15. Commands.

  3. Set user management function for the logical host.

    If you have specified a logical host as an authentication server, register the JP1 users, set up user mapping, and set up the operating permissions of the JP1 users as follows:

    • Register the JP1 users (only when the logical host is used as the authentication server).

      Make sure that the authentication server is active, and then execute the following command to register a JP1 user:

      jbsadduser -h logical-host-name JP1-user-name

      To check the registered JP1 user, execute the following command:

      jbslistuser -h logical-host-name

    • Register the user mapping information in the common definition information.

      The user mapping definition file (jp1BsUmap.conf) resides in the following location:


      After editing the file (jp1BsUmap.conf), execute the following command to register the user mapping definition information:

      jbsmkumap -h logical-host-name

      To check the registered user mapping information, execute the following command:

      jbsgetumap -h logical-host-name

    • Set JP1 user operating permissions (only when using the logical host as the authentication server).

      The user permission level file (JP1_UserLevel) is located in the following directory:


      After editing this file (JP1_UserLevel), execute the jbsaclreload command to apply the settings.

    For details on setting user management, see 8.3 User management setup (in UNIX).

  4. Change the JP1/Base communication protocol.

    Change the communication protocol of JP1/Base on physical and logical hosts as required.

    For details on whether changing the communication protocol is required and how to do so, see 6. JP1/Base Communication Settings According to Network Configurations.

    Notes on operating authentication servers in a cluster system:

    The settings files for authentication servers are stored in the following directory.


    If you are using a secondary authentication server, you must copy the settings files from the primary authentication server to the secondary authentication server. Note that the copy destination varies depending on whether you use the secondary authentication server in a cluster system:

    When using a cluster system:


    When not using a cluster system:


    After copying the settings files, execute the following command to apply the settings. You need to specify the -h option only if you use the secondary authentication server in a cluster system.

    jbs_spmd_reload -h logical-host-name

    Notes when not operating authentication servers in a cluster system:

    If you omit the -s option when executing the jp1base_setup_cluster command, the authentication server process will not start for the JP1/Base instance running on that logical host.

    By changing the configuration settings, you can start the authentication server process after executing the jp1base_setup_cluster command.

    Follow these steps:

    1. Stop JP1/Base.

    Stop the logical host whose configuration you are changing and all programs dependent on JP1/Base on that logical host.

    2. Modify the definition file.

    Execute the following command to change the JP1/Base process definition file:

    cd /shared-directory/jp1base/conf

    cp -p jp1bs_spmd.conf.session.model jp1bs_spmd.conf

    3. Restart JP1/Base.

    Restart the logical host whose configuration you changed and the programs dependent on JP1/Base on that logical host.

    The changed definition takes effect when you restart JP1/Base.

This completes JP1/Base setup on the primary node.

If any of the programs that require JP1/Base (JP1/IM, JP1/AJS, or JP1/Power Monitor) is installed, you must complete the failover settings for these programs. For details, see the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide, JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide, JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide, JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide, and the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide.

(2) Setup on the secondary node

To set up the physical and logical hosts on the secondary node:

Before you start to set up on the secondary node, make sure that you complete the setup tasks for JP1/Base, JP1/IM, JP1/AJS, and JP1/Power Monitor on the primary node.

  1. Set user management for the physical host (when running an authentication server on the physical host).

    Specify this option if you want to run an authentication server on the physical host. For details on user management, see 8.3 User management setup (in UNIX).

  2. On the primary node, execute the jbsgetcnf command.

    Execute the following command on the primary node. This command saves the common definition information to the backup file:

    jbsgetcnf -h logical-host-name > backup-file-name

    Note that the logical host name must be correctly specified with lower or upper case as specified when the logical host was set up.

  3. Copy the backup file to the secondary node.

  4. On the secondary node, execute the jbssetcnf command:

    Execute the following command on the secondary node. In backup-file-name, specify the backup file created by the jbsgetcnf command:

    jbssetcnf backup-file-name
  5. Set the logical host.

    Execute the command as follows:

    jp1base_setup_cluster -h node0

    For details on the jp1base_setup_cluster command, see jp1base_setup_cluster (UNIX only) in 15. Commands.

  6. Change the JP1/Base communication protocol.

    Change the communication protocol of JP1/Base on physical hosts as required. This setting is not required on logical hosts.

    For details on whether changing the communication protocol is required and how to do so, see 6. JP1/Base Communication Settings According to Network Configurations.

This completes JP1/Base setup on the secondary node.