
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

5.7.2 Deleting logical hosts (in UNIX)

In UNIX, you must delete the logical host on both the primary and secondary nodes.

Execute the following:

  1. Execute the following command:

    jbsunsetcnf -i -h logical-host-name

    For details on the jbsunsetcnf command, see jbsunsetcnf in 15. Commands.

  2. Modify the settings of the event service environment.

    Delete the line of the logical host to be deleted which is set in the event server index file (index).

This procedure deletes the logical host information for JP1/Base and the programs that require JP1/Base (JP1/IM, JP1/AJS, or JP1/Power Monitor). However, shared files and shared directories remain on the shared disk. Delete these files and directories manually.


Note the following if you specify the same name for both the logical host name and the physical host name (as output by the hostname command).

  • Modify the settings for the event service environment.

    Uncomment the line server * default which is included in the event server index file (index) by default.

  • Modify the settings for the environment setting directory.

    1. Create a definition file with the following contents.

    You can choose any name for the definition file.



    2. Execute the following command to reflect the settings in the created definition file in the common definition information:

    /opt/jp1base/bin/jbssetcnf definition-file-name