
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

Summary of amendments

The following table lists changes in this manual (3021-3-L09(E)) and product changes related to this manual.



The following OSs were added to the supported OSs:

  • Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2022

  • Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) Server 9 (64-bit x86_64)

  • Oracle Linux(R) Operating System 9


The following OSs were deleted from the supported OSs:

  • Windows(R) 10 Enterprise 32-bit

  • Windows(R) 10 Home 32-bit

  • Windows(R) 10 Pro 32-bit

  • HP-UX 11i V3 (IPF)

  • Solaris 11 (SPARC)

  • Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) Server 6 (64-bit x86_64)

  • Oracle Linux(R) Operating System 6 (x64)

  • CentOS 6 (x64)

  • CentOS 7

  • CentOS 8


The following functions were removed:

  • JP1/SES compatibility function

  • SNMP trap conversion function

As a result, descriptions pertaining to the abovementioned functions were also deleted or changed.


A description of the procedure used to select JP1/Base included with media provided for JP1/AJS or JP1/IM was added to the description of the JP1/Base installation procedure (for Windows).


A precautionary note when overwriting an install of JP1/Base version 13-00 or later over a 12-50 or earlier version of JP1/Base was added.

3.2.3(5), 3.3.4(5)

Explanations of the following items were added, and a description assuming the use of such in 2038 and later was provided:

  • Enabling big timestamps when running in Linux

  • Preventing the ability to start command execution services

  • JP1/Base startup process definition file

3.3.4(9), 7.1.1, 7.2, Appendix A.1, Appendix A.2

UTF-8 was added as an English encoding available for use in Linux.

The following files were added to the JP1/Base definition files:

  • Character code mapping definition file

  • Language type mapping definition file

As a result, an additional procedure was added for changing the character code and language type mapping definition after installing an upgraded version of the software.

3.4.2, 3.4.2(3), Appendix A.2

The use of ECC-encrypted server certificates for SSL communication was enabled.

As a result, the description on how to create a private key was changed as part of the setup procedure for establishing an SSL communication environment on the server. Additional descriptions were added to provide examples of the use of the openssl command when using elliptic-curve cryptography, and to describe how to specify private key file names in the SSL communication definition file.

6.13.2, openssl, SSL communication definition file

With regard to event filter syntax, the value range of condition statement attributes B.TIME (Registered time) and B.ARRIVEDTIME (Arrived time) was changed.

As a result, descriptions of keywords for comparing condition statements, RANGE, TRANGE, and WITHIN were changed.

Event filter syntax

The type of the following parameters in the event server settings file was changed from required parameters to custom parameters:

  • include

  • options v5-unused

Event server settings file

TLS1.3 was added as an SSL communication version that can be specified to the SSL communication definition file.

An explanation on specifying an ECC-format encryption suite was added.

SSL communication definition file

AWS CLI-compatible scripts for use with auto-scaling linkage were added.

Appendix A.1, Appendix A.1(1) , Appendix A.2, Appendix A.2(1), Appendix L, Appendix L.1, Appendix L.1(3) , Appendix L.5, Appendix L.8(1) , Appendix L.8(4) , Appendix L.10


--: Not applicable

In addition to the above changes, minor editorial corrections were made.