
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

7.1.1 Starting services

In Windows, the following services are registered as Automatic by default and configured to start automatically when the system starts.

By default, the following services are configured to start automatically when the JP1/Base Control Service (startup control) starts:

There is normally no need to change these settings. Using the JP1/Base Control Service (startup control), you can set the JP1/Base EventlogTrap (event log trapping service) and other application programs to start automatically in a predefined sequence. For details on using the startup control, see 9. Setting the Service Start and Stop Sequences (Windows Only).

When not using JP1/Base Control Service:

To start a particular service without using the JP1/Base Control Service (startup control), add comment delimiters to the service definitions in the start sequence definition file (JP1SVPRM.DAT). Also, add comment delimiters to all the service definitions having dependencies with that service. That is, enter a # symbol at the beginning of every line of the definitions about the services.

Having edited the start sequence definition file (JP1SVPRM.DAT) in this way, you can then work with that service in the Services dialog box that opens from the Control Panel in Windows. If you start the services automatically or manually without adding comment delimiters, the KAVA4003-E message might appear and the system might not operate correctly.

When using in October 2034 or later

The JP1/Base command execution service (process) cannot be used from October 2034 onwards. Therefore, by the end of September 2034, you must perform the following procedure to change the settings. The change will prevent the command execution service (process) from starting.

  1. Check the status of the JP1/Base startup process.

    A different configuration procedure is used based on whether the authentication server is running. With JP1/Base started, execute the jbs_spmd_status command to confirm whether the authentication server has been started. If jbssessionmgr is listed in the information shown after the command is executed, the authentication server is running.

  2. Copy the model file of the 2038-compliant startup process definition file to create a startup process definition file.

    If the authentication server has not been started:

    copy installation-folder\conf\jp1bs_spmd.conf.2038_model installation-folder\conf\jp1bs_spmd.conf

    If the authentication server has been started:

    copy installation-folder\conf\jp1bs_spmd.conf.session.2038_model installation-folder\conf\jp1bs_spmd.conf

  3. Start or restart JP1/Base.

    Start JP1/Base to apply the settings. If JP1/Base is already running, restart JP1/Base.

  4. Check that the command execution service (process) is not running.

    Execute the jbs_spmd_status command and confirm that the command execution service (process) is not running. If jcocmd is not included in the information shown when the command is executed, the command execution service (process) is not running.

  • When using the startup control, do not use the Services dialog box to work with any of the services defined in the start sequence definition file (JP1SVPRM.DAT). Starting or stopping these services in the Services dialog box could cause the KAVA4003-E message to appear, and could make automatic start and stop control by the JP1/Base Control Service fail to operate correctly.

  • The event service must be running before the log-file trap management service and event-log trapping service can start. Always start JP1/Base Event before JP1/Base LogTrap and JP1/Base EventlogTrap.

  • The performance of programs that use the event service can be affected if JP1/Base is installed but the event service is not running. To avoid such problems, prohibit events from being issued or acquired if you do not wish to use the event service. For details, see API settings file in 16. Definition Files.

  • The JP1/Base service may not start properly if the jbs_spmd_status, jbs_spmd_reload, or jbs_spmd_stop command is executed while the service is starting. Do not execute any of these commands while the JP1/Base service is starting.

  • Upon the startup of the authentication server, password policy definitions are checked. When there is a mistake in the definitions, the authentication server starts up assuming that the default values, which are applied when the parameters are omitted, are set for the parameters.