
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

A.1 List of files and directories (in Windows)

In the following tables, the Base_Path indicates the installation-folder in this manual. The default location of Base_Path is as follows:

system-drive\Program Files (x86)\Hitachi\jp1base

SystemDrive in the table is the same as system-drive used in the body of this manual.

Table A‒1: List of files and folders of JP1/Base (in Windows)


File name/folder name

Command storage folder



Environment settings folder#1



Language type settings file



Configuration definition file



Startup process definition file


Base_Path\cconf\conf\jp1bs_spmd.conf.model (No authentication server startup (2038-non compliant))

Base_Path\conf\conf\jp1bs_spmd.conf.session.model (Authentication server startup (2038-non compliant))

Base_Path\cconf\conf\jp1bs_spmd.conf.2038_model (No authentication server startup (2038 compliant))

Base_Path\cconf\conf\jp1bs_spmd.conf.session.2038_model (Authentication server startup (2038 compliant))

JP1/IM function header file


Log folder#2



Folder for plug-in


Operating information storage folder



Readme file


Product number and version information


License type information


Event database storage folder#3



jp1hosts2 information



Log and temporary folder#2


Event ID save file
  • Base_Path\sys\tmp\event\servers\default\ereb.backup#4

  • shared-folder\jp1base\event\ereb.backup#4

Internal action file for the log file trapping function
  • Base_Path\sys\tmp\event\logtrap\conftbl.ID-number

Tool folder


Data collection tool sample batch file
  • Base_Path\tools\jbs_log.bat

Function sample source file that issues and collects JP1 events
  • Base_Path\tools\event\receiver.c

  • Base_Path\tools\event\sender.c

AR System linkage sample batch file
  • Base_Path\tools\helpdesk\register_ars.bat

Model file for Active Directory schema extension
  • Base_Path\tools\schema\JP1_UserLevel_schema.ldf.model

Integrated trace log folder

[32bit] system-drive\Program Files (x86)\Hitachi\HNTRLib2\spool\

[64bit] system-drive\Program Files\Hitachi\HNTRLib2\spool\

IT Report Utility (system information collection tool) folder

File used to link with IT Report Utility
  • %ProgramFiles%\Hitachi\systoru\pattern\!830_HNTRLIB2#5

Forwarding suppression status management folder


Forwarding suppression information folder for each agent


Auto-scaling linkage script folder#1


Script files
  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_setup_agent.ps1

  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_add_agent.ps1

  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_add_agent_cli.ps1

  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_del_agent.ps1

  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_del_agent_cli.ps1

Model files for script files
  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_setup_agent.ps1.model

  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_add_agent.ps1.model

  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_add_agent_cli.ps1.model

  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_del_agent.ps1.model

  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_del_agent_cli.ps1.model

Internal files
  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_util.ps1

  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_hosts

Model file for internal files
  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_util.ps1.model

Common definition information backup file output folder


Common definition information (except JP1/Base) backup file (physical host)
  • comdef_JP1_DEFAULT.conf

Common definition information (except JP1/Base) backup file (logical host)
  • comdef_logical-host-name.conf

Internal files
  • logical.list

#1: For details on definition files, see A.1(1) List of definition files (in Windows).

#2: For details on log files, see A.1(2) List of log files (in Windows).

#3: For details on event database file names, see 2.3.2 Event database.

#4: This file or folder is stored in a different folder if you specify another path in the event server index file (index).

#5: For a server OS that is Windows Server 2012 or later.

Organization of this subsection

(1) List of definition files (in Windows)

Table A‒2: List of definition files (in Windows)


File name/folder name

Startup control

Start sequence definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\boot\JP1SVPRM.DAT

  • Base_Path\conf\boot\JP1SVPRM.DAT.MODEL

Service startup delay time / timer monitoring period definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\boot\jp1svprm_wait.dat

  • Base_Path\conf\boot\jp1svprm_wait.dat.sample

Event service

Event server index file
  • Base_Path\conf\event\index

Event server settings file
  • Base_Path\conf\event\servers\default\conf#1

  • shared-folder\jp1base\event\conf#1

Forwarding settings file
  • Base_Path\conf\event\servers\default\forward#1

  • shared-folder\jp1base\event\forward#1

Forwarding settings file for event-forwarding suppression
  • Base_Path\conf\event\servers\default\suppress\forward_suppress#1

Any forwarding suppression definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\event\servers\default\suppress\forwarding-suppression-definition-file-name #1

API settings file
  • Base_Path\conf\event\api

Additional extended attribute settings file for transfer reception
  • Base_Path\conf\event\servers\default\recv_add_extattr#1

  • shared-folder\jp1base\event\recv_add_extattr#1

Additional extended attribute settings file for event registration
  • Base_Path\conf\event\servers\default\send_add_extattr#1

  • shared-folder\jp1base\event\send_add_extattr#1

Event conversion

Log file trap definition file

You can specify any folder and any file.

Log-file trap startup definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\event\jevlog_start.conf

Log information definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\event\jevlogd.conf

Event log trap definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\event\ntevent.conf

Event service definition information collection and distribution

Distribution definition file (forwarding settings file)
  • Base_Path\conf\event\servers\default\[jev_forward.conf | any-file]#2

  • shared-folder\jp1base\event\[jev_forward.conf | any-file]#2

Distribution definition file (log file trap definition file)
  • Base_Path\conf\[jev_logtrap.conf | any-file] #2

Distribution definition file (event log trap definition file)
  • Base_Path\conf\event\[jev_ntevent.conf | any-file] #2

User management

Password definition file

You can specify any folder and any file.

User permission level file
  • Base_Path\conf\user_acl\JP1_UserLevel

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\user_acl\JP1_UserLevel

Directory server modification file

You can specify any folder and any file.

Directory server linkage definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\ds\jp1bs_ds_setup.conf

  • Base_Path\conf\ds\jp1bs_ds_setup.conf.model

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\ds\jp1bs_ds_setup.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\ds\jp1bs_ds_setup.conf.model

User mapping definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\user_acl\jp1BsUmap.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\user_acl\jp1BsUmap.conf

Password policy definition files
  • Base_Path\conf\passwdpolc\jp1bs_passwdpolc.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\passwdpolc\jp1bs_passwdpolc.conf

Health check function

Health check definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\jbshc\jbshc.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\jbshc\jbshc.conf

Model file for the common definition settings file (health check function)
  • Base_Path\conf\jbshc\jbshc_setup.conf.model

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\jbshc\jbshc_setup.conf.model

Model file for the common definition settings file (health check function) (for upgrade from version 07-00 or earlier)
  • Base_Path\default\jbshc_com.conf.model

  • shared-folder\jp1base\default\jbshc_com.conf.model

Plugin service

Request transmission settings file
  • Base_Path\conf\plugin\reqforward.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\plugin\reqforward.conf

Operation log output function

Operation log definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\jp1bs_baselog_setup.conf

  • Base_Path\conf\jp1bs_baselog_setup.conf.model

Process management

JP1/Base parameter definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\jp1bs_param_V7.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\jp1bs_param_V7.conf

Extended startup process definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\jp1bs_service_0700.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\jp1bs_service_0700.conf

Communication settings

jp1hosts definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\jp1hosts

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\jp1hosts

jp1hosts2 definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\jp1hosts2.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\jp1hosts2.conf

Communication protocol settings file
  • Base_Path\conf\physical_ipany.conf

  • Base_Path\conf\logical_ipany.conf

  • Base_Path\conf\physical_recovery_0651.conf

  • Base_Path\conf\logical_recovery_0651.conf

  • Base_Path\conf\physical_anyany.conf

  • Base_Path\conf\physical_ipip.conf

  • Base_Path\conf\logical_ipip.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\physical_ipany.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\logical_ipany.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\physical_recovery_0651.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\logical_recovery_0651.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\physical_anyany.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\physical_ipip.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\logical_ipip.conf

Host access control definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\jbsdfts\jbsdfts_srv.conf

SSL communication definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\jp1bs_ssl.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\jp1bs_ssl.conf

Non-SSL communication host configuration file
  • Base_Path\conf\jp1bs_nosslhost.conf

File to which to write SSL definitions
  • Base_Path\sys\tmp\event\servers\default\ssl.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\event\ssl.conf

File to which to save the non-SSL communication host configuration file (JP1/Base)
  • Base_Path\sys\nossl_base.conf

  • Base_Path\sys\nossl_base{1|2|3}.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\sys\nossl_base.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\sys\nossl_base{1|2|3}.conf

File to which to save the non-SSL communication host configuration file (event service)
  • Base_Path\sys\tmp\event\servers\default\nossl_evt.conf

  • Base_Path\sys\tmp\event\servers\default\nossl_evt{1|2|3}.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\event\nossl_evt.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\event\nossl_evt{1|2|3}.conf

Local action function

Local action environment variable file

You can specify any folder and any file.

Local action execution definition file
  • Base_Path\conf\lcact\jbslcact.conf

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\lcact\jbslcact.conf

Common definition settings file (local action function)
  • Base_Path\conf\lcact\jp1bs_lcact_setup.conf.model

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\lcact\jp1bs_lcact_setup.conf.model

Collection of JP1/Base setup information in a single operation

Collection information file
  • Base_Path\conf\jbsparamdump.conf

Configuration management functionality

Common definition settings file (configuration management functionality)
  • Base_Path\conf\route\jbsrt_setup.conf.model

  • shared-folder\jp1base\conf\route\jbsrt_setup.conf.model

Auto-scaling linkage scripts

Script definition files
  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_setup_agent.ini

  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_setup_manager.ini

  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_setup_manager_cli.ini

Model files for script definition files
  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_setup_agent.ini.model

  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_setup_manager.ini.model

  • Base_Path\tools\cloud\jbsas_setup_manager_cli.ini.model

#1: This file or folder is stored in a different folder if you specify another path in the event server index file (index).

#2: This file does not exist unless definition information distribution is used.

(2) List of log files (in Windows)

The table below lists the log files that JP1/Base outputs by default.


JP1/Base also outputs some internal log files required for program maintenance. There is no need for users to reference or modify these internal log files. You might need to keep these files temporarily for data collection purposes if a system error occurs.

Log type indicates the type of log to which JP1/Base outputs data.

File name/folder name indicates the full path of the log file name when JP1/Base is installed using the default settings, and the log file name when JP1/Base is used in a cluster system.

Max. disk space indicates the maximum space the log file uses on a disk. If there are multiple log files, this column indicates the total.

File changing timing indicates when JP1/Base switches the output log files. Output destinations are changed when the indicated file size is reached or when the indicated event occurs. If there is only one log file, file changing causes that log file to be overwritten. If there are multiple log files and the maximum disk space has been reached, the file with the oldest update date is overwritten.

Table A‒3: List of log files (in Windows)

Log type

File name/folder name

Max. disk space

File changing timing

Process management log

  • Base_Path\log\JBS_SPMD{1|2|3}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JBS_SPMD{1|2|3}.log

384 KB

128 KB

  • Base_Path\log\JBS_SPMD_COMMAND{1|2|3}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JBS_SPMD_COMMAND{1|2|3}.log

384 KB

128 KB

  • Base_Path\log\JBS_SERVICE{1|2|3}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JBS_SERVICE{1|2|3}.log

384 KB

128 KB

Authentication server log

  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Hitachi\JP1\jp1_default\JP1Base\log\jbssessionapi.log{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log#1

  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Hitachi\JP1\logical-host-name\JP1Base\log\jbssessionapi.log{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log#1

5 MB

640 KB

  • Base_Path\log\jbssessionmgr{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\jbssessionmgr{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

5 MB

640 KB

  • Base_Path\log\jbssessionmgr_trace{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\ jbssessionmgr_trace{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

5 MB

640 KB

Log of the authentication server setting command

  • Base_Path\log\JBSSESS{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JBSSESS{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

5 MB

640 KB

  • Base_Path\log\JBS_SETUP\JBSSETUPSRV{1|2}.log

128 KB

64 KB

Log of the environment settings program

  • Base_Path\log\jp1bssetup{1|2}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\jp1bssetup{1|2}.log

128 KB

64 KB

Log of the logical host setting program

  • Base_Path\log\jp1hasetup.{log|log.old}

2,000 KB

1,000 KB

  • Base_Path\log\JBS_SETUP\JBSSETUPCLUSTER{1|2}.log

128 KB

64 KB

Command execution log (ISAM)#2


  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND\ ACTISAMLOGV8.DRF

1.2 GB#3


  • Base_Path\log\COMMAND\ACTISAMLOGV8.K01

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND\ ACTISAMLOGV8.K01

2 MB#3



  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND\ ACTISAMLOGV8.KDF

1 KB

When the command is executed


  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND\ CMDISAMLOGV8.DRF

1.2 GB#3


  • Base_Path\log\COMMAND\CMDISAMLOGV8.K01

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND\ CMDISAMLOGV8.K01

2 MB#3



  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND\ CMDISAMLOGV8.KDF

1 KB

When the command is executed

Common definition information log

  • Base_Path\log\JBSCNFCMD\JBSCNFCMD{1|2}.log

128 KB

64 KB

Log of jp1hosts information command

  • Base_Path\log\JBSCNFCMD\JBSCOMMCMD{1|2}.log

128 KB

64 KB

User mapping command log

  • Base_Path\log\JBSUMAPCMD\JBSUMAPCMD{1|2}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JBSUMAPCMD\JBSUMAPCMD{1|2}.log

128 KB

64 KB

Remote command log#2

  • Base_Path\log\JCOCMD\jcocmd_result{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JCOCMD\jcocmd_result{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

20 MB

2.5 MB

  • Base_Path\log\JCOCMD\jcocmdapi{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JCOCMD\jcocmdapi{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

20 MB

2.5 MB

  • Base_Path\log\JCOCMD\jcocmdapi_trace{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JCOCMD\jcocmdapi_trace{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

20 MB

2.5 MB

  • Base_Path\log\JCOCMD\jcocmdcom{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JCOCMD\jcocmdcom{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

20 MB

2.5 MB

  • Base_Path\log\JCOCMD\jcocmdcom_trace{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JCOCMD\jcocmdcom_trace{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

20 MB

2.5 MB

  • Base_Path\log\JCOCMD\jcocmdexe{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JCOCMD\jcocmdexe{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

20 MB

2.5 MB

  • Base_Path\log\JCOCMD\jcocmdexe_trace{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JCOCMD\jcocmdexe_trace{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

20 MB

2.5 MB

  • Base_Path\log\JCOCMD\jcocmdrouter{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JCOCMD\jcocmdrouter{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

20 MB

2.5 MB

  • Base_Path\log\JCOCMD\jcocmdrouter_trace{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JCOCMD\jcocmdrouter_trace{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

20 MB

2.5 MB

  • Base_Path\log\JCOCMD\JCOCMDCMD{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JCOCMD\JCOCMDCMD{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

20 MB

2.5 MB

Plug-in service log

  • Base_Path\log\plugin\jbsplugin{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\plugin\jbsplugin{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

5 MB

640 KB

  • Base_Path\log\plugin\jbsplugincom_{0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}#4_{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\plugin\jbsplugincom_{0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}#4_{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

50 MB

640 KB

  • Base_Path\log\plugin\jbsplugincmd{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\plugin\jbsplugincmd{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

5 MB

640 KB

  • Base_Path\log\plugin\jbsplugincmdapi{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\plugin\jbsplugincmdapi{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

5 MB

640 KB

  • Base_Path\log\plugin\jbspluginhcshm{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\plugin\jbspluginhcshm{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

5 MB

640 KB

  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Hitachi\JP1\jp1_default\JP1Base\log\plugin\jbsrmtcmd{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log#1

2,048 KB

256 KB

  • Base_Path\log\plugin\jbspluginremotecmd{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\plugin\jbspluginremotecmd{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

5 MB

640 KB

  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Hitachi\JP1\jp1_default\JP1Base\log\plugin\jbsrmtapi{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log#1

2,048 KB

256 KB

  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Hitachi\JP1\jp1_default\JP1Base\log\plugin\jbspluginmgrapi{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log#1

  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Hitachi\JP1\logical-host-name\JP1Base\log\plugin\jbspluginmgrapi{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log#1

5 MB

640 KB

  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Hitachi\JP1\jp1_default\JP1Base\log\plugin\jbsplugincomapi{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log#1

  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Hitachi\JP1\logical-host-name\JP1Base\log\plugin\jbsplugincomapi{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log#1

5 MB

640 KB

Configuration management log#2

  • Base_Path\log\route\JBSRT{1|2|3|4|5}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\route\JBSRT{1|2|3|4|5}.log

20 MB

4 MB

Start sequence control log

  • Base_Path\log\boot\ContServ{1|2}.log

128 KB

64 KB

Event log trap trace log

  • Base_Path\log\ntevtrap\trace{1|2}.log

1,024 KB

512 KB

Trap log for event log traps

  • Base_Path\log\ntevtrap\trap{1|2|3|4}.log

4,096 KB

1,024 KB

Log of the health check function (local host monitoring)

  • Base_Path\log\jbshc\jbshc{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\jbshc\jbshc{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

50 MB

6.25 MB

Log of the health check function (remote host monitoring)

  • Base_Path\log\jbshc\jbshchost{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\jbshc\jbshchost{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

50 MB

6.25 MB

Health check command log

  • Base_Path\log\jbshc\jbshcstatus{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\jbshc\jbshcstatus{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

50 MB

6.25 MB

Log of the health check API

  • Base_Path\log\jbshc\jbshcapi{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\jbshc\jbshcapi{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

50 MB

6.25 MB

Application error log

  • Base_Path\log\jbsdump.log

5 MB

5 MB

Operation log

  • Base_Path\log\BASE\base_log[{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16}].log

68 MB#5

1,024 KB#5#6

Trace log for the event setting, centralized management, and acquisition command

  • Base_Path\sys\tmp\event\servers\default\jevdef_get.{000|001|002}#7

  • shared-folder\jp1base\event\jevdef_get.{000|001|002}#7

192 KB

When the command is executed

Trace log for event setting, centralized management, and distribution command

  • Base_Path\sys\tmp\event\servers\default\jevdef_distrib.{000|001|002}#7

  • shared-folder\jp1base\event\jevdef_distrib.{000|001|002}#7

192 KB

When the command is executed

Trace log of the event service

  • Base_Path\sys\tmp\event\servers\default\trace.{000|001|002|003|004}#7#8

  • shared-folder\jp1base\event\trace.{000|001|002|003|004}#7#8

12.5 MB#8

When the event service starts

  • Base_Path\sys\tmp\event\servers\default\imevterr.{000|001|002|003|004}#7#8

  • shared-folder\jp1base\event\imevterr.{000|001|002|003|004}#7#8

5 MB#8

When the event service starts

Transfer error log of the event service

  • Base_Path\sys\tmp\event\servers\default\fwderr.{000|001|002|003|004}#7#8

  • shared-folder\jp1base\event\fwderr.{000|001|002|003|004} #7#8

5 MB#8

When the event service starts

Error log of the event service

  • Base_Path\sys\tmp\event\servers\default\error.{000|001|002|003|004}#7#8

  • shared-folder\jp1base\event\error.{000|001|002|003|004} #7, #8

2,500 KB#8

When the event service starts

Log of the event service API.

  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Hitachi\JP1\jp1_default\JP1Base\log\event\IMEvapi.{000|001|002|003|004}#9#10

5 MB#9

1 MB#9

Log of the event service

  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Hitachi\JP1\jp1_default\JP1Base\log\event\IMEvenc.{000|001|002|003|004}#10

5 MB

1 MB

Event service message settings change log

  • Base_Path\log\jevmessage\jevmessageid{1|2}.log

10 KB

5 KB

Error log of the log file trap

  • Base_Path\sys\tmp\event\logtrap\.errorfile.ID-number

A few hundred bytes#12

When the log file trap starts

Log of the log file trap

  • Base_Path\sys\tmp\event\logtrap\jevtraplog\jevtraplog.{000|001|002|003|004}

5 MB#13

1 MB#13

Log-file trap startup execution results log

  • Base_Path\log\jevlog_start\jevlog_start{1|2|3}.log#15#16

3 MB

1 MB

Remote monitoring log (log-file trap)

  • Base_Path\sys\tmp\event\logtrap\jelallog\jelallog{1-5}.log#15

5 MB

1 MB

Remote monitoring log (event log trap)

  • Base_Path\sys\tmp\event\logtrap\jelalelt\jelalelt{1-5}.log#15

5 MB

1 MB

Installation log

  • Windows-installation-folder\Temp\jp1common\jp1base\hliclibtrc{1|2|3|4|5}.log

1 MB

200 KB

  • Windows-installation-folder\Temp\jp1common\jp1base\hliclibmgrtrc{1|2|3|4|5}.log

1 MB

200 KB

  • Windows-installation-folder\Temp\jp1common\jp1base\hlicliberr{1|2|3|4|5}.log

50 KB

10 KB

  • Windows-installation-folder\Temp\jp1common\jp1base\hliclibmgrerr{1|2|3|4|5}.log

50 KB

10 KB

  • Windows-installation-folder\Temp\HCDINST\product-number[_{1|2|3|4|5}].LOG

The output destination in the remote desktop service (formerly known as the terminal service) of the server OS changes as follows:

  • %USERPROFILE%\WINDOWS\Temp\HCDINST\product-number[_{1|2|3|4|5}].LOG

25 KB

At installation

  • Windows-installation-folder\Temp\HCDINST\NETMINST.LOG

256 KB

256 KB

  • Windows-installation-folder\Temp\RF\HRF4SECURITYINSTALL{1|2|3|4}.LOG

1,024 KB

256 KB

  • Windows-installation-folder\Temp\RF\HRF4INSTALL{1|2|3|4}.LOG

1,024 KB

256 KB

Trace log for inter-process communication

  • Base_Path\log\JBSCOM\jbscomd{1|2|3|4}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JBSCOM\jbscomd{1|2|3|4}.log

10 MB

2.5 MB

  • Base_Path\log\JBSCOM\jbscomd_api{1|2|3|4}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JBSCOM\jbscomd_api{1|2|3|4}.log

10 MB

2.5 MB

  • Base_Path\log\JBSCOM\jbscomd_snd{1|2|3|4}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JBSCOM\jbscomd_snd{1|2|3|4}.log

10 MB

2.5 MB

  • Base_Path\log\JBSCOM\jbscomd_rcv{1|2|3|4}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JBSCOM\jbscomd_rcv{1|2|3|4}.log

10 MB

2.5 MB

  • Base_Path\log\JBSCOM\command{1|2|3|4}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\JBSCOM\command{1|2|3|4}.log

10 MB

2.5 MB

Error log of the command for collecting operating information

  • Base_Path\log\jbsopi\jbsopi_cmd{1|2|3|4|5}.log

5 MB

1 MB

Log for the operating information API

  • Base_Path\log\jbsopi\jbsopi_api{1|2|3|4|5}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\jbsopi\jbsopi_api{1|2|3|4|5}.log

5 MB

1 MB

Service management control log

  • Base_Path\log\jbssrvmgr\jbssrvmgr{1|2|3|4}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\jbssrvmgr\jbssrvmgr{1|2|3|4}.log

10 MB

2.5 MB

Trace log of the service management control

  • Base_Path\log\jbssrvmgr\jbssrvmgr_trace{1|2|3|4}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\jbssrvmgr\jbssrvmgr_trace{1|2|3|4}.log

10 MB

2.5 MB

Log of the service management control API

  • Base_Path\log\jbssrvmgr\jbssrvmgr_api{1|2|3|4}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\jbssrvmgr\jbssrvmgr_api{1|2|3|4}.log

10 MB

2.5 MB

Local action execution log

  • Base_Path\log\lcact\localact{1-n}#14.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\lcact\localact{1-n}#14.log

1,024 KB#14

256 KB#14

Local action log

  • Base_Path\log\jbslcact\jbslcact{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\jbslcact\jbslcact{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

2,048 KB

256 KB

  • Base_Path\log\jbslcact\jbslcact_list{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\jbslcact\jbslcact_list{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

2,048 KB

256 KB

  • Base_Path\log\jbslcact\jbslcact_cancel{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

  • shared-folder\jp1base\log\jbslcact\jbslcact_cancel{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}.log

2,048 KB

256 KB

Product information log

  • Base_Path\log\hliclib\hliclib*.log

5 MB

1 MB

JP1/Base communications base log

  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Hitachi\JP1\jp1_default\JP1Base\log\jp1BsComm\error{1|2|3|4|5}.log #10

5 MB

1 MB

Individual log for the setup information collection command

  • Base_Path\log\JBS_SETUP\JBSPARAMDUMP{1|2}.log

2 MB

1 MB

Log for recording starting and stopping of forwarding suppression

  • Base_Path\conf\event\servers\default\suppress\agent-host-name\{log|log.old}#7

128 KB

64 KB

Trace log for the event-forwarding suppression command

  • Base_Path\sys\tmp\event\servers\default\jevagtfw.{000|001|002|003|004}#7

5 MB

1 MB

#1: The value set in the environment variable %ALLUSERSPROFILE% at installation is used.

#2: Log file for JP1/IM - Manager

#3: You can use the jcocmddef command of JP1/IM - Manager with the -record option specified to change this to a value within the range below.

  • If the number of the records is 1 (-record 1)

    DRF file: 7 KB, K01 file: 4 KB

  • If the number of records is 20,000 (the default setting)

    DRF file: 125 MB, K01 file: 200 KB

  • If the number of the records is 196,600 (-record 196600)

    DRF file: 1.2 GB, K01 file: 2 MB

#4: Indicates a jbsplugincom process identification number.

#5: You can use the operation log definition file (jp1bs_baselog_setup.conf) to change the number of files and the maximum disk space. For details on the range of specifiable values, see I.5 Settings for outputting operation logs.

#6: You can specify whether to automatically switch files at JP1/Base startup in the operation log definition file (jp1bs_baselog_setup.conf).

#7: This file or folder is stored in a different folder if you specify another path in the event server index file (index).

#8: You can change the number of files and the maximum disk space using the event server settings file (conf). For details on the range of specifiable values, see Event server settings file in 16. Definition Files.

#9: You can use the API settings (api) file to change the number of files and the maximum disk space. For details on the range of specifiable values, see API settings file in 16. Definition Files.

#10: The value set in the environment variable %ALLUSERSPROFILE% at execution is used.

#11: One line equals approximately 100 bytes.

#12: A file is created when the log file trap starts, and is deleted when the log file trap terminates normally. If an error occurs, the file remains when the log file trap terminates. If the log file trap generates frequent errors, there will be a large number of error files. Therefore, you need to delete unnecessary error files.

#13: You can change the number of files and the maximum disk space they occupy in the log information definition file (jevlogd.conf). For details on the range of specifiable values, see Log information definition file in 16. Definition Files.

#14: You can use the common definition settings file (local action function) to change the number of files and the maximum disk space. For details on the range of specifiable values, see Common definition settings file (local action function) in 16. Definition Files.

#15: Logs are output in HNTRLib2 format (multi-process trace).

#16: When deleting this log data, also delete the mmap folder at the output destination.