
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide

12.5.3 Dealing with common problems

This section explains how to correct the problems that can generally be anticipated.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Actions to take when you cannot log in from JP1/IM - View

The actions to take differ depending on the message that is output.

The message KAVB1200-E: Communication error occurred in establishing the connection. is output.

The following are possible causes:

  • JP1/IM - Manager has not been started.

  • The host name at the connection destination is invalid.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • Start JP1/IM - Manager.

  • Make sure that the host name at the connection destination is correct.

The message KAVB0104-E: Failed to authenticate the user. is output.

The user name or password for the connection destination is invalid.

Corrective action

Make sure that the user name or password for the connection destination is valid.

The message KAVB0109-E: Communication error occurred between the connecting host and the authentication server.Connecting host:connecting-host or KAVB0111-E: A connection to the authentication server could not be established. is output.

The authentication server that is set at the connection-destination host has not been started.

Corrective action

Make sure of the following and take appropriate action.

  • The authentication server has been started.

  • Communication between the connection host and the authentication server is possible.

  • The authentication server settings are not incorrect.

The message KNAN20100-E: Address resolution for the specified connection destination host name failed. is output.

The following are possible causes:

  • The target host name is invalid.

  • The target host has not been started.

  • An error occurred in communications with the target host.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • Make sure that the target host name is correct.

  • Make sure that the target host has been started.

  • Make sure that there are no communication problems with the target host.

The message KNAN20101-E: Communication error occurred in establishing the connection.

The following are possible causes:

  • The target host name is invalid.

  • The target host has not been started.

  • An error occurred in communications with the target host.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • Make sure that the target host name is correct.

  • Make sure that the target host has been started.

  • Make sure that there are no communication problems with the connection-target host.

The message KNAN20102-E: Communication error occurred in establishing the connection. is output.

The following are possible causes:

  • The target host name is invalid.

  • The port number is invalid.

  • The target host has not been started.

  • An error occurred in communications with the target host.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • Make sure that the target host name is correct.

  • Make sure that the port number is available.

  • Make sure that the target host has been started.

  • Make sure that there are no communication problems with the connection-destination host.

The message KNAN20103-E: A communication error occurred while sending data. is output.

A communication error occurred between the connecting host and the authentication server.

Corrective action

Check the following, and then retry the operation:

  • Make sure that the name of the connecting host is correct.

  • Make sure that the connecting host is running.

  • Make sure that there are no communication problems with the connecting host.

The message KNAN20104-E: A communication error occurred while receiving data. is output.

A communication error occurred during an attempt to connect to the host.

Corrective action

Check the following, and then retry the operation:

  • Make sure that the target host name is correct.

  • Make sure that the port number is correct.

  • Make sure that the target host has been started.

  • Make sure that there are no communication problems with the target host.

(2) Actions to take when an attempt to connect to the event service fails

Cause 1

The event service on the manager host is not running.

Corrective action 1

Use the jbs_spmd_status command to check whether the event service is running on the manager host.

If the service is not running, start the service.

Cause 2

The server parameter is set incorrectly in the API settings file (api).

Corrective action 2

Match the setting of the server parameter in the API settings file (api) to the setting of the ports parameter in the event server settings file (conf).

If a host name is specified as the address in the server parameter in the API settings file (api) or the ports parameter in the event server settings file (conf), the host name might not resolve to the correct IP address. This is because the resolution process depends on the operating system.

For details about the API settings file (api) and the event server settings file (conf), see the chapters on these files in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

Cause 3

JP1/IM - Manager is running on an IPv6 host.

Corrective action 3

JP1/IM - Manager does not support IPv6 hosts. Therefore, when the monitored host is an IPv6 host, install JP1/IM - Manager on an IPv4/IPv6 host. Follow the instructions in error messages to take corrective action.

(3) Actions to take when the definition menu is not displayed in the Event Console window

In the Options menu of the Event Console window, menu-related definitions are disabled.

The JP1 resource group settings are invalid.

Corrective action

Make sure that in the JP1 resource group settings, the group name JP1_Console is specified for the JP1 resource group of the logged-in JP1 user, and JP1_Console_Admin or JP1_Console_Operator is specified for the permission level.

(4) Actions to take when the trapped JP1 event message indicates unreadable characters

The following are possible causes:

The corrective action to take for each case is described as follows:

The character encoding of the monitored log file does not match the encoding specified on the Configuration File page.

Correct the character encoding of monitored log file, and then retry the operation.

Note that this problem can also occur in remote monitoring.

The specified character encoding is not supported on the agent host.

Even when the character encoding is supported by JP1/IM - Manager, it might not be specifiable for the version of JP1/Base installed on the agent host. Check the version of JP1/Base installed on the agent host, and set a supported character encoding. Then retry the operation.

(5) Actions to take when you cannot execute a command

In the Execute Command window, the message KAVB0415-E: The command cannot be executed because the business group or monitoring group specified for the execution host name is not defined. (execution host name = execution-host-name) is output.

The business group or monitoring group specified for the execution host name is not defined.

Corrective action

Review the business group or monitoring group, and then re-execute the command. Note that the information in this message cannot be checked by using the jcocmdshow command of JP1/Base.

If you are still unable to execute the command, contact the system administrator and confirm the settings of the business group.

In the Execute Command window, the message KAVB0416-E: The command cannot be executed because the host specified for the execution host name is not a management target. (execution host name = execution-host-name) is output.

The host specified for the execution host name is not a managed host.

Corrective action

Check the type of host and then re-execute the command. Note that the information in this message cannot be checked by using the jcocmdshow command of JP1/Base.

If you are still unable to execute the command, contact the system administrator and check the settings of the business group.

In the Execute Command window, the message KAVB0417-E: The command cannot be executed because the user does not have the permissions necessary to execute it on the business group specified in the execution host name. (execution host name = execution-host-name) is output.

No permission is required for executing the command for the business group specified for the execution host name.

Corrective action

Review the business group or monitoring group, and then re-execute the command. Note that the information in this message cannot be checked by using the jcocmdshow command of JP1/Base.

If you are still unable to execute the command, contact the system administrator and check the settings of the business group.

In the Execute Command window, the message KAVB0418-E: The command cannot be executed because the user does not have the permissions necessary to execute on the host specified in the execution host name. (execution host name = execution-host-name) is output.

No permission is required for executing the command on the host specified for the execution host name.

Corrective action

Review the host and then re-execute the command. Note that the information in this message cannot be checked by using the jcocmdshow command of JP1/Base.

If you are still unable to execute the command, contact the system administrator and check the settings of the business group.

In the Execute Command window, the message KAVB0419-E: The command cannot be executed because a host group is defined with the same name as the host name specified for the execution host name. (execution host name = execution-host-name) is output.

The host group name specified for the destination host name is the same as the execution host name.

Corrective action

Confirm that no host group has the same name as the host name specified for the execution host name. If there is such a host group, change either name of the host or of the host group.

In the Execute Command window, the message KAVB0422-E: A host is not defined for the business group or monitoring group. (group name = group-name) is output.

No host is defined for the business group or monitoring group specified for the execution host name.

Corrective action

Define a host for the specified business group or monitoring group. Also review the coding of the business group or monitoring group path.

In the Execute Command window, the message KAVB0423-E: The business group or monitoring group is not defined. (group name = group-name) is output.

The business group or monitoring group specified for the execution host name is not defined.

Corrective action

Define the specified business group or monitoring group. Also review the coding of the business group or monitoring group path.

In the Execute Command window, the message KAVB2027-E: Cannot execute the command. Failed to simulate the user user-name environment. is output.

The user mapping setting is invalid.

Corrective action

Check the user mapping setting. If it is not set, set it. This setting is required in Windows.

When the host specified for the mapping source server name is using DNS, a domain name must be included in the setting. If the host name is correct but the simulation still fails, check whether DNS is being used. For details about the user mapping setting, see the chapter related to user mapping in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

In the Execute Command window, the message KAVB2031-E: Cannot execute the command. The host (host-name) is not managed by JP1/Console. is output.

The definition of the configuration definition file is invalid. Alternatively, the executing host name cannot be resolved.

Corrective action
  • Make sure the configuration information is defined in the configuration definition file.

  • Make a correction so that the executing host name can be resolved.

  • If this message is output in an environment in which both a physical host and a logical host are started under Windows, the network settings are insufficient. For details, see the section on building both a physical host environment and a logical host environment on the same host, in the notes related to cluster operation (Windows only) in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

In the Execute Command window, the message KAVB8452-E: The operation cannot be executed because the reference/operation permission function of the business group changed from active to inactive while logged in. is output.

The reference/operation permission of the business group changed from active to inactive while JP1/IM - View was connected.

Corrective action

Restart and log in to JP1/IM - View, and then re-execute the command.

The execution result from the DOS prompt differs from the execution result in the Execute Command window, or it differs from the execution result of an automated action.

The OS user environment used for execution is invalid.

Corrective action

Enable the -loaduserprofile option of the jcocmddef command. For details, see 9.4.4(3)(c) Environment for command execution in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide. See also the chapter that explains commands in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

When the command is executed from the Preview Command Execution Content window, the message KAVB0002-E is output, and then the command is suspended.

The name of an execution host or an execution command was not specified.

Corrective action

Specify an execution host or a command, and then re-execute the command.

When the command is executed from the Preview Command Execution Content window, the message KAVB1037-E is output, and then the command is suspended.

The value specified for the execution host name, execution command, or environment variable file exceeds the upper limit.

Corrective action

Correct the value of the item that exceeds the upper limit, and then re-execute the command.

The Execute Command window cannot be started, and the message KAVB1046-E is output.

An I/O error occurred when the configuration file for converting information was read.

Corrective action

Make sure that the necessary permission is set for the configuration file for converting information, and then re-execute the command.

If you are still unable to perform the operation, contact the system administrator.

(6) Actions to take when event information cannot be inherited

The attribute value is not inherited. Furthermore, warning information is displayed in the Preview Command Execution Content window.

The event has no attribute corresponding to the variable.

Alternatively, there is no attribute value corresponding to the variable.

Corrective action

Check the specified event and the execution content of the command for which the variable is specified, and re-execute the command.

The event to be inherited is not displayed in the Execute Command window.

The menu or button that was clicked was not one for which events are inherited.

Corrective action

Select an event that can be inherited, and then click the menu or button for inheriting it.

A special character in the event inheritance information is not converted. Furthermore, the message KAVB1040-W, KAVB1041-W, KAVB1042-W, KAVB1043-W, or KAVB1044-W is output.

The configuration file for converting information is invalid.

Corrective action

Review the configuration file for converting information, and restart the Execute Command window.

All of the characters before cutoff are not displayed in the Preview Command Execution Content window. Furthermore, the message KAVB1036-W is output.

The number of characters before truncation after variables are replaced exceeds the maximum number of characters that can be displayed in the text area in the Preview Command Execution Content window.

Corrective action

Review the execution content of the command for which the variables are specified, and then re-execute the command.

(7) Actions to take when you cannot execute a command from the Command button

The message KAVB1035-E is output, and the command is suspended.

Although the executed command is set to inherit an event, nothing is specified as the event to be inherited.

Corrective action

Specify an event to be inherited, and then re-execute the command.

The message KAVB0002-E is output, and the command is suspended.

After the event information is inherited, the value of the execution host name or execution command is an empty string.

Corrective action

Make sure that the variable names of the items set for the executing command and the event to be inherited are correct, and then re-execute the command.

The message KAVB1037-E is output, and the command is suspended.

After the event information is inherited, the value specified for the execution host name, execution command, or environment variable file exceeds the upper limit.

Corrective action

Review the value of the item that exceeds the upper limit, and then re-execute the command.

(8) Actions to take when you cannot start a client application

In the Execute Command window, the message KAVB1034-E is output, and the command is suspended.

The following are possible causes:

The following describes the corrective action to take for each case:

The path to the command execution file is not found.

Review the command line and make sure that the command can be executed at the command prompt. Then re-execute the command.

You do not have permissions necessary for executing the command.

Confirm that you have execution permission for the command to be executed and make sure that the command can be executed at the command prompt. Then re-execute the command.

An I/O error occurs when the command process starts.

Make sure that the command to be executed can be executed at the command prompt, and then re-execute the command.

(9) Actions to take when a command execution log file is damaged

If an operation to write data into a command execution log file is interrupted by, for example, a machine stoppage caused by a power failure, the command execution log file for automated actions or the command execution log file for command execution may be damaged.

In such cases, the following messages are issued:

If any of these messages is output, use the following procedure to check the status of the command execution log file.

  1. Use the procedure in (a) below to check the file that may have been damaged.

  2. If it is not damaged, take the correction action prescribed in each message.

  3. If it is damaged, restored it using the procedure described in (b).

  4. If the file cannot be restored using the procedure in (b), follow the procedure in (c) to delete the command execution log file.

(a) How to check the command execution log files

Checking the command execution log file for automated actions

  • In Windows

    From the command prompt, execute the following commands:

    cd Base-path\log\COMMAND

    (For a logical host: cd shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND)

    Jischk -l3 Base-path\log\COMMAND\ACTISAMLOGV8

  • In UNIX

    Execute the following command:

    cd /var/opt/jp1base/log/COMMAND

    (For a logical host: cd shared-directory/jp1base/log/COMMAND)

    /opt/jp1base/bin/Jischk -l3 actisamlogv8

Checking the command execution log file for command execution

  • In Windows

    From the command prompt, execute the following commands:

    cd Base-path\log\COMMAND

    (For a logical host: cd shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND)

    Jischk -l3 Base-path\log\COMMAND\CMDISAMLOGV8

  • In UNIX

    Execute the following command:

    cd /var/opt/jp1base/log/COMMAND

    (For a logical host: cd shared-directory/jp1base/log/COMMAND)

    /opt/jp1base/bin/Jischk -l3 cmdisamlogv8

If the Jischk command does not detect file invalidity, the command execution log file is not damaged. If the Jischk command detects file invalidity, follow the procedure described in (b) below to restore the command execution log file.

For details about the Jischk command, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

(b) How to restore the command execution log files

Restoring the command execution log file for automated actions

  • In Windows

    Perform the following operations with Administrator permissions. Also, for the restoration operation you need free space that is approximately three times the size of ACTISAMLOGV8.DRF.

    1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager.

    2. Stop JP1/Base.

    3. From the command prompt, execute the commands listed below to restore the command execution log file.

      For details about the Jiscond command, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

      cd Base-path\log\COMMAND

      (For a logical host: cd shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND)

      Jiscond ACTISAMLOGV8

    4. From the command prompt, execute the following command to check whether the command execution log file has been normally restored:

      Jischk -l3 ACTISAMLOGV8

      If the Jischk command detects file invalidity, the command execution log file cannot be restored. If the file cannot be restored, follow the procedure described in (c) below to delete the command execution log file for automated actions.

    5. Start JP1/Base.

    6. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

  • In UNIX

    Perform the following operations with superuser permissions. Also, for the restoration operation you need free space that is approximately three times the size of actisamlogv8.DAT.

    1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager.

    2. Stop JP1/Base.

    3. Execute the commands listed below to restore the command execution log file.

      For details about the Jiscond command, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

      cd /var/opt/jp1base/log/COMMAND

      (For a logical host: cd shared-directory/jp1base/log/COMMAND)

      /opt/jp1base/bin/Jiscond actisamlogv8

    4. From the command prompt, execute the following command to check whether the command execution log file has been normally restored:

      /opt/jp1base/bin/Jischk -l3 actisamlogv8

      If the Jischk command detects file invalidity, the command execution log file cannot be restored. If the file cannot be restored, follow the procedure in (c) to delete the command execution log file for automated actions.

    5. Start JP1/Base.

    6. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

Restoring the command execution log file for command execution

  • In Windows

    Perform the following operations with Administrator permissions. Also, for the restoration operation you need free space that is approximately three times the size of CMDISAMLOGV8.DRF.

    1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager.

    2. Stop JP1/Base.

    3. From the command prompt, execute the commands listed below to restore the command execution log file.

      For details about the Jiscond command, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

      cd Base-path\log\COMMAND

      (For a logical host: cd shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND)

      Jiscond CMDISAMLOGV8

    4. From the command prompt, execute the following command to check whether the command execution log file has been normally restored:

      Jischk -l3 CMDISAMLOGV8

      If the Jischk command detects file invalidity, the command execution log file cannot be restored. If the file cannot be restored, follow the procedure described in (c) below to delete the command execution log file for command execution.

    5. Start JP1/Base.

    6. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

  • In UNIX

    Perform the following operations with superuser permissions. Also, for the restoration operation you need free space that is approximately three times the size of cmdisamlogv8.DAT.

    1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager.

    2. Stop JP1/Base.

    3. Execute the following command:

      cd /var/opt/jp1base/log/COMMAND

      (For a logical host: cd shared-directory/jp1base/log/COMMAND)

      /opt/jp1base/bin/Jiscond cmdisamlogv8

    4. From the command prompt, execute the following command to check whether the command execution log file has been normally restored:

      /opt/jp1base/bin/Jischk -l3 cmdisamlogv8

      If the Jischk command detects file invalidity, the command execution log file cannot be restored. If the file cannot be restored, follow the procedure described in (c) below to delete the command execution log file for command execution.

    5. Start JP1/Base.

    6. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

(c) How to delete the command execution log files

Deleting the command execution log file for automated actions

When you delete the command execution log file for automated actions, all history on past automated actions is lost. Therefore, if deletion will cause a problem, back up the files. For details, see 1.2.2 Database backup and recovery.

  1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager.

  2. Stop JP1/Base.

  3. Delete the command execution log file.

    Delete the files listed in the table below if you could not restore the command execution log file for automated actions. For details about the command execution log file, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

    In Windows

    Table 12‒29: Locations of files to be deleted (Windows)

    File name


    Command execution log file for automated actions

    • Base-path\log\COMMAND\ACTISAMLOGV8.DRF

    • Base-path\log\COMMAND\ACTISAMLOGV8.K01

    • Base-path\log\COMMAND\ACTISAMLOGV8.KDF

    • shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND\ACTISAMLOGV8.DRF

    • shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND\ACTISAMLOGV8.K01

    • shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND\ACTISAMLOGV8.KDF

    Action information file



    Action host name file



    In UNIX

    Table 12‒30: Locations of files to be deleted (UNIX)

    File name


    Command execution log file for automated actions

    • /var/opt/jp1base/log/COMMAND/actisamlogv8.DAT

    • /var/opt/jp1base/log/COMMAND/actisamlogv8.K01

    • /var/opt/jp1base/log/COMMAND/actisamlogv8.DEF

    • shared-directory/jp1base/log/COMMAND/actisamlogv8.DAT

    • shared-directory/jp1base/log/COMMAND/actisamlogv8.K01

    • shared-directory/jp1base/log/COMMAND/actisamlogv8.DEF

    Action information file



    Action host name file



  4. Start JP1/Base.

  5. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

Deleting the command execution log file for command execution

When you delete the command execution log file for command execution, all history on past command execution is lost. Therefore, if deletion will cause a problem, back up the files. For details, see 1.2.2 Database backup and recovery.

  1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager.

  2. Stop JP1/Base.

  3. Delete the command execution log file.

    Delete the files listed in the table below if you could not restore the command execution log file for command execution. For details about the command execution log file, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

    In Windows

    Table 12‒31: Locations of files to be deleted (Windows)

    File name


    Command execution log file for command execution

    • Base-path\log\COMMAND\CMDISAMLOGV8.DRF

    • Base-path\log\COMMAND\CMDISAMLOGV8.K01

    • Base-path\log\COMMAND\CMDISAMLOGV8.KDF

    • shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND\CMDISAMLOGV8.DRF

    • shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND\CMDISAMLOGV8.K01

    • shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND\CMDISAMLOGV8.KDF

    In UNIX

    Table 12‒32: Locations of files to be deleted (UNIX)

    File name


    Command execution log file for command execution

    • /var/opt/jp1base/log/COMMAND/cmdisamlogv8.DAT

    • /var/opt/jp1base/log/COMMAND/cmdisamlogv8.K01

    • /var/opt/jp1base/log/COMMAND/cmdisamlogv8.DEF

    • shared-directory/jp1base/log/COMMAND/cmdisamlogv8.DAT

    • shared-directory/jp1base/log/COMMAND/cmdisamlogv8.K01

    • shared-directory/jp1base/log/COMMAND/cmdisamlogv8.DEF

  4. Start JP1/Base.

  5. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

(10) Actions to take when Unknown is displayed as the automated action execution status

There may be inconsistencies among the files in which automated action execution results are saved (action information file, action host name file, and command execution log file).

If so, you need to delete the files in which automated action execution results are saved. If you delete these files, you will no longer be able to view past automated action execution results. Therefore, if deletion will cause a problem, back up the files. For details, see 1.2.2 Database backup and recovery.

The deletion procedure follows:

  1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager and then stop JP1/Base.

    In the case of a cluster configuration, operate the cluster software to stop the logical hosts. After you have confirmed that they have stopped, mount a shared disk in the shared directory.

  2. Delete the action information file, action host name file, and command execution log file.

    The table below shows the locations of the files to delete.

    In Windows
    Table 12‒33: Locations of files to delete (Windows)

    File name


    Action information file



    Action host name file



    Command execution log file

    All files under Base-path\log\COMMAND\

    All files under shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND\

    In UNIX
    Table 12‒34: Locations of files to delete (UNIX)

    File name


    Action information file



    Action host name file



    Command execution log file

    All files under /var/opt/jp1base/log/COMMAND/

    All files under shared-directory/jp1base/log/COMMAND/

  3. Start JP1/Base and then start JP1/IM - Manager.

    In the case of a cluster configuration, unmount the shared disk and then operate the cluster software to start the logical hosts.

(11) Actions to take when an automated action is delayed

When the automated action status remains Running.

First, use the jcocmdshow command# to check the command status. The action to take differs depending on the result. The possible cause for each obtained result and the action to take in each case are explained below.

There is a command whose command execution lapse time (ETIME) is too long.


A command is executing that does not terminate, or that is taking a long time.

Corrective action

Using the jcocmddel command,# delete the command that does not terminate. For details, see 8.1.4 Checking command execution status and deleting a command in this manual, and see 9.4.4(6) Commands for troubleshooting in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

The message KAVB2239-E: A network connection with the connected host could not be established. is displayed.


JP1/Base on the executing host stopped while the command was being executed.

Corrective action

Restart JP1/Base on the executing host.

As a means of monitoring JP1/Base, the JP1/Base health check function is available. For details, see 9.4.8 JP1/Base health check function in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

There are a large number of commands whose execution status (STATUS) is Q.


The number of automated actions to be executed is too large.

Corrective action

Check the automated actions being executed and reassess the following:

  • Were any unnecessary automated actions set?

  • Is it possible to narrow the JP1 events for which automated actions are to be set?

If there are no unnecessary automated actions, use the jcocmddef command# to increase the number of commands that can be executed simultaneously. For details, see 14.7.6 Command execution environment in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.


For details about the jcocmdshow command, jcocmddel command, and jcocmddef command, see the chapter explaining commands in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

(12) Actions to take when the monitored object database is damaged

Messages such as KAVB7247-E: JP1/IM-CS could not execute the operation request (request-name) from JP1/IM-View. (Cause: The record in the database is invalid). and KAVB7248-E: JP1/IM-CS could not execute the operation request (request-name) from JP1/IM-View. (Cause: The database cannot be operated). are output.

The following is the possible cause:

  • Logical conflict has occurred in the monitored object database of JP1/IM - Manager.

Corrective action

Take the following steps:

  1. Stop JP1/IM - Manager.

  2. Collect a backup of the Scope-path\database folder for problem investigation.

  3. Execute the jcsdbsetup -f command.

  4. Delete all files from the Scope-path\database\jcshosts folder.

  5. Execute the jcshostsimport -r jcshosts command.

  6. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

(13) Actions to take when the monitored object database cannot be unlocked

The monitored object database stays locked.

The following is the possible cause:

  • An attempt to acquire a lock on the monitored object database of JP1/IM - Manager failed.

Corrective action

Take the following steps:

  1. Execute the jco_spmd_status command to make sure the jcsmain process is not active.

  2. Execute the Jismlcktr command.

  3. Determine which process has locked the files under Scope-path\database.

  4. Execute the Jislckfree -p PID command on the process ID determined in Step 3.

The Jismlcktr and Jislckfree commands are provided by JP1/Base. For details, see the chapter that explains commands in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

(14) Actions to take when KAVB5150-W is displayed in the detailed information (message) for the action result

When the Action Log Details window is opened, the message KAVB5150-W: There is no applicable data in the Command Executed log file. is displayed in the message column.

The command execution log file (ISAM) may have wrapped. If it has wrapped, automated action execution results cannot be displayed.

Corrective action

If this phenomenon occurs frequently, consider increasing the upper limit for the record count in the command execution log file. Keep in mind, however, that increasing the record count will also use more disk space.

The procedure follows:

Changing the upper limit for the record count

When you increase the upper limit for the record count, you must delete the command execution log file to enable the new setting. When you delete the command execution log file, all history on past automated actions and command execution is lost. Therefore, if deletion will cause a problem, back up the files. For details, see 1.2.2 Database backup and recovery.

  1. Execute the jcocmddef command to change the record count in the command execution log file.

  2. Stop JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/Base.

    In the case of a cluster configuration, operate the cluster software to stop the logical hosts.

    After you have confirmed that they have stopped, mount a shared disk in the shared directory.

  3. Delete the command execution log files.

    This means all files under the command execution log folder. The default command execution log folder is described below.

    In Windows

    Table 12‒35: Locations of command execution log files (Windows)

    File name


    Command execution log file

    All files under Base-path\log\COMMAND\

    All files under shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND\

    In UNIX

    Table 12‒36: Locations of command execution log files (UNIX)

    File name


    Command execution log file

    All files under /var/opt/jp1base/log/COMMAND/

    All files under shared-directory/jp1base/log/COMMAND/

    For details about the command execution log file, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

  4. Start JP1/Base and JP1/IM - Manager.

    In the case of a cluster configuration, unmount the shared disk and then operate the cluster software to start the logical hosts.

For details about the jcocmddef command, see the chapter that explains commands in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

(15) Actions to take when an earlier version of JP1/IM - Manager or JP1/IM - View is being used

The actions to take differ depending on the message that is output.

The message KAVB6060-E: The connection destination server did not respond. is displayed.


The version of JP1/IM - Manager is earlier than the version of JP1/IM - View, or an earlier version of the monitored object database is being used.

Corrective action
When the version of JP1/IM - Manager is earlier than the version of JP1/IM - View:

Use the following procedure to upgrade the JP1/IM - Manager version.

  1. In the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window, choose File and then Save Tree, and save the edited monitoring tree in the csv file.

  2. Upgrade JP1/IM - Manager to the same version as JP1/IM - View.

  3. In the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window, choose File and then Open Tree, and load the csv file that was saved.

  4. In the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window, choose File and then Update Server Tree to update the server tree.

When the version of JP1/IM - View is the same as the version of JP1/IM - Manager Scope, but an earlier version of the monitored object database is being used:

Follow the procedure below to upgrade the monitored object database version.

  1. In the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window, choose File and then Save Tree, and save the edited monitoring tree in the csv file.

  2. Upgrade the monitored object database version.

  3. In the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window, choose File and then Open Tree, and load the csv file that was saved.

  4. In the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window, choose File and then Update Server Tree to update the server tree.

For details about upgrading the monitored object database version, see the following sections:

  • For a physical host

    Windows: 1.19.7(1) Executing the Central Scope upgrade command in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

    UNIX: 2.18.11(2) Executing the Central Scope upgrade command in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

  • For a logical host

    Windows: 7.6 Upgrade installation and setup of logical hosts (for Windows) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

    UNIX: 8.6 Upgrade installation and setup of logical hosts (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

When the version of JP1/IM - Manager is later than the version of JP1/IM - View, and an earlier version of the monitored object database is being used:

Follow the procedure below to upgrade the JP1/IM - View version.

  1. In the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window, choose File and then Save Tree, and save the edited monitoring tree in the csv file.

  2. Uninstall JP1/IM - Manager.

  3. Delete the JP1/IM - Manager installation directory.

  4. Install the version of JP1/IM - Manager or JP1/IM - Central Scope that matches the version of JP1/IM - View.

  5. In the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window, choose File and then Open Tree, and load the csv file that was saved.

  6. In the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window, choose File and then Update Server Tree to update the server tree.

  7. Upgrade JP1/IM - Manager to the later version.

  8. Upgrade JP1/IM - View to the same version as JP1/IM - Manager.

The message KAVB6046-E: The user (user) does not have permission necessary for operations. is displayed.


The version of JP1/IM - View is earlier than the version of JP1/IM - Manager, or the edited data in JP1/IM - View is from an earlier version.

Corrective action

Follow the procedure below to upgrade the version of JP1/IM - View.

  1. In the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window, choose File and then Save Tree, and save the edited monitoring tree in the csv file.

  2. Uninstall JP1/IM - Manager.

  3. Delete the JP1/IM - Manager installation directory.

  4. Install the JP1/IM - Manager version that is the same version as JP1/IM - View.

  5. In the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window, choose File and then Open Tree, and load the csv file that was saved.

  6. In the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window, choose File and then Update Server Tree to update the server tree.

  7. Upgrade JP1/IM - Manager to the later version.

  8. Upgrade JP1/IM - View to the same version as JP1/IM - Manager.

(16)  Actions to take when many JP1 events occurred for which correlation events were generated

If an operation such as system maintenance generates a large number of JP1 events for which correlation events are generated, the correlation event generation process may become overloaded.

The following two methods are available for avoiding this situation:

Stop JP1/IM - Manager only if the problem cannot be avoided even after the correlation event generation process has been paused.

Pausing the correlation event generation process

Pause the correlation event generation process, and resume it once the situation has improved.

The procedure follows:

  1. Execute the jcoegsstop command to pause correlation event generation processing.

    Executing the jcoegsstop command places Event Generation Service in standby status. This means that JP1 events generated during this period are not processed.

    Since the command stops only the processing without actually stopping the service, operations can continue without failover during cluster operation.

  2. To resume correlation event generation processing, execute the jcoegsstart command.

Stopping JP1/IM - Manager

When you stop JP1/IM - Manager, if the startup option is set to cold, there is no need to perform the procedure described below. Perform it only when the startup option is set to warm.

The procedure follows:

  1. Edit the correlation event generation system profile (egs_system.conf) and then change the startup option to cold.

  2. Restart JP1/IM - Manager.

  3. Edit the correlation event generation system profile (egs_system.conf) and then change the startup option back to warm.

  4. Execute the jco_spmd_reload command to enable the startup option setting.

(17) Actions to take when correlation events cannot be displayed in JP1/IM - View

The following are possible causes:

The action to take in response to each cause is described below.

Correlation event generation is not enabled.

Event Generation Service is an optional function and thus does not start by default. If Event Generation Service is not set to start, execute the jcoimdef command to set up the service to start. Event Generation Service will now start when JP1/IM - Manager is restarted.

To check whether the correlation event generation process is running, first restart JP1/IM - Manager and then execute the jcoegsstatus command to check whether Event Generation Service is in RUNNING status.

A correlation event generation definition has not been created.

Event Generation Service generates correlation events according to the correlation event generation definition. Since the correlation event generation definition is not created by default, correlation events are not generated.

After you have created the correlation event generation definition file, execute the jcoegschange command to apply the correlation event generation definition to Event Generation Service. You can use the jcoegsstatus command to check the correlation event generation definition that has been applied.

Correlation events are being filtered.

Check whether correlation events are not being filtered by an event acquisition filter, a user filter, a severe event filter, or a view filter.

Like normal JP1 events, correlation events are also filtered by an event acquisition filter, a user filter, a severe event filter, and a view filter. Furthermore, events for which no severity level has been defined are filtered by an event acquisition filter (in the default setting).

The applied correlation event generation definition is damaged.

If the message described below is output to the integrated trace log, the correlation event generation definition that was applied to Event Generation Service by the jcoegschange command may have been damaged.

  • KAJV2246-E An incorrect definition was detected because the correlation event generation definition storage file is corrupt. (line = line-number, incorrect contents = invalid-content)

If this message is output, execute the jcoegschange command and apply the correlation event generation definition again.

(18) Actions to take when the JP1/IM - View window cannot be displayed after you log in to JP1/IM - View

After you log in to JP1/IM - View, the JP1/IM - View window is not displayed. The task bar shows the JP1/IM - View task bar button.


When you perform the following operation, the JP1/IM - View window is not displayed after you log in to JP1/IM - View:

  • Terminating JP1/IM - View while a screen area was displayed in which JP1/IM - View was not shown because of the virtual window configuration.#


This configuration, by having more desktops than the display windows in the memory and by displaying each of the partitioned areas as a single virtual desktop, allows the user to use multiple desktops by switching among the windows.

This configuration is also called a virtual desktop.

Corrective action

Take one of the following corrective actions:

Corrective action 1
  1. Press the Alt + Tab keys and select JP1/IM - View.

  2. From the task bar, choose Cascade Windows to display all windows in a cascade.

  3. Change the display positions and sizes of the JP1/IM - View and other windows.

Corrective action 2
  1. Press the Alt + Tab keys and select JP1/IM - View.

  2. From the task bar, choose Tile Windows Horizontally to display all windows as horizontal tiles.

  3. Change the display positions and sizes of the JP1/IM - View and other windows.

Corrective action 3
  1. Press the Alt + Tab keys and select JP1/IM - View.

  2. From the task bar, choose Tile Windows Vertically and display all windows as vertical tiles.

  3. Change the display positions and sizes of the JP1/IM - View and other windows.

Corrective action 4
  1. Press the Alt + Tab keys and select JP1/IM - View.

  2. From the Context menu of JP1/IM - View, choose Move and then use the cursor key to adjust the position.

  3. Once you have decoded the position of the displayed window or its frame, press the Enter key.

Corrective action 5
  1. Press the Alt + Tab keys and select JP1/IM - View.

  2. From the Context menu of JP1/IM - View, choose Maximize, and with the window maximized, log out of JP1/IM - View.

  3. After you log in to JP1/IM - View again, change the window's display position and size.

(19) Actions to take when command execution or a batch file executed in an automated action does not terminate normally (Windows only)


If all of the following conditions are present, batch file processing is interrupted and cannot be normally executed.

  • The OS of the host specified as the command execution destination is Windows 2000.

  • A batch file uses the FOR /F command.

  • After the execution of the FOR /F command, the result is output to standard error.

Corrective action

Take one of the following corrective actions:

  • Do not use the FOR /F command.

  • Do not output the result to standard error after execution of the FOR /F command.

(20) Actions to take when an additional common exclusion-condition cannot be set

The message KAVB1155-E is output, and the additional common exclusion-condition cannot be registered.

The number of defined common exclusion-conditions had already reached the maximum number when an attempt was made to display the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window from the Exclude by Common Exclusion-Conditions menu, or to register the additional common exclusion-condition.

Corrective action

Delete unnecessary common exclusion-conditions groups.

The message KAVB1163-E is output, and the additional common exclusion-condition cannot be registered.

The following are possible causes:

  • The event acquisition filter is operating in compatibility mode, or the common exclusion-conditions are operating in basic mode.

  • The definition file is invalid.

  • An attempt to switch the event acquisition filter failed.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • If the common exclusion-conditions of JP1/IM - Manager do not operate in extended mode, check the operating mode of the common exclusion-conditions of JP1/IM - Manager and change the mode to extended mode. Then restart JP1/IM - View and retry the operation.

  • Stop JP1/IM - Manager, change the operating mode of the common exclusion-conditions to basic mode. Next, change the mode back to extended mode and then initialize the definition of the common exclusion-conditions (extended).

  • Confirm that the KAVB4003-I message is output to an integrated trace log of the manager, and then retry the operation. If the KAVB4003-I message has not been output and the integrated management database is being used, execute the jimdbstatus command to check the status of the IM database service. Confirm that the IM database service is running, confirm that the KAVB4003-I message has been output to an integrated trace log, and then retry the operation.

For other causes, check whether OS resources, such as file descriptors, are insufficient.

  • For Windows: Windows event log

  • For UNIX: Syslog

If OS resources are sufficient, use the data collection tool to collect data and then contact the system administrator.

The message KAVB1157-E is output, and the additional common exclusion-condition cannot be registered.

The filter of the common exclusion-conditions had already reached the maximum size when an attempt was made to display the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window from the Exclude by Common Exclusion-Conditions menu, or to register the additional common exclusion-condition.

Corrective action

Delete unnecessary common exclusion-conditions groups, or define the common exclusion-conditions groups so that they are within the maximum size of the filter.

The message KAVB0256-E is output, and the additional common exclusion-condition cannot be registered.

The specified common exclusion-conditions group name already existed when an attempt was made to register the additional common exclusion-condition.

Corrective action

Specify a different common exclusion-conditions group name, and then retry the operation.

The message KAVB1153-E is output in a log, and the attribute conditions set in the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file are not automatically displayed in Event conditions when you display the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window from the Exclude by Common Exclusion-Conditions menu.

The common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file does not exist.

Corrective action

Make sure that:

  • There is a common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file.

  • You have permission to access the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file.

Next, execute the jco_spmd_reload command or restart JP1/IM - Manager to reload the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file.

The message KAVB1154-W is output in a log, and the automatically-specified conditions are not displayed in Event conditions when you display the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window from the Exclude by Common Exclusion-Conditions menu.

An attempt to read the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file failed.

Corrective action

Check whether OS resources are insufficient.

  • For Windows: Windows event log

  • For UNIX: Syslog

If OS resources are sufficient, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact the system administrator.

The message KAVB1158-W is output in a log, and the automatically-specified conditions are not displayed in Event conditions when you display the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window from the Exclude by Common Exclusion-Conditions menu.

The common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file contains no definitions.

Corrective action

Set an attribute name in the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file, and then either execute the jco_spmd_reload command or restart JP1/IM - Manager to reload the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file.

The message KAVB1159-W or KAVB1160-W is output in a log, and the automatically-specified conditions are not displayed in Event conditions when you display the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window from the Exclude by Common Exclusion-Conditions menu.

The following are possible causes:

  • An invalid attribute name is defined in the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file.

  • Duplicate attribute names are defined in the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file.

Corrective action

Define a valid attribute name in the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file, and then either execute the jco_spmd_reload command or restart JP1/IM - Manager to reload the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file.

The message KAVB1161-W is output in a log, and the whole of Common exclusion-conditions group name in the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window is not displayed.

The common exclusion-conditions group name defined in the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file exceeds 40 bytes.

Corrective action

Define the common exclusion-conditions group name in the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file with no more than 40 bytes, and then either execute the jco_spmd_reload command or restart JP1/IM - Manager to reload the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file.

The message KAVB1162-W is output in a log, and Common exclusion-conditions group name in the Common Exclusion-Condition Settings (Extended) window is displayed incorrectly.

A character that cannot be used in a common exclusion-conditions group name in the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file was used.

Corrective action

Correct the common exclusion-conditions group name in the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file, and then either execute the jco_spmd_reload command or restart JP1/IM - Manager to reload the common-exclusion-conditions auto-input definition file.

(21) Actions to take when processing of JP1 events received by JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) is delayed


Name resolution of the character string (host name or IP address) specified as an attribute value of the individual condition in the status-change condition settings may have failed.

Corrective action

The host name that could not be resolved is output to the following logs:

In Windows





Do not specify this log as the monitoring target of the JP1/Base log file trapping function.

If name resolution failed, one of the following messages is output in the aforementioned log file:

...fs_jcsHostsAccessPtr->getHostByName() is failed. (host = host-name-for-which-name-resolution-failed,jp1error = 2001)...


...fs_jcsHostsAccessPtr->getHostByAddr() is failed. (host = IP-address-for-which-name-resolution-failed,jp1error = 2001)...

Check one of these messages and specify Host name comparison as the individual condition. Then, use one of the methods described below to enable name resolution of the host name or IP address specified as the attribute value.

  • Register in the host information database the host name or IP address specified as the attribute value of the individual condition.

  • Register in the jp1hosts information or the jp1hosts2 information of JP1/Base the host name or IP address specified as the attribute value of the individual condition.

  • Register in hosts or DNS the host name or IP address specified as the attribute value of the individual condition.

(22) Actions to take when no response-waiting events are displayed in JP1/IM - View


The following are possible causes:

  • The response-waiting event management function is disabled.

    OFF might be specified as the value of the -resevent option of the jcoimdef command.

  • No response-waiting events have been issued.

  • Response-waiting events have been issued but were filtered by JP1/IM - Manager.

Corrective action

If the response-waiting event management function is disabled, enable it by executing the jcoimdef command with ON specified in the -resevent option.

If the response-waiting event management function is enabled, follow the steps below to identify the cause of the problem:

  1. Check whether response-waiting events are registered in the event database on the JP1/IM - Manager host.

    As a JP1 user such as the administrator who is not subject to an event receiver filter, check whether response-waiting events are registered in the event database by conducting an event search.

    If there are no response-waiting events registered in the database, investigate further according to Step 2 below.

    If there are response-waiting events in the database, a filter (an event acquisition filter or an event receiver filter) is filtering the events in JP1/IM - Manager. In this case, review the filter conditions.

  2. Check the log files on the BJEX or JP1/AS host for BJEX errors, JP1/AS errors, or communication errors.

    If an error message was output, take action as described in the message. BJEX or JP1/AS might have been set up incorrectly, or a communication error might have occurred.

(23) Actions to take when response-waiting events are displayed in JP1/IM - View but as ordinary JP1 events (the arrow icon does not appear and you cannot enter a response)


The following are possible causes:

  • The response-waiting event management function is disabled.

    OFF might be specified as the value of the -resevent option of the jcoimdef command.

  • The JP1/IM - Manager host name is specified incorrectly in the BJEX or JP1/AS configuration.

    An IP address might be specified instead of a host name.

  • The response-waiting event was forwarded to a JP1/IM - Manager host other than the one set up in BJEX or JP1/AS.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • Enable the response-waiting event management function.

    Execute the jcoimdef command with ON specified in the -resevent option.

  • Specify the correct JP1/IM - Manager host name in the settings of BJEX or JP1/AS.

  • To respond to the response-waiting event, log in to the JP1/IM - Manager host specified in the BJEX or JP1/AS settings.

(24) Actions to take when no JP1 event is displayed in the Event Console window


Because no condition is specified in the exclusion-conditions or valid common exclusion-conditions for a filter, all JP1 events are excluded.

Corrective action

When a common exclusion-condition is used in extended mode, check the common exclusion history file to know whether a common exclusion-condition prevents JP1 events from being collected. If JP1 events are excluded, review the common exclusion-condition.

When no common exclusion-condition is used in extended mode or when the problem remains after you review common exclusion-conditions in extended mode, review the following filter exclusion conditions and common exclusion-conditions enabled in basic mode:

  • Event acquisition filter

  • User filter

  • Severe event filter

  • View filter

(25) Actions to take when a JP1 event is displayed late in the Event Console window


The following are possible causes:

  • When regular expressions are used for event conditions (filter conditions#, execution conditions for automated actions, event attribute conditions of the correlation event generation conditions, event conditions of the severity changing function, and event conditions of the mapping function of the event source host), the match processing when JP1 events are received might take a long time.


    Indicates the pass conditions, exclusion-conditions, or valid common exclusion-conditions for the following filters:

    - Event acquisition filter

    - User filter

    - Severe event filter

  • When you set local as the method for obtaining the event-issuing host name in the automated action environment definition, reverse lookup of the host name from the source IP address of the event attributes might take a long time during the match processing of an automated action.

  • When Central Scope is used, it might take a long time for JP1 events to be displayed in the Event Console window due to a possible failure to resolve the character string (host name or IP address) specified as an attribute value of the individual condition in the status-change condition settings, or due to the status change condition of the monitoring node.

  • The server parameter might be set incorrectly in the API settings file (api), which might cause frequent communication errors while JP1/IM - Manager events are received due to a shortage of ports.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • When regular expressions are used for event conditions (filter conditions#, execution conditions for automated actions, event attribute conditions of correlation event generation conditions, event conditions of the severity changing function, and event conditions of the mapping function of the event source host), review the regular expressions and then restart JP1/IM - Manager. In addition, if you are using Central Scope and you use the status change condition of the monitoring node as an event condition, also review the regular expressions, and then restart JP1/IM - Manager.


    Indicates the pass conditions, exclusion-conditions, or valid common exclusion-conditions for the following filters:

    - Event acquisition filter

    - User filter

    - Severe event filter

    If you use many regular expressions that are matched recursively, such as the expression .*(matches all characters), the match processing might take a long time. For details, see Appendix G.4 Tips on using regular expressions in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

  • When you set local as the method for obtaining the event-issuing host name in the automated action environment definition, the host name is resolved from the source IP address of the event attributes. In order to shorten the time for reverse lookup of the host name, review the settings of the hosts file of the OS, or change the method of the event-issuing host name to remote, and then restart JP1/IM - Manager. For details about the method for obtaining the event-issuing host name, see Automated action environment definition file (action.conf.update) in Chapter 2. Definition Files of the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference. For details about the hosts setting of the OS, see 14.4.1 Host names and IP addresses in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

  • When you use JP1/IM - Central Scope, in addition to the actions above, confirm whether name resolution of the character string (host name or IP address) specified as an attribute value of the individual condition in the status-change condition settings can be performed promptly. For details, see 12.5.3(21) Actions to take when processing of JP1 events received by JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) is delayed.

    Furthermore, if you use the memory-resident function for the status change condition of the monitoring object, the match processing time for a change of monitoring object status takes less time. When you estimate the memory requirements for securing sufficient memory, we recommend that you set this function. For details about the memory-resident function for the status change condition of the monitoring object, see 5.2.3 Status change conditions in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

  • If the communication type of the server parameter is set to close in the API settings file (api), a temporary port is used each time JP1/IM - Manager receives an event, so temporary ports will run short. As a result, a communication error or delay in receiving events might occur. On the event server to which JP1/IM - Manager connects, in the API settings file (api), make sure that you set the communication type of the server parameter to keep-alive.

(26) Actions to take when a status cannot be changed

The following are possible causes:

The action to take in response to each cause is described below.

Connection cannot be established between the event console and Central Console. Alternatively, connection cannot be established between the event console and the jcochstat command.

The event console on the manager may not have been started, the system (host or network) may be under a heavy workload, or the network settings may be invalid.

  • Corrective action

    Execute the jco_spmd_status command to check whether the event console on the manager has started, and then try to change the status again.

    Alternatively, use the ping command, for example, to check whether the logged-in host is running normally, and then try to change the status again.

The specified JP1 event was an event that cannot be changed.
  • Corrective action

    Reassess the serial number inside the event database and then try to change the status again.

Connection cannot be established between Event Console Service and Event Service.
  • Corrective action

    Check whether Event Service has started, and then try to change the status again.

Connection cannot be established between Event Console Service and Event Base Service.

Event Base Service may not have been started, or the system (host or network) may be under a heavy workload.

  • Corrective action

    Execute the jco_spmd_status command to check whether Event Base Service on the manager has started, and then try to change the status again.

Connection cannot be established between the Event Base Service and the IM database service.

The IM database service may not have been started, or the system (host or network) may be under a heavy workload.

  • Corrective action

    First start the IM database service, and then try to change the status again.

(27) Actions to take when an event search cannot be performed

The following are possible causes:

The action to take in response to each cause is described below.

Connection cannot be established between the event console and the viewer.

The event console on the manager may not have been started, the system (host or network) may be under a heavy workload, or the network settings may be invalid.

  • Corrective action

    Execute the jco_spmd_status command to check whether the event console on the manager has started, and then perform the event search again.

    Alternatively, use the ping command, for example, to check whether the logged-in host is running normally, and then perform the event search again.

Connection cannot be established between Event Base Service and Event Console Service.

Event Base Service may not have been started, or the system (host or network) may be under a heavy workload.

  • Corrective action

    Execute the jco_spmd_status command to check whether Event Base Service has started on the manager, and then perform the event search again.

Connection cannot be established between Event Base Service and the integrated monitoring database.

The integrated monitoring database may not have been started, or the system (host or network) may be under a heavy workload.

  • Corrective action

    First start the integrated monitoring database, and then perform the event search again.

Connection cannot be established between Event Console Service and Event Service.

The Event Service instance at the target host may not have been started, the system (host or network) may be under a heavy workload, or the network settings may be invalid.

  • Corrective action

    Execute the jevstat command to check whether the Event Service instance at the target host has started, and then perform the event search again. For details about the jevstat command, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

    Alternatively, use the ping command or other means on the manager host to check whether the target host is running normally, and then perform the event search again.

A JP1 event search was performed using an unsupported condition.

A JP1 event search was performed using an unsupported condition (Is contained, Is not contained, Regular expression, or multiple statuses specified) for Event Service of JP1/Base Version 06-00 or earlier. Alternatively, a JP1 event search was performed using an unsupported condition (Regular expression specified) for Event Service of JP1/Base Version 06-51 or earlier.

  • Corrective action

    Make sure that Is contained, Is not contained, Regular expression, or multiple statuses are not selected, and then perform the search again.

The regular expression specified for performing the event search was invalid.
  • Corrective action

    Make sure the displayed regular expression is valid, and then re-execute the search.

When an event search was executed with an exclusion-condition specified, and the JP1/Base version of the target host was 08-11 or earlier.
  • Corrective action

    Check the version of JP1/Base on the host that is specified as the event search target, and if it is 08-11 or earlier, execute the search without using an exclusion-condition.

(28) Actions to take when memo entries cannot be set up

The following are possible causes:

The action to take in response to each cause is described below.

Connection cannot be established between the event console and Central Console - View.

The event console on the manager may not have been started, the system (host or network) may be under a heavy workload, or the network settings may be invalid.

  • Corrective action

    Make sure that Event Console Service or the host is running normally, and then set up memory entries.

    Execute the jco_spmd_status command to check whether the event console on the manager has started, and then set up memory entries again.

    Alternatively, use the ping command, for example, to check whether the logged-in host is running normally, and then set up memory entries again.

Connection cannot be established between Event Console Service and Event Base Service.

Event Base Service may not have been started, or the system (host or network) may be under a heavy workload.

  • Corrective action

    Execute the jco_spmd_status command to check whether Event Base Service on the manager has started, and then set up memory entries again.

Connection cannot be established between Event Base Service and the integrated monitoring database.

The integrated monitoring database may not have been started, or the system (host or network) may be under a heavy workload.

  • Corrective action

    After starting the integrated monitoring database, set up memory entries again.

(29) Actions to take when the IM database cannot be terminated


There is a JP1/IM - Manager process that is currently connected.

Corrective action

Check whether JP1/IM - Manager is running. If it is, terminate it first and then terminate the IM database.

(30) Actions to take when you cannot connect to the IM database

The following are possible causes:

The action to take in response to each cause is described below.

The system is not set up to use the IM database.
  • Corrective action

    Execute the jcoimdef command without specifying any option, and check whether S_DB is set to ON. For details about the jcoimdef command, see jcoimdef in Chapter 1. Commands in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

The IM database has not been started.
  • Corrective action

    Make sure that the IM database has been started.

The port number setting is invalid.
  • Corrective action

    Make sure that the specified port number is not the same as any of the following port numbers:

    •Port number specified during the setup of another logical host

    •Port number described in the services file

    •Port number that is used by a HiRDB instance bundled with another product

    •Temporary port number that is used by another product or by the OS, for example

When a logical host in a non-cluster system was set up, standby was specified for the -c option of the jcfdbsetup or jcodbsetup command.
  • Corrective action

    When setting up a logical host of a non-cluster system, specify online for the -c option of the jcfdbsetup or jcodbsetup command.

(31) Actions to take when JP1/IM - Manager cannot be uninstalled

The message KAVB9940-E: Unsetup has not been performed for the IM database service on the physical host. or KAVB9941-E: Unsetup has not been performed for the IM database service on the logical host. (Logical host name: logical-host-name) is output.


The IM database has not been unset up.

Corrective action

Make sure that the integrated monitoring database and the IM Configuration Management database have been unset up.

(32) Actions to take when an error message indicating an invalid port number is issued after the IM database has been set up

The message KNAN11044-E: The setup information file does not exist. is output.


The specified port number is the same as a port number being used elsewhere.

Corrective action

Make sure that the specified port number is not the same as any of the following port numbers:

  • Port number specified during the setup of another logical host

  • Port number described in the services file

  • Port number that is used by a HiRDB instance bundled with another product

  • Temporary port number that is used by another product or the OS, for example

(33) Actions to take when IM database setup fails

The message KNAN11084-E: Creation of a database file system area has failed. is output.

The following are possible causes:

The action to take in response to each cause is described below.

The file system in the path specified in IMDBDIR or SHAREDBDIR does not support large files.
  • Corrective action

    In the target OS, enable the large file setting.

The kernel parameters have not been set correctly.
  • Corrective action

    Make sure that the kernel parameters have been set correctly. For details about kernel parameters, see the JP1/IM - Manager release notes.

The host name specified in LOGICALHOSTNAME or ONLINEHOSTNAME is invalid.
  • Corrective action

    Check the following items:

    - Is the host name specified in LOGICALHOSTNAME or ONLINEHOSTNAME appropriate?

    - Is the host name specified in the -h option of database-related commands appropriate?

    - Is the host name specified in the hosts file described? Are there any duplicate host names?

    - Is the IP address corresponding to the specified host name appropriate? Are there any duplicate IP addresses?

(34) Actions to take when the setup information file is output as invalid during IM database setup

One of the following messages is output:

The following are possible causes:

The action to take in response to each cause is described below.

A required item or value is not specified.
  • Corrective action

    Check the setup information file and the cluster information file, and specify all required items.

The character string specified for the item name is invalid.
  • Corrective action

    Check the setup information file and the cluster information file, and specify all required items.

An invalid value is specified.
  • Corrective action

    Check the specified value and correct it if necessary.

An unnecessary space is inserted before or after the equal sign (=).
  • Corrective action

    Check whether there is a space before or after the equal sign (=) and delete it if present.

(35) Actions to take when the IM database cannot be started or database-related commands cannot be executed

When executing a database-related command, the message KNAN11037-E: The data storage directory of the IM database service cannot be accessed. or KNAN11143-E: Configuration of the IM database service is invalid. is output.

The following are possible causes:

The action to take in response to each cause is described below.

In UNIX, the IM database installation directory or data storage directory has been unmounted.
  • Corrective action

    Check whether you can access the directory. If you cannot, mount the directory.

The host name has been changed.
  • Corrective action

    Restore the host name to the previous name, and then change the host name by following the host name change procedure for the IM database.

The IM database is using a port number that is being used by another product.
  • Corrective action

    Make sure that the specified port number is not the same as any of the following port numbers:

    • Port number specified during the setup of another logical host

    • Port number described in the services file

    • Port number that is used by a HiRDB instance bundled with another product

    • Temporary port number that is used by another product or by the OS, for example

(36) Actions to take when IM Configuration Management fails to apply the system hierarchy


The following are possible causes:

  • JP1/Base is not running on the following hosts on which the system hierarchy is to be applied.

    • Batch distribution method

    - All hosts included in the system hierarchy

    • Differential distribution method

    - Hosts whose system hierarchy is to be changed and their higher-level manager hosts

  • The host onto which the system hierarchy is to be applied is already included in another system hierarchy.

  • Name resolution cannot occur among the integrated manager, relay manager, and agent.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • Make sure that JP1/Base is running on the following hosts for which a system hierarchy could not be applied, and then retry the operation.

    • Batch distribution method

    - All hosts included in the system hierarchy

    • Differential distribution method

    - Hosts whose system hierarchy is to be changed and their higher-level manager hosts

  • Execute the jbsrt_get command on the host for which system hierarchy application failed, and then check whether the host is included in another system hierarchy. If the host is included in another system hierarchy, delete it from that system hierarchy, apply the desired system hierarchy, and then re-execute the command.

  • Check whether host name resolution among various hosts was successful. If it was unsuccessful, change the settings so that name resolution can take place, and then retry the operation.

(37) Actions to take when IM Configuration Management fails to collect the operation definition file for the log file trap


The action definition file for a log file trap must be unique within the agent. Multiple log file traps may have been started using the same settings file, or multiple log file traps may have been started using action definition files that have the same name but are in different directories.

Corrective action

Follow the steps described below.

  1. On the agent, stop the log file trap.

  2. Set up the action definition file for a log file trap such that it has a unique name within the agent, and then restart the log file trapping function.

  3. In the Display/Edit Profiles window of IM Configuration Management - View, from the Operation menu, choose Rebuild Profile Tree to rebuild the profile tree.

(38) Actions to take when JP1/IM - View cannot display any of the log file traps that are active


The following are possible causes:

  • After the log file trapping function was started, the profile tree was not rebuilt.

    The log file trap may have been started or restarted after the Display/Edit Profiles window was started, after the profile tree was rebuilt, or after batch collection of profiles was executed.

  • The action definition file specified during startup of the log file trap is not found under JP1-Base-path\conf.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • You need to collect the latest profile list. In the Display/Edit Profiles window of IM Configuration Management - View, from the Operation menu, choose Rebuild Profile Tree to rebuild the profile tree.

  • Place the action definition file for the log file trap under JP1-Base-path\conf, and then restart the log file trapping function.

    After the log file trap is started, in the Display/Edit Profiles window of IM Configuration Management - View, from the Operation menu, choose Rebuild Profile Tree to rebuild the profile tree.

(39) Actions to take when the content of the profile settings file does not match the content of the valid configuration information


The following are possible causes:

  • After the settings file was edited, the edited content was not applied or the application operation failed.

  • Part of the description of the settings file is invalid.

    If part of the description of the settings file is invalid, the agent sometimes skips the invalid description when it applies the settings file. In this case, if you perform an application operation from IM Configuration Management - View, an error dialog box opens.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • In the Display/Edit Profiles window of IM Configuration Management - View, verify the content of the settings file, and then execute profile application and make sure that the application operation terminates normally.

  • If application of the settings file fails, services may not operate according to the description in the settings file. Correct the description errors and then retry the operation.

(40) Actions to take when menu items such as Register Host and Edit Agent Configuration are disabled in IM Configuration Management - View


Because the JP1 user who logged in to IM Configuration Management - View is not assigned IM Configuration Management permissions (JP1_CF_Admin, JP1_CF_Manager, or JP1_CF_User), the only operation that is allowed is viewing. The following are possible causes:

  • The instance of JP1/Base specified in the authentication server is Version 8 or earlier.

  • After the instance of JP1/Base specified in the authentication server was upgraded from Version 8 or earlier by means of overwrite installation, the JP1 user was not assigned IM Configuration Management permissions (JP1_CF_Admin, JP1_CF_Manager, or JP1_CF_User).

  • The JP1 user is not assigned IM Configuration Management permissions (JP1_CF_Admin, JP1_CF_Manager, or JP1_CF_User).

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • Upgrade the instance of JP1/Base specified on the authentication server to version 9 or later.

  • Set JP1_Console for the JP1 resource group name of the JP1 user that logs in, assign one of the IM Configuration Management permissions (JP1_CF_Admin, JP1_CF_Manager, or JP1_CF_User) to the JP1 user, and then have the user log in again.

    The scope of a menu's operations differs according to the permission levels of IM Configuration Management. For details, see Appendix E.4 Operating permissions required for IM Configuration Management in the JP1/Integrated Management 3- Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

(41) Actions to take when virtualization system configuration cannot be obtained in IM Configuration Management

The message KNAN22062-E: Collection of the virtualization configuration failed for the host "host-name" because the communication type is not supported. is output.


The following are possible causes:

  • The destination host name is different from the intended one.

  • The name of the destination host has not been resolved.

  • The destination host is not running.

  • vCenter, JP1/SC/CM, SCVMM, HCSM, or KVM has not been started or set up on the destination host.

  • Communication with the destination host failed.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • Make sure that the destination host name is correct.

  • Make sure that the destination host is running.

  • Make sure that vCenter, JP1/SC/CM, SCVMM, HCSM, or KVM has been started and set up on the destination host.

  • Make sure that there are no communication problems with the destination host. If the destination VMM host is a KVM, make sure that the SSH connection is set up correctly.

(42) Actions to take when valid configuration information of a remote monitoring log file trap or a remote monitoring event log trap cannot be viewed in IM Configuration Management

The message KNAN22422-E: Collection of operation definition information for Log File Trapping failed. (Detail information: A required service or process is not running.) or KNAN22422-E Collection of operation definition information for Event Log Trapping failed. (Detail information: A required service or process is not running.) is output.


The following are possible causes:

  • Because of an error while the remote monitoring log file trap was running, the remote monitoring log file trap stopped.

  • Because of an error while the remote monitoring event log trap was running, the remote monitoring event log trap stopped.

Corrective action

A description of the error occurring while the remote monitoring log file trap or the remote monitoring event log trap is running is output to the integrated log. See the corrective action for the error message output to the integrated log and remove the cause of the error. After correcting the error, stop the remote monitoring log file trap or the remote monitoring event log trap and then restart it.

(43) Actions to take if JP1 events are not received even when the remote monitoring log file trap is running in IM Configuration Management


The following are possible causes:

  • The specification of the filter (filter to end-filter) in the remote-monitoring log file trap action-definition file is incorrect.

  • Because the monitoring interval of the remote monitoring log file trap is long, differences occurring in log files have not been monitored.

  • Although the remotely monitored host or monitored log file is invalid, an error does not occur because, on the Valid Configuration Information page in the Display/Edit Profiles window, you selected the sequence Log File Trapping - Startup Options and then enabled Retry specification for opening a log file [-r] or because you executed the jcfallogstart command with the -r option specified.

  • Because the filter specification of the startup option for the remote monitoring log file trap is incorrect, the monitored log file data was not transferred from the monitored host.

Corrective action
  • Check whether the specification of the filter (filter to end-filter) in the remote-monitoring log file trap action-definition file is correct.

  • Check whether JP1 events still cannot be received even when a time greater than the file monitoring interval specified by the -t option of the jcfallogstart command has passed.

  • If the remotely monitored host is a Windows host, check whether the NetBIOS (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) settings for monitoring logs on the remotely monitored host are correct. For details about NetBIOS (NetBIOS over TCP/IP), see 1.18.2 NetBIOS settings (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) (for Windows) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

  • If the remotely monitored host is UNIX, check whether the SSH settings for monitoring logs on the remotely monitored host are correct. For details about SSH settings, see 2.17.1 Configuring SSH (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

  • Make sure that the monitored log file is in a readable state.

  • When the stty, tty, tset, or script command, which requires interactive operation, is coded in the login script of an SSH-connection user, log files might not be able to be read. In such cases, create a new SSH-connection user for remote monitoring, or change the login script of the SSH-connection user so that these commands are not executed.

  • Check whether the filter specification of the startup option for the remote monitoring log file trap is correct. If the filter specification is correct, check whether users who use SSH connection on the remotely monitored host can execute the following command:

    For Linux:

    /bin/grep -E 'regular-expression-character-string-specified-in-filter' path-to-monitored-log-file

    For Solaris:

    /usr/xpg4/bin/grep -E 'regular-expression-character-string-specified-in-filter' path-to-monitored-log-file

    For OSs other than Linux and Solaris:

    /usr/bin/grep -E 'regular-expression-character-string-specified-in-filter' path-to-monitored-log-file

    Furthermore, check whether the data in a monitored log file is excluded because of the filter specification.

  • If you specify -r as an additional option, check the items listed below.

    See 12.5.3(50) Actions to take when the remote monitored log file name is incorrect, and then check whether the path is specified correctly.

    •Make sure that the file access permission is set correctly.

    •Operation of the log file trap without the -r option is effective when you check for errors.

  • If none of the above actions resolves the problem, use the data collection tool to collect data on the JP1/IM - Manager host and the monitored host. The following table shows data that needs to be collected on the monitored host.

    OS on monitored host

    Data to be collected



    System information

    1. Choose Run from the start menu.

    2. Enter msinfo32 in the text box and then click the OK button.

    3. In the System Information window, select File and then Export to save the system information to a text file.

    Monitored log file

    If there are multiple log files, obtain all of them.

    Windows application and system event logs

    1. In Event Viewer, select the relevant event log.

    2. Select Save Log File As, and specify evt for the output format.


    Monitored log file

    If there are multiple log files, obtain all of them.


    Obtain the syslog messages. For details, see 12.3.1(2) In UNIX.

(44) Actions to take if JP1 events are not received even when the remote monitoring event log trap is running in IM Configuration Management

  • The time settings of the remotely monitored host and the JP1/IM - Manager host are different.

  • On a remotely monitored host, there is an event log whose time is later than the current time of the monitored host

  • The filter specification is incorrect.

Corrective action
  • Set the time of both the remotely monitored host and the JP1/IM - Manager host to the correct current time.

  • Make sure that the remotely monitored host does not have any event logs that have a time that is later than the current time of the monitored host.

  • Set the filter so that the content indicated in the condition sentence of the filter information displayed in Valid Configuration Information can be obtained.

  • If none of the above actions resolves the problem, use the data collection tool to collect data on the JP1/IM - Manager host and the monitored host. The following table shows the data to be collected on the monitored host.

    Data to be collected


    System information

    1. Choose Run from the start menu.

    2. Enter msinfo32 in the text box and then click the OK button.

    3. In the System Information window, select File and then Export to save the system information in a text file.

    Windows application and system event logs

    1. Select the target event log from Event Viewer.

    2. Select Save Log File As, and specify evt for the output format.

(45) Actions to take when the Processing dialog box continues to open in IM Configuration Management - View


The JP1/IM - Manager host or the agent for the target operation has stopped.

Corrective action

Check whether the JP1/IM - Manager host or the agent for the target operation has stopped.

If it has stopped, click the × (Close) button in the Processing dialog box to forcibly terminate IM Configuration Management - View.

If it has not stopped, IM Configuration Management processing is in progress. Wait until this processing finishes.

(46) Actions to take when the tree area on the IM Configuration page in IM Configuration Management - View is displayed in gray

When you execute Collect IM Configuration in IM Configuration Management - View, the tree area is displayed in grey.


The following is the possible cause:

  • The jbsrt_del command was executed on the manager host, but JP1/Base does not hold any configuration definition information.

Corrective action

Execute Apply Agent Configuration in IM Configuration Management - View.

When you log in or execute Verify IM Configuration in IM Configuration Management - View, the tree area is displayed in grey.


The configuration definition information held by the IM Configuration Management database does not match the configuration definition information held by JP1/Base. The following are possible causes:

  • The agent configuration has not been applied because the action immediately follows an import by the jcfimport command.

  • The jbsrt_del command was executed on the manager host, but JP1/Base does not hold any configuration definition information.

  • The configuration definition information held by JP1/Base has changed because the jbsrt_distrib command was executed.

  • The agent configuration has not been applied.

  • When you manage the system for each site by using a site manager, the procedure described in 3.2.4(3) Applying a system hierarchy to a system managed by IM Configuration Management in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide has not been performed.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • If the agent configuration has not been applied, execute Apply Agent Configuration in IM Configuration Management - View.

  • Execute Collect IM Configuration in IM Configuration Management - View. When the configuration is not the configuration you expect from the operation, execute Apply Agent Configuration.

(47) Actions to take when the same JP1 event is received redundantly in the remote monitoring log file trap of IM Configuration Management

  • When a log is output during log processing, the same log might be trapped twice.

Corrective action
  • No action is required. You can safely ignore the redundant JP1 events.

(48) Actions to take when an attempt to start the profile of a remote monitoring log file trap fails in IM Configuration Management

The message KNAN26039-E: The specified remote log-file trap failed to start. (Host name: Host-name, Monitoring-target-name: monitoring-target-name, Details: message) is output, and an attempt to start the profile fails.

See the actions for KNAN26039-E in 2.13 Messages related to IM Configuration Management (KNAN22000 to KNAN26999) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages.

If you are still unable to resolve the problem, take action as follows.

How you handle the problem depends on the detailed information.

Cannot connect to the monitored host.
  • A connection to the monitored host has not been established.

Corrective action
Cannot access the log file of the monitoring target.
  • The path to the log file is not set correctly.

Corrective action

(49) Notes applying before starting a remote monitoring log file trap by using IM Configuration Management

  • Make sure that the file type of the log file is correct.

  • Make sure that the size of the log file is not too large.

  • Make sure that the header size of the log file is not too large.

  • Make sure that the JP1/Base LogTrap service does not stop.

(50) Actions to take when the remote monitored log file name is incorrect

Check whether items are set correctly.

To do so, see Table 5-31 Items additionally displayed on the Configuration File page (when an item under Log File Trapping selected) in 5.9.2 Configuration File page in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.

The following are examples of mistakes that are easy to make:

(51) Actions to take when you cannot connect to the remotely monitored host

Check whether the following items are set correctly.

When the JP1/IM - Manager host is a Windows host:

See the following subsections in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide:

  • 1.18.1 Configuring WMI (for Windows)

  • 1.18.2 NetBIOS settings (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) (for Windows)

  • 1.18.3 Configuring SSH (for Windows)

When the JP1/IM - Manager host is a UNIX host:

2.17.1 Configuring SSH (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

Check for the following problems:

(52) Actions to take when an attempt to collect host information in IM Configuration Management fails

How you resolve the problem depends on the message type.

The message KNAN22017-E: Collection of host information failed because a connection could not be established with the host "host-name". is output, and an attempt to collect host information fails.

The following are possible causes:

  • The destination host name is different from the intended one.

  • The name of the destination host has not been resolved.

  • The destination host is not running.

  • JP1/Base on the destination host is not running.

  • Communication with the destination host failed.

  • The version of JP1/Base on the destination host is earlier than 07-00.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • Execute the command below on the JP1/IM - Manager host to check whether the name of the host registered in IM Configuration Management can be resolved, and whether communication with the host registered in IM Configuration Management is possible. If the system operates in an IPv6 environment, check whether the IPv6 address is the primary IP address (whether the IPv6 address is first address displayed in Resolved Host List that is displayed by executing the following command), and whether communication is possible using the IPv6 address.

    - jp1ping host-name-registered-in-IM-Configuration-Management

    Execute the following command on the JP1/IM - Manager host to check whether communication with the host registered in IM Configuration Management is possible for the specified port number.

    - telnet agent-host-name or IP-address 20306

    If the system operates in an IPv6 environment, specify the IPv6 address as the destination address of the telnet command. By default, the port number to be used for collecting host information is 20306/tcp. If communication with the destination is not possible, a message to that effect is output. If communication with the destination is possible, a black window is displayed.

    On a Windows host running Windows Server 2008 R2 or later, no telnet client has been installed by default. You can install a telnet client by using the Windows Add or Remove Programs function.

  • Check whether the version of JP1/Base on the destination host is 07-00 or later. If the system operates in an IPv6 environment, check whether the version of JP1/Base on the destination host is Version 10 or later.

  • Execute the following commands to check whether JP1/Base on the destination host is running.

    - jbs_spmd_status (for a logical host: jbs_spmd_status -h logical-host-name)

    - jevstat (for a logical host: jevstat logical-host-name)

  • Execute the following command on the destination host to check whether the name the JP1/IM - Manager host can be resolved, and whether communication with the JP1/IM - Manager host is possible. If the system operates in an IPv6 environment, check whether the IPv6 address is the primary IP address (whether the IPv6 address is first address displayed in Resolved Host List that is displayed by executing the following command), and whether communication is possible using the IPv6 address.

    - jp1ping JP1/IM - Manager-host-name

  • If the system operates in an IPv6 environment and the communication method on the JP1/IM - Manager host is set to ANY bind address, use the following steps to check whether the version settings of the IP address to be bound are correct.

    1. Execute the jbsgetcnf command.

    jbsgetcnf > config.txt

    2. Open config.txt in a text editor.

    3. Check whether the value of [JP1_DEFAULT\JP1BASE\JP1_ANY_BIND] is ALL.

  • If the system operates in an IPv6 environment and the communication method on the collection-destination host is set to ANY bind address, use the following steps to check whether the version settings of the IP address to be bound are correct.

    1. Execute the jbsgetcnf command.

    jbsgetcnf > config.txt

    2. Open config.txt in a text editor.

    3. Check whether the value of [JP1_DEFAULT\JP1BASE\JP1_ANY_BIND] is ALL or IPv6.

  • Make sure that IP address resolved from the short name of the destination host matches the IP address resolved from the FQDN.

The following message is output, and an attempt to collect host information fails.
  • KNAN21400-W Collection of host information from host "host-name" partially succeeded.

    Collection of host information from JP1/Base succeeded while collection of host information from the remote host failed.

    Details: details

    KNAN21402-E The collection of host information for a host "host-name" failed.

    The collection of host information failed from JP1/Base.

    Detailed information: details

    The collection of remote host information failed.

    Detailed information: details

  • KNAN21403-E Host "host-name" failed to collect host information from the remote host.

    Details: details


When an attempt to collect host information fails in remote monitoring, the following are possible causes:

  • The remote communication configuration has not been set.

  • A connection to the monitored host cannot be established.

  • The collection of log files timed out.

  • Authentication processing failed.

  • The private key does not exist.

  • The creation of the remote monitoring process failed.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • Set remote communication on the monitored host, and then retry the operation.

  • Check the connection with the remotely monitored host. For details about the method, see 12.5.3(51) Actions to take when you cannot connect to the remotely monitored host.

  • Check the following:

    When the OS of the host of the monitored host name is a Windows host:

    - Whether communication with the host that has the monitored host name is possible

    - Whether the password of the user who logs in to the monitored host has expired

    - Whether the remote communication type of the host that has the monitored host name is set correctly

    - Whether the WMI service is running

    At this point, if there is no problem, check whether the WMI connection is set normally.

    When the OS of the host of the monitored host name is a UNIX host:

    - Whether communication with the host that has the monitored host name is possible

    - Whether the remote communication type of the host that has the monitored host name is set correctly

    - Whether the SSH server is running on the host that has the monitored host name

    At this point, if there is no problem, check whether the SSH connection is set correctly.

  • Check the following:

    When the OS of the host of the monitored host name is a Windows host:

    - Whether the user name, password, and domain name in the System Common Settings window or the Remote Monitoring Settings window are set correctly

    - Whether DCOM is set correctly on the host that has the monitored host name

    - Whether DCOM is set correctly on the JP1/IM - Manager host

    At this point, if there is no problem, check whether the WMI connection is set correctly.

    When the OS of the host of the monitored host name is a UNIX host:

    - Whether the SSH authentication settings are correct

    At this point, if there is no problem, check whether the SSH connection is set correctly.

  • Check whether the private key exists.

  • Check the settings on the IM Host Account page in the System Common Settings window.

(53) Actions to take when the source host name is different from the host name registered in IM Configuration Management

Corrective action

Take corrective action according to the version. For details, see 14.3.10(2)(b) Changing JP1 event attributes (Setting for JP1/IM - Manager) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

  • For a new installation or an overwrite installation of JP1/IM - Manager, perform the following steps:

  1. Check the content of the common definition configuration file for changes in the JP1 event attributes.

  2. Execute the jbssetcnf command.

  3. Restart JP1/IM - Manager.

  • When the version of JP1/IM - Manager is earlier than 10-00, register the host name in IM Configuration Management with both its short name and FQDN name.

(54) Actions to take when the filter does not work correctly because the source host name is different from the monitored host name

Corrective action

For details about how to resolve the problem, see 12.5.3(53) Actions to take when the source host name is different from the host name registered in IM Configuration Management.

(55) Actions to take when JP1/IM - Manager does not start, or JP1/IM - View cannot be operated after the OS starts or the network settings are changed in Windows


The following are possible causes:

  • After OS startup, JP1/IM - Manager startup processing started before the network became available.

    The time from OS startup until the network becomes available depends on the environment. In an environment in which teaming is used, a few minutes might be needed before the network becomes available. Also, in a teaming environment, JP1/IM - Manager startup processing might start before the network becomes available (for example, when JP1/IM - Manager is started automatically by the startup control function of JP1/Base).

  • The network settings (such as the teaming settings) were changed during JP1/IM - Manager startup.

Corrective action

On the physical host and all logical hosts, terminate JP1/IM - Manager, JP1/IM - View, JP1/Base, and any programs that require JP1/Base. Execute jp1ping local-host-name to make sure that the local host name can be resolved to the intended IP address, and then start JP1/IM - Manager, JP1/IM - View, JP1/Base, and the programs requiring JP1/Base.

The following describes the appropriate actions to be taken in each case.

  • After OS startup, JP1/IM - Manager startup processing starts before the network became available

    To automatically start JP1/IM - Manager when the OS starts, use the startup control function of JP1/Base. To do so, configure the settings so that the timing of startup of the JP1/IM - Manager service is delayed to postpone JP1/IM - Manager startup until after the network becomes available. For details about the settings, see the chapter related to the explanation for setting the timing of the startup of services in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

  • The network settings, such as the teaming settings, were changed during JP1/IM - Manager startup

    To change the network settings, such as the teaming settings , terminate on the physical host and all logical hosts JP1/IM - Manager, JP1/IM - View, JP1/Base, and programs that require JP1/Base. Also, if you are connected to JP1/IM - View, log out.

(56) Actions to take if characters are unreadable when JP1/SES-format events are received


JP1/SES-format events (events output by an older version of a JP1 product, or events output by products that do not support JP1 event output, such as JP1/Open Job Entry) do not have character encoding information.

JP1/IM - Manager interprets JP1/SES-format events by using the character encoding that JP1/IM - Manager uses to operate. Therefore, if the character encoding of a JP1/SES-format event is different from the JP1/IM - Manager encoding, the displayed JP1/SES-format event might be unreadable or contain some characters that are not the intended characters.

Corrective action

Take either of the following actions to resolve the problem:

  • Use the same character encoding for JP1/SES-format events and operation of JP1/IM - Manager.

  • Use local actions on JP1/Base operating with the same character encoding as that of JP1/SES-format events so that JP1 events are issued when JP1/SES-format events are received. These JP1events are then forwarded to the JP1/IM - Manager host. For details about local actions, see the chapter related to the explanation of local actions in JP1/Base User's Guide.

(57) Actions to take when an email does not reach the destination in the email notification function of JP1/IM - Manager


If the jimmail command terminates normally, but an email does not reach the destination:
Cause 1

The destination address of the email is incorrect.

Corrective action 1

The destination address of the email might be incorrect. Check the destination email address specified for the -to option of the jimmail command, or for DefaultTo in the email environment definition file.

If the destination email address is specified for both the -to option of the jimmail command and DefaultTo in the email environment definition file, the destination email address specified for the -to option of the jimmail command takes precedence.

Cause 2

An error occurred between the mail server (SMTP) and the mail server (SMTP/POP3), and forwarding email failed.

Corrective action 2

Make sure that the following conditions are satisfied, and then re-execute the jimmail command:

  • The mail server (SMTP/POP3) is running.

  • No error occurs in the mail server (SMTP) log.

  • Transit through a port in the firewall is allowed.

  • Host name resolution for the mail server is enabled.

Cause 3

Receiving an email between the mail server (SMTP/POP3) and a mail client failed.

Corrective action 3

The error cannot be checked in JP1/IM - Manager because the communication is between the mail server and the mail client.

Check the messages and logs on the mail server and the mail client.

Also, make sure that the mail client settings (POP3 server name, POP3 account name, password, and port number) are correct.

If the jimmail command terminates abnormally:

The mail server (SMTP) cannot be connected.

Corrective action

The jimmail command outputs an error message according to the contents of the error. Take action according to the output message, make sure that the conditions below are satisfied, and then re-execute the jimmail command.

For details about messages, see Chapter 2. List of Messages in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages.

  • The mail server (SMTP) is running.

  • No error occurs in the mail server (SMTP) log.

  • Transit through a port in the firewall is allowed.

  • Host name resolution for the mail server (SMTP) is enabled.

  • The authentication account and password in the email environment definition file is correct.

(58) Actions to take when an error is displayed on JP1/IM - Manager in which the communication encryption function is enabled

How you handle the problem depends on the message that is output.

If JP1/IM - Manager does not start:
  • The following message might be output: KAVB8817-E A file specified for a parameter of the communication encryption function for JP1/IM - Manager could not be read. (parameter = parameter-name, parameter value = parameter-value)

  • The following message might be output: KAVB8818-E A private key specified for a parameter of the communication encryption function for JP1/IM - Manager could not be read. (parameter for the private key = parameter-name, parameter value for the private key = parameter-value, parameter for the server authentication certificate = parameter-name, parameter value for the server authentication certificate = parameter-value)


The following are possible causes:

  • The file specified by a parameter of JP1/IM - Manager's communication encryption function cannot be read.

  • The private key specified by a parameter of JP1/IM - Manager's communication encryption function cannot be read or is not paired with a server certificate.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • Make sure that a server certificate is paired with a private key. If this is not the case, provide a server certificate and a private key that form a pair.

  • Make sure that the file format of the private key is valid.

  • If a passphrase is set for the private key, cancel the passphrase.

  • Check the following operating system logs, and make sure that no shortage has occurred in OS resources such as file descriptors:

    • For Windows: Windows event log

    • For UNIX: syslog

If execution of the jcochfilter or jcochstat command fails:
  • The following message might be output: KAVB1956-E An error occurred during the initialization of the communication encryption function for the command "command-name". (cause = cause, file = file-name)

  • The following message might be output: KAVB1957-E Failed to encrypt communications by using the communication encryption function for the command "command-name". (host name of connection destination = connection-destination-host-name, cause = cause)


The following are possible causes:

  • The root authentication certificate was not found.

  • The root authentication certificate could not be read.

  • The CN or SAN of the server authentication certificate does not match with the host name of the connection destination.

  • A communication error occurred.

  • A system error occurred.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • If a root certificate is available, check whether you have read permission for the root certificate. If not, set read permission for the root certificate.

  • If no root certificate was found, provide one.

  • Make sure that the root certificate file is valid.

  • Check the following operating system logs, and make sure that no shortage has occurred in OS resources such as file descriptors:

    • For Windows: Windows event log

    • For UNIX: syslog

  • Make sure that the manager host name specified in the -h option of the jcochstat command matches the CN or SAN in the server certificate of the manager host at the connection destination. Then, re-execute the command.

  • Verify the following and then re-execute the command:

    • In the case of the jcochstat command, make sure that the host on which the command is executed has a root certificate corresponding to the server certificate of the manager host specified by the -h option of the jcochstat command. If not, provide an appropriate root certificate.

    • In the case of the jcochstat command, make sure that the communication encryption function of the manager host specified in the -h option is enabled. If not, enable it.

    • In the case of the jcochstat command, make sure that the server certificate of the manager host specified in the -h option is has not expired. If it has expired, update the server certificate.

    • The settings for the communication encryption function might have been modified after JP1/IM - Manager startup. Restart JP1/Base and JP1/IM - Manager to apply the settings for the communication encryption function.

  • If a system error occurred, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact the system administrator.

If the following warning message is output during the execution of the jcochfilter or jcochstat command:

KAVB1972-W The root authentication certificate used by the communication encryption function for the command "command-name" is no longer valid. (file = file-name)


The following is a possible cause:

  • The root certificate used by the communication encryption function has expired.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • Check whether there is a problem with using the expired root certificate. If there is a problem, contact the system administrator and update the root certificate.

If execution of a command (jcschstat, jcsdbexport, or jcsdbimport) fails:
  • The following message might be output: KAVB7602-E Command execution will stop because memory is insufficient.

  • The following message might be output: KAVB7810-E An error occurred during the initialization of the communication encryption function for the command "command-name". (cause = cause)

  • The following message might be output: KAVB7818-E A library required for the command "command-name" was not found.

  • The following message might be output: KAVB7812-E Failed to encrypt communications by using the communication encryption function for the command "command-name". (host name of connection destination = connection-destination-host-name, cause = cause)


The following are possible causes:

  • There is insufficient memory for executing the command.

  • The library required by the command was not found.

  • A communication error occurred.

  • A system error occurred.

Corrective action

The settings for the communication encryption function might have been modified after startup of JP1/IM - Manager. Restart JP1/Base and JP1/IM - Manager to apply the settings for the communication encryption function, and then re-execute the command. If the problem persists, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact the system administrator.

If execution of any of the following commands fails:

jcfvirtualchstat, jcfexport, jcfimport, jcfaleltdef, jcfaleltreload, jcfaleltstart, jcfaleltstat, jcfaleltstop, jcfallogdef, jcfallogreload, jcfallogstart, jcfallogstat, and jcfallogstop

  • The following message is output: KNAN24155-E Failed to encrypt communications by using the communication encryption function for the command "command-name". (host name of connection destination = connection-target-host-name, cause = cause)


The following are possible causes:

  • A communication error occurred.

  • A system error occurred.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • The settings for the communication encryption function might have been modified after startup of JP1/IM - Manager. Restart JP1/Base and JP1/IM - Manager to apply the settings for the communication encryption function, and then re-execute the command. If the problem persists, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact the system administrator.

If execution of IM configuration synchronization fails:
  • The following message might be output: KNAN29095-E An error occurred during the initialization of the communication encryption function for the IM Configuration Management Service. (cause = cause, file= file-name)

  • The following message might be output: KNAN29098-E Failed to encrypt communications by using the communication encryption function for the IM Configuration Management Service. (host name of connection destination = connection-target-host-name, cause = cause)


The following are possible causes:

  • The root authentication certificate was not found.

  • The root authentication certificate could not be read.

  • The CN or SAN of the server authentication certificate does not match with the host name of the connection destination.

  • A communication error occurred.

  • A system error occurred.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • Check whether you have read permission for the root certificate. If not, set read permission for the root certificate.

  • If no root certificate was found, provide one.

  • Make sure that the root certificate file is valid.

  • Check the following operating system logs, and make sure that no shortage has occurred in OS resources such as file descriptors:

    • For Windows: Windows event log

    • For UNIX: syslog

  • Make sure that the host name of the connection destination matches the CN or SAN in the server certificate of the manager host at the connection destination, and then re-execute the command.

  • Check whether the message Failed to read some of the root authentication certificates was output to the integrated trace log. If it was output, take action as described in the message.

  • Check whether the manager host has a root certificate corresponding to the server certificate of the connection destination host. If not, provide one.

  • Check whether the server certificate of the connection destination host has expired. If it has expired, update the server certificate.

  • If a system error occurred, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact the system administrator.

If a warning message is output during execution of IM configuration synchronization:
  • The following message is output: KNAN29097-W The root authentication certificate used by the communication encryption function for the IM Configuration Management Service is no longer valid. (file = file-name)


The following is a possible cause:

  • The root certificate used by the communication encryption function has expired.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • Check whether there is a problem with using the expired root certificate. If there is a problem, contact the system administrator and update the root certificate.

(59) Actions to take when an error is displayed in JP1/IM - View when the communication encryption function is enabled

How you handle the problem depends on the message that is output.

If you cannot log in to JP1/IM - View:
  • The following message might be output: KAVB1958-E An error occurred during the initialization of the communication encryption function for JP1/IM - View. (cause = cause, directory = directory-name)

  • The following message might be output: KAVB6601-E An error occurred during the initialization of the communication encryption function for JP1/IM - View. (cause = cause, directory = directory)

  • The following message might be output: KNAN20121-E An error occurred during the initialization of the communication encryption function for CF - View. (cause = cause, directory = directory-name)

  • The following message might be output: KNAN20141-E An error occurred during the initialization of the communication encryption function for CF - View for the base manager. (cause = cause, directory = directory-name)


The following are possible causes:

  • No root authentication certificates were found.

  • None of the root authentication certificates could be read.

  • The placement directory for root authentication certificates could not be found.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • If no root certificates could be found, check the following and then log in again.

    Check whether a root certificate is available. If a root certificate is available, check whether you have read permission for the root certificate. If not, set read permission for the root certificate. If no root certificate was found, provide one.

  • If none of the root certificates could be read, check the following and then log in again.

    • Check whether a root certificate is available. If a root certificate is available, check whether you have read permission for the root certificate. If not, set read permission for the root certificate.

    • Make sure that the root certificate file is valid.

    • Check the Windows event log and make sure that no shortage has occurred in OS resources such as file descriptors.

  • If no root certificate directory exists, create one and place root certificates in it.

If connection to the manager fails:
  • The following message might be output: KAVB1959-E Failed to encrypt communications by using the communication encryption function for JP1/IM - View. (host name of connection destination = connection-destination-host-name, cause = cause)

  • The following message might be output: KAVB6602-E Failed to encrypt communications by using the communication encryption function for JP1/IM - View. (host name of connection destination = connection-destination-host-name, cause = cause)

  • The following message might be output: KNAN20122-E Failed to encrypt communications by using the communication encryption function for CF - View. (host name of connection destination = connection-target-host-name, cause = cause)

  • The following message might be output: KNAN20142-E Failed to encrypt communications by using the communication encryption function for CF - View for the base manager. (host name of connection destination = connection-target-host-name, cause = cause)


The following are possible causes:

  • The CN or SAN of the server authentication certificate does not match with the host name of the connection destination.

  • A communication error occurred.

  • A system error occurred.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • Make sure that the host name of the viewer's connection-destination of the viewer matches the CN or SAN in the server certificate of the manager host at the connection destination, and then log in again.

  • Make sure that the communication encryption function of the manager at the connection destination is enabled. If it is enabled, make sure that the host name of the manager at the connection destination is not specified in the non-encryption communication host configuration file.

  • Check whether the message Failed to read some of the root authentication certificates is output to the integrated trace log. If it is output, take action as described in the message.

  • Check whether a root certificate corresponding to the manager host at the connection destination is provided in JP1/IM - View. If not, provide one.

  • Check whether the server certificate of the manager host at the connection destination has expired. If it has expired, update it.

  • If a system error occurred, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact the system administrator.

If a warning message is output:
  • The following message might be output: KAVB1969-W Failed to read some of the root authentication certificates used by the communication encryption function for JP1/IM - View. (directory = directory-name, file = file-name, file-name, ...)

  • The following message might be output: KAVB1971-W The root authentication certificate used by the communication encryption function for JP1/IM - View is no longer valid.(directory = directory-name, file = file-name, file-name, ...)

  • The following message might be output: KAVB6603-W Failed to read some of the root authentication certificates used by the communication encryption function for JP1/IM - View. (directory = directory-name, file = file-name, file-name, ...)

  • The following message might be output: KNAN20123-W Failed to read some of the root authentication certificates used by the communication encryption function for CF - View. (directory = directory-name, file = file-name, file-name, ...)

  • The following message might be output: KNAN20124-W The root authentication certificate used by the communication encryption function for CF - View is no longer valid. (directory = directory-name, file = file-name, file-name, ...)

  • The following message might be output: KNAN20143-W Failed to read some of the root authentication certificates used by the communication encryption function for CF - View for the base manager. (directory = directory-name, file = file-name, file-name, ...)

  • The following message might be output: KNAN20144-W The root authentication certificate used by the communication encryption function for CF - View for the base manager is no longer valid. (directory = directory-name, file = file-name, file-name, ...)


The following are possible causes:

  • Reading of some of the root certificates used by the communication encryption function of JP1/IM - View failed.

  • The root certificate used by the communication encryption function of JP1/IM - View has expired.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • Check whether you have read permission for the root certificate. If not, set read permission for the root certificate.

  • Check the Windows event log and make sure that no shortage has occurred in OS resources such as file descriptors.

  • Make sure that the root certificate file is valid.

  • Check whether there is a problem with using the expired root certificate. If there is a problem, update the root certificate.

If acquisition of remote monitoring configuration fails during IM configuration synchronization:

This subsection describes the causes related to the communication encryption function when the following message is output, along with the actions to take:

  • The following message is output: KNAN21404-E There is a host for which IM configuration synchronization failed. Take action according to the manual, and then retry IM configuration synchronization.


The following are possible causes:

  • No root certificate file was found on the connection destination manager.

  • The root certificate file on the connection destination manager could not be read.

  • The host name of the site manager does not match the CN or SAN in the server certificate of the site manager.

  • The server certificate of the site manager has expired.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • If no root certificate was found, provide one, and set its location in JP1/Base.

  • Check whether you have read permission for the root certificate. If not, set read permission for the root certificate.

  • Make sure that the root certificate file is valid.

  • Check the following operating system logs, and make sure that no shortage has occurred in OS resources such as file descriptors:

    • For Windows: Windows event log

    • For UNIX: syslog

  • Make sure that the host name of the site manager matches the CN or SAN in the server certificate of the site manager.

  • Check whether the message Failed to read some of the root authentication certificates was output to the integrated trace log of the connection destination manager. If it was output, take action as described in the message.

  • Check whether the manager at the connection destination has a root certificate corresponding to the server certificate of the site manager. If not, obtain a root certificate and set its location in JP1/Base.

  • Check whether the server certificate of the site manager has expired. If it has expired, update it.

(60) Actions to take if extended recovery fails

Check the IM database log and determine whether message KFPL15308-E was output.


Path specified in the item IMDBENVDIR of the setup information file


For a physical host, n is 0. For a logical host, n is the value specified for LOGICALHOSTNUMBER in the cluster setup information file.

If message KFPL15308-E is output to the IM database log, you need to match the table schema used for backup file acquisition to the table schema of the IM database service.

Check whether you need to update the IM database by executing the jimdbupdate command, and perform a recovery operation according to the following procedure.

If message KNAN11201-I, indicating that the IM database is the latest, is displayed:
  1. Perform unsetup for the integrated monitoring database.

  2. In Windows, restart the OS.

  3. Execute the jcodbsetup command with the -v option specified.

  4. Execute the jimdbrecovery command with both the backup file for which extended recovery failed and the -m EXPAND option specified.

  5. Update the table schema of the database.

    Execute the jimdbupdate command with the -i option specified.

If message KNAN11201-I, indicating that the IM database is the latest, is not displayed:
  1. Update the table schema of the database.

    Execute the jimdbupdate command with the -i option specified.

  2. Execute the jimdbrecovery command with both the backup file for which extended recovery failed and the -m EXPAND option specified.

If message KFPL15308-E is not output, check the following and then re-execute the jimdbrecovery command:

(61) How to extend logs when a log from the time an event occurred cannot be collected because logs for the Central Console viewer or Central Scope viewer wrapped around, causing older logs to be overwritten

You can extend process-specific trace logs for the Central Console viewer or the Central Scope viewer by specifying the following common definition information in a file on the machine on which JP1/IM - View is installed, and then using the jbssetcnf command to apply the information:


"JP1COVIEW_LOGNUM"= dword:hexadecimal-value
"JP1COVIEW_LOGSIZE"= dword:hexadecimal-value
"JP1COVIEW_APILOGNUM"= dword:hexadecimal-value
"JP1COVIEW_APILOGSIZE"= dword:hexadecimal-value

Estimate the values according to the number of JP1/IM - View instances that will be connected concurrently, so that the maximum amount of disk space to be allocated for each process-specific trace log (maximum size x number of files) is equal to default value x maximum number of JP1/IM - View instances that can be connected concurrently.

This action requires free disk space equivalent to the space to be allocated for the trace log.


Specify the following values:


This is a key name in the JP1/IM - View environment settings; this value is fixed.


Specifies the number of VIEWn.log files for the process-specific trace log.

Specify a hexadecimal value in the range from 1 to 16. The default value is dword:00000003 (3 files).


Specifies the maximum size of each VIEWn.log for the process-specific trace log.

Specify a hexadecimal value in bytes in the range from 4,096 to 2,147,483,647 bytes. The default value is dword:00A00000 (10,485,760 bytes, or 10 MB).

"JP1COVIEW_LOGNUM"= dword:hexadecimal-value

Specifies the number of jp1convn.log files for the process-specific trace log.

Specify a hexadecimal value in the range from 2 to 100. The default value is dword:00000008 (8 files).

"JP1COVIEW_LOGSIZE"= dword:hexadecimal-value

Specifies the maximum size of each jp1convn.log file for the process-specific trace log.

Specify a hexadecimal value in bytes in the range from 4,096 to 104,857,600 bytes. The default value is dword:00500000 (5,242,880 bytes, or 5 MB).

"JP1COVIEW_APILOGNUM"= dword:hexadecimal-value

Specifies the number of jp1convMn.log files for the process-specific trace log.

Specify a hexadecimal value in the range from 2 to 100. The default value is dword:0000003C (60 files).

"JP1COVIEW_APILOGSIZE"= dword:hexadecimal-value

Specifies the maximum size of each jp1convMn.log file for the process-specific trace log.

Specify a hexadecimal value in bytes in the range from 4,096 to 104,857,600.

The default value is dword:00500000 (5,242,880 bytes, or 5 MB).


This is a key name in the JP1/IM - View environment settings; this value is fixed.


Specifies the maximum size of the jp1csov[_old].log file for the process-specific trace log.

Specify a hexadecimal value in the range from 512 to 2,097,152 KB. The default value is dword:00300000 (3,145,728 bytes, or 3 MB).


Specifies the maximum size of the jp1csovM[_old].log file for the process-specific trace log.

Specify a hexadecimal value in the range from 512 to 2,097,152 KB. The default value is dword:00600000 (6,291,456 bytes, or 6 MB).

Procedures for extending logs

To extend the process-specific trace logs:

  1. Stop any of the following that are running on the host for which logs are to be extended: Central Console viewer, Central Scope viewer, and any monitoring tree editing viewers. Do this even when you are connecting to the host via Remote Desktop.

  2. Check the system-drive:\ProgramData\Hitachi\jp1\jp1_default\JP1CoView\log\mmap folder and its subfolders, and if the file exists, manually delete it.

  3. Use the jbssetcnf command to apply the file in which the common definition information is set.

    For details about the jbssetcnf command, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

(62) How to extend logs when a log from the time an event occurred cannot be collected because logs for the IM Configuration Management viewer wrapped around, causing older logs to be overwritten

You can extend process-specific trace logs for the IM Configuration Management viewer by modifying the following file on the machine on which JP1/IM - View is installed, and then restarting the machine.

File name






Estimate the values according to the number of JP1/IM - View instances that will be connected concurrently, so that the maximum amount of disk space to be allocated for each process-specific trace log (maximum size x number of files) is equal to default value x maximum number of JP1/IM - View instances that can be connected concurrently.

This action requires free disk space equivalent to the space to be allocated for the trace logs.


Specify the following values:


This parameter is fixed. Do not change it.


This parameter is fixed. Do not change it.


This parameter is fixed. Do not change it.


Specifies the maximum number of VIEWn.log files for the process-specific trace log.

Specify a hexadecimal value in the range from 1 to 16. The default value is dword:00000003 (3 files).


Specifies the maximum size of each VIEWn.log file for the process-specific trace log.

Specify a hexadecimal value in the range from 4,096 to 16,777,216. The default value is dword:00A00000 (10,485,760 bytes, or 10 MB).

Procedures for extending logs

To extend the process-specific trace logs:

  1. Stop any IM Configuration Management viewers that are running on the host for which logs are to be extended. Do this even when you are connecting to the host via Remote Desktop.

  2. Check the system-drive:\ProgramData\Hitachi\jp1\jp1_default\JP1CoView\log\jcfview\mmap folder and its subfolders, and if the file exists, manually delete it.

  3. In the process-specific log settings definition file (jcfview_reg.conf) for the IM Configuration Management viewer, set the values for the parameters that are required to expand the logs.

(63) Actions to take when an automated action is not executed


The following are possible causes:

  • A common exclusion-condition excludes a collected JP1 event from automated-action execution.

  • The automated action definition is disabled.

  • No collected JP1 event satisfies the action execution condition in the automated action definition.

Corrective action

Take the corrective action that matches the cause.

  • When a common exclusion-condition is used in extended mode, check the common exclusion history file to know whether a common exclusion-condition excludes JP1 events from automated-action execution. If JP1 events are excluded, review the common exclusion-condition.

  • Check that the automated action definition is not disabled.

  • Review action execution conditions in the automated action definition.

(64) Actions to take when JP1/IM - View does not start

When JP1/IM - View starts, a contiguous memory space is allocated as the Java heap space. This allocation requires a contiguous space. Depending on the condition of the memory used in your environment, the attempt to allocate the Java heap space might fail and JP1/IM - View might not start.

If the Login window does not appear when you attempt to start JP1/IM - View, take the action shown below.

Corrective action:
  1. Make a backup copy of the following file and save it to your working folder: JP1/IM - View-installation-folder\conf\jcoview.conf.

  2. In a text editor, open the following file: JP1/IM - View-installationfolder\conf\jcoview.conf. Next, change the value of the -Xmx option so that the resulting value is the current value minus 100.

    Example change:

    Before change


    Options=-Xms32m -Xmx768m -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true

    After change


    Options=-Xms32m -Xmx668m -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true

  3. Start JP1/IM - View.

  4. If JP1/IM - View starts, proceed to step 5.

    If JP1/IM - View cannot be started, go back to step 2. to further decrease the value of the -Xmx option by 100, and then proceed to step 3..

    Repeat steps 2. and 3. until JP1/IM - View starts successfully.

  5. Terminate JP1/IM - View.

  6. In a text editor, open the following file: JP1/IM - View-installationfolder\conf\jcoview.conf. Next, change the value of the -Xmx option so that the resulting value is the current value plus 12.

  7. Start JP1/IM - View.

  8. If JP1/IM - View starts, go back to steps 5. and 6. to further increase the value of the -Xmx option by 12, and then proceed to step 7..

  9. Repeat steps 7., 5., and 6. until it is confirmed that JP1/IM - View cannot be started.

    If JP1/IM - View cannot be started, change the current value of the -Xmx option back to the value that was used the last time JP1/IM - View was started.

    The resulting value of the -Xmx option is the maximum size of the Java heap space that can be allocated by JP1/IM - View in your environment.

    Before using JP1/IM - View, make sure that the value calculated through the above procedure is used.

    If you take the corrective action described above, the size of the Java heap space required for using JP1/IM - View decreases. A memory shortage might occur if the size of the heap space is determined by the formula explained in [Memory requirements] in "4. Memory and Disk Space Requirements".

    After taking the corrective action described above, review your settings, such as the number of scroll buffers, and make sure that the size of the heap space estimated by the formula is equal to or smaller than the value specified by the -Xmx option.

    In addition, conduct thorough testing before using JP1/IM - View.

(65) Action to taken when IM configuration management successfully collects host information but fails to collect profiles

The message KNAN22403-E: Acquisition of the profile list failed. (Detail Information: A communication error occurred.) is displayed.

Cause 1

A firewall is blocking communications that are necessary for profile collection.

Corrective action 1

Make sure that the settings allow communications to and from the jp1bscom service.

For details, see the explanations in the JP1/Base User's Guide about the Port numbers for JP1/Base, and about the Direction in which data passes through the firewall.

Cause 2

If JP1/IM is operated in one of the following ways, communication from the agent host to the manager host (duplicate communication) fails.

  • When the IP bind method is used for separated networks (when physical_ipany.conf or logical_ipany.conf is applied)

  • When the address is converted (NAT) between the manager and agent hosts

Corrective action 2
If name resolution is not set up to be performed via duplicate communication protocol using IM configuration management:

Specify settings so that name resolution is performed via duplicate communication protocol usings IM configuration management.

For details, see the explanation in the JP1/Base User's Guide on Setting a duplicate communication protocol using IM configuration management.

If name resolution is set up to be performed via duplicate communication protocol using IM configuration management:

Specify settings so that the agent host is able to resolve the name of the manager host. In addition, specify settings so that the IP address of the manager host for which the agent host performed name resolution matches the IP address to which the JP1/Base instance of the manager host is bound.

For details, see the explanation in the JP1/Base User's Guide on Setting a duplicate communication protocol using IM configuration management.

(66) Actions to take when the configuration of linked JP1/AJS is not displayed in the integrated operation viewer

If the configuration of JP1/AJS that has been linked with JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base) is not displayed in the integrated operation viewer, take the action shown below.


A nonexistent file is specified for the cmdpath attribute in the adapter command settings file.

Corrective action

Review the setting of the cmdpath attribute in the adapter command settings file.

For details about the cmdpath attribute, see Chapter 4. User-created Plug-ins in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

(67) How to respond if the KNAN11199-E message is output after executing the jimdbupdate command, or if the IM database cannot start after executing the jimdbupdate command

The message "KNAN11199-E Failed to update the IM database service." is output after executing the jimdbupdate command, or the IM database cannot start after executing the jimdbupdate command.


Open the following file in text editor, and then check the text on line 14.

For Windows
  • On physical host


  • On logical host


#: <n> is the LOGICALHOSTNUMBER value of cluster setup information file

  • On physical host


  • On logical host


#: <n> is the LOGICALHOSTNUMBER value of cluster setup information file

If the text on line 14 is "set pd_max_users = 96", this could be due to the following causes.

  • After the jimdbupdate command output the following messages and then ended, either the jimdbupdate command was re-executed or the IM database started.

    KNAN11034-E An attempt to stop the IM database service has failed.

    KNAN11199-E Failed to update the IM database service.

  • A procedure that differs from the IM database update procedure listed in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide was performed.

Corrective action
For Windows

If the problem occurred on a physical host, perform the following steps. You do not need to re-execute the jimdbupdate command after the steps have been completed.

  1. Execute the jimdbstop command (with the -f option specified), and then stop the IM database.

    jimdbstop -f

    Check that one of the following messages has been output.

    KNAN11186-I Processing to stop the IM database service ended normally.

    KNAN11183-I The IM database service is stopped.

    KNAN11046-E The service JP1/IM3-Manager DB Server is not running.

  2. Open the following file using text editor.


  3. Inside the file opened in step 2, change the value of line 14 (set pd_max_users) to the following value and save the file.

    (Before change)

    set pd_max_users = 96

    (After change)

    set pd_max_users = 32

  4. Start JP1/IM3-Manager DB Server service.

  5. Execute the jimdbstatus command, and then check that the IM database service is operational.


    The KNAN11182-I message is output.

    KNAN11182-I The IM database service is running.

    If the IM database service is not operational, execute the jimdbstatus command every 10 seconds, and then wait until the service is operational.

  6. Stop JP1/IM3-Manager DB Server service.

  7. Reopen the file opened in step 2 using text editor.

  8. Inside the file opened in step 7, change the value of line 14 (set pd_max_users) to the following value and save the file.

    (Before change)

    set pd_max_users = 32

    (After change)

    set pd_max_users = 96

  9. Start JP1/IM3-Manager DB Server service.

  10. Start JP1/IM3-Manager service.

If the problem occurred on a logical host in a cluster system, perform the following steps. You do not need to re-execute the jimdbupdate command after the steps have been completed.

  1. By operating the cluster software, place the following services offline and make sure that the following services were stopped on both active host and standby host. If the services are running, stop the services.

    - JP1/IM3 - Manager Service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager_logical-hostname)

    - JP1/IM3 - Manager DB Cluster Service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager DB ClusterService_logical-host-name)

    - The IM database service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager DB Server_logical-host-name)

  2. On the active host, start the following service from the service window of the OS:

    The IM database service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager DB Server_logical-host-name)

  3. On the active host, execute the jimdbstop command to stop the IM databases.

    jimdbstop -f -h logical-host-name

    Check that one of the following messages has been output.

    KNAN11186-I Processing to stop the IM database service ended normally.

    KNAN11183-I The IM database service is stopped.

  4. On active host, open the following file using text editor.


    #: <n> is the LOGICALHOSTNUMBER value of cluster setup information file

  5. Inside the file opened in step 4, change the value of line 14 (set pd_max_users) to the following value and save the file.

    (Before change)

    set pd_max_users = 96

    (After change)

    set pd_max_users = 32

  6. On the active host, start the following service from the service window of the OS:

    JP1/IM3 - Manager DB Cluster Service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager DB Cluster Service_logical-host-name)

  7. On the active host, execute the jimdbstatus command, and then check that the IM database service is operational.

    jimdbstatus -h logical-host-name

    The KNAN11182-I message is output.

    KNAN11182-I The IM database service is running.

    If the IM database service is not operational, execute the jimdbstatus command every 10 seconds, and then wait until the service is operational.

  8. On the active host, execute the jimdbstop command to stop the IM databases.

    jimdbstop -h logical-host-name

    Check that KNAN11186-I message has been output.

    KNAN11186-I Processing to stop the IM database service ended normally.

  9. On the active host, stop the following service from the service window of the OS by order:

    - JP1/IM3 - Manager DB Cluster Service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager DB Cluster Service_logical-host-name)

    - The IM database service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager DB Server_logical-host-name)

  10. On active host, reopen the file opened in step 4 using text editor.

  11. Inside the file opened in step 10, change the value of line 14 (set pd_max_users) to the following value and save the file.

    (Before change)

    set pd_max_users = 32

    (After change)

    set pd_max_users = 96

  12. In addition to transferring the shared disk and the logical IP address assigned to the active host to the standby host, make sure that the shared disk and the logical IP address can be used on the logical host.

  13. On the standby host, start the following service from the service window of the OS:

    The IM database service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager DB Server_logical-host-name)

  14. On the standby host, execute the jimdbstop command to stop the IM databases.

    jimdbstop -f -h logical-host-name

    Check that one of the following messages has been output.

    KNAN11186-I Processing to stop the IM database service ended normally.

    KNAN11183-I The IM database service is stopped.

  15. On the standby host, start the following service from the service window of the OS:

    JP1/IM3 - Manager DB Cluster Service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager DB Cluster Service_logical-host-name)

    If the service started successfully, perform step 24 after stopping the following services from the service window of the OS:

    - JP1/IM3 - Manager DB Cluster Service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager DB Cluster Service_logical-host-name)

    - The IM database service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager DB Server_logical-host-name)

    If the service failed to start, perform the procedure beginning with step 16.

  16. On standby host, open the following file using text editor.


    #: <n> is the LOGICALHOSTNUMBER value of cluster setup information file

  17. Inside the file opened in step 16, change the value of line 14 (set pd_max_users) to the following value and save the file.

    (Before change)

    set pd_max_users = 96

    (After change)

    set pd_max_users = 32

  18. On the standby host, start the following service from the service window of the OS:

    JP1/IM3 - Manager DB Cluster Service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager DB Cluster Service_logical-host-name)

  19. On the standby host, execute the jimdbstatus command, and then check that the IM database service is operational.

    jimdbstatus -h logical-host-name

    The KNAN11182-I message is output.

    KNAN11182-I The IM database service is running.

    If the IM database service is not operational, execute the jimdbstatus command every 10 seconds, and then wait until the service is operational.

  20. On the standby host, execute the jimdbstop command to stop the IM databases.

    jimdbstop -h logical-host-name

    Check that KNAN11186-I message has been output.

    KNAN11186-I Processing to stop the IM database service ended normally.

  21. On the standby host, stop the following service from the service window of the OS by order:

    - JP1/IM3 - Manager DB Cluster Service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager DB Cluster Service_logical-host-name)

    - The IM database service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager DB Server_logical-host-name)

  22. On standby host, reopen the file opened in step 16 using text editor.

  23. Inside the file opened in step 22, change the value of line 14 (set pd_max_users) to the following value and save the file.

    (Before change)

    set pd_max_users = 32

    (After change)

    set pd_max_users = 96

  24. In addition to transferring the shared disk and the logical IP address assigned to the standby host to the active host, make sure that the shared disk and the logical IP address can be used on the logical host.

  25. By operating the cluster software on the active host, place the following services online and start them by order:

    - The IM database service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager DB Server_logical-host-name)

    - JP1/IM3 - Manager DB Cluster Service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager DB Cluster Service_logical-host-name)

    - JP1/IM3 - Manager Service on the logical host (service name that is displayed: JP1/IM3-Manager_logical-host-name)

For Linux

If the problem occurred on a physical host, perform the following steps. You do not need to re-execute the jimdbupdate command after the steps have been completed.

  1. Execute the jimdbstop command (with the -f option specified), and then stop the IM database.

    jimdbstop -f

    Check that KNAN11186-I or KNAN11183-I message has been output.

    KNAN11186-I Processing to stop the IM database service ended normally.

    KNAN11183-I The IM database service is stopped.

  2. Open the following file using text editor.


  3. Inside the file opened in step 2, change the value of line 14 (set pd_max_users) to the following value and save the file.

    (Before change)

    set pd_max_users = 96

    (After change)

    set pd_max_users = 32

  4. Execute jimdbstart command in /opt/jp1imm/bin/imdb to start the IM database.


  5. Execute the jimdbstatus command, and then check that the IM database service is operational.


    The KNAN11182-I message is output.

    KNAN11182-I The IM database service is running.

    If the IM database service is not operational, execute the jimdbstatus command every 10 seconds, and then wait until the service is operational.

  6. Execute the jimdbstop command (without option) to stop the IM databases.


    Check that KNAN11186-I message has been output.

    KNAN11186-I Processing to stop the IM database service ended normally.

  7. Reopen the file opened in step 2 using text editor.

  8. Inside the file opened in step 7, change the value of line 14 (set pd_max_users) to the following value and save the file.

    (Before change)

    set pd_max_users = 32

    (After change)

    set pd_max_users = 96

  9. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

If the problem occurred on a logical host in a cluster system, perform the following steps. You do not need to re-execute the jimdbupdate command after the steps have been completed.

  1. Check that the active logical hosts' JP1/IM - Manager have stopped. If JP1/IM2 - Manager has started, make sure to stop it.

  2. On the active host, execute the jimdbstop command to stop the IM databases.

    jimdbstop -f -h logical-host-name

    Check that KNAN11186-I or KNAN11183-I message has been output.

    KNAN11186-I Processing to stop the IM database service ended normally.

    KNAN11183-I The IM database service is stopped.

  3. On active host, open the following file using text editor.


    #: <n> is the LOGICALHOSTNUMBER value of cluster setup information file.

  4. Inside the file opened in step 3, change the value of line 14 (set pd_max_users) to the following value and save the file.

    (Before change)

    set pd_max_users = 96

    (After change)

    set pd_max_users = 32

  5. On active host, execute jimdbstart command in /opt/jp1imm/bin/imdb to start the IM database.

    jimdbstart -h logical-host-name

  6. On the active host, execute the jimdbstatus command, and then check that the IM database service is operational.

    jimdbstatus -h logical-host-name

    The KNAN11182-I message is output.

    KNAN11182-I The IM database service is running.

    If the IM database service is not operational, execute the jimdbstatus command every 10 seconds, and then wait until the service is operational.

  7. On the active host, execute the jimdbstop command to stop the IM databases.

    jimdbstop -f -h logical-host-name

    Check that KNAN11186-I message has been output.

    KNAN11186-I Processing to stop the IM database service ended normally.

  8. On active host, reopen the file opened in step 3 using text editor.

  9. Inside the file opened in step 8, change the value of line 14 (set pd_max_users) to the following value and save the file.

    (Before change)

    set pd_max_users = 32

    (After change)

    set pd_max_users = 96

  10. In addition to transferring the shared disk and the logical IP address assigned to the active host to the standby host, make sure that the shared disk and the logical IP address can be used on the logical host.

  11. On the standby host, execute the jimdbstop command to stop the IM databases.

    jimdbstop -f -h logical-host-name

    Check that KNAN11186-I or KNAN11183-I message has been output.

    KNAN11186-I Processing to stop the IM database service ended normally.

    KNAN11183-I The IM database service is stopped.

  12. On standby host, execute jimdbstart command in /opt/jp1imm/bin/imdb to start the IM database.

    jimdbstart -h logical-host-name

    - If the following message is output, perform step 11 again. After stopping the IM database, perform step 20.

    KNAN11180-I Processing to start the IM database service ended normally.

    - If the following message is output, perform the procedure beginning with step 13.

    KNAN11035-E An attempt to start the IM database service has failed.

  13. On standby host, open the following file using text editor.


    #: <n> is the LOGICALHOSTNUMBER value of cluster setup information file.

  14. Inside the file opened in step 13, change the value of line 14 (set pd_max_users) to the following value and save the file.

    (Before change)

    set pd_max_users = 96

    (After change)

    set pd_max_users = 32

  15. On standby host, execute jimdbstart command in /opt/jp1imm/bin/imdb to start the IM database.

    jimdbstart -h logical-host-name

  16. On the standby host, execute the jimdbstatus command, and then check that the IM database service is operational.

    jimdbstatus -h logical-host-name

    The KNAN11182-I message is output.

    KNAN11182-I The IM database service is running.

    If the IM database service is not operational, execute the jimdbstatus command every 10 seconds, and then wait until the service is operational.

  17. On the standby host, execute the jimdbstop command to stop the IM databases.

    jimdbstop -f -h logical-host-name

    Check that KNAN11186-I message has been output.

    KNAN11186-I Processing to stop the IM database service ended normally.

  18. On standby host, reopen the file opened in step 12 using text editor.

  19. Inside the file opened in step 18, change the value of line 14 (set pd_max_users) to the following value and save the file.

    (Before change)

    set pd_max_users = 32

    (After change)

    set pd_max_users = 96

  20. In addition to transferring the shared disk and the logical IP address assigned to the standby host to the active host, make sure that the shared disk and the logical IP address can be used on the logical host.

  21. By operating the cluster software on the active host, start JP1/IM - Manager on the logical host.

(68) How to respond if the __configurationGet method is not executed in your user-created plug-in

If the __configurationGet method is not executed in your user-created plug-in, check if the adapter command settings file is saved in the ASCII character code.

For details about the adapter command settings file, see 7.3.2 Adapter command settings file in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

(69) What to do if updating IM database with jimdbupdate command fails and a KNAN11215-E message is displayed

The message "KNAN11215-E Failed to update the IM database service. Try again from the version update step." is displayed.


The following factors can occur:

  • When updating IM database, an error occurred due to insufficient memory, file locking, etc., and IM database update has failed and is in an invalid status.

Corrective Action

Take appropriate action according to the cause.

  • If an error message was output prior to KNAN11215-E message, take appropriate action for the message. After taking corrective action, restore JP1/Base and JP1/IM - Manager to the status prior to the version upgrade, and start again from the version upgrade, referring to the following steps. To restore the status prior to the version upgrade, use the backup of JP1/Base and JP1/IM - Manager obtained prior to the version upgrade installation.

    The following shows an example of the procedure for upgrading from version 12 to version 13.




    Uninstalling JP1/IM - Manager (version13)

    Manually uninstall IM database. #1


    Uninstall JP1/IM - Manager.


    Uninstalling JP1/Base (version13)

    If the settings have been changed after upgrading JP1/Base to version 13, make a backup.


    Uninstall JP1/Base. #1


    Installing and Restoring JP1/Base (Version 12)

    Install JP1/Base of the version prior to the upgrade. #1#2


    Restore JP1/Base configuration and event database. #2


    Installing and Restoring JP1/IM - Manager (Version 12)

    Install JP1/IM - Manager of the version prior to the upgrade.


    Use the backup file acquired prior to the version upgrade to recover JP1/IM - Manager settings.


    Set up IM database.


    Recover IM database using the backup file taken prior to the version upgrade.


    JP1/Base version upgrades (from version 12 to version 13) and restores

    Perform a JP1/Base upgrade. #2


    If you made a backup in step 3, use it to recover.


    Upgrading JP1/IM - Manager (Version 12 to Version 13)

    Perform a JP1/IM - Manager upgrade.


    Run jimdbupdate command to refresh IM database.


Includes OS restart.


If you have JP1/AJS or other products that are used with JP1/Base installed, you will need to do the same for those products.

In addition, uninstallation is performed first from higher-level products. Installation and version upgrading are performed first from JP1/Base.

(70) Integrated operation viewer tree does not display monitored IM management nodes, Trend view does not show performance data, or some portion is missing

Item number

Key factors

Corrective action


Prometheus server is hesitation and does not scrape.

Start the Prometheus server.


The scrape is failing because the exporter is hesitation.

Launch Exporter.


Communication failure has occurred between Prometheus server and JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Infrastructure) host, so performance data cannot be sent.

Resolve the communication failure.


Reverted the system time of the monitored host.

Wait until the system time on the monitored host returns to the time before the change.


After changing the scrape interval of the Prometheus server from 1 m of Differential Gear, the value of the PromQL statement in the metric definition file has not been changed.

If you change scrape interval of Prometheus server from its default value (1m), you must review the value "time to back" (specified in square brackets []) specified in range Vector type in PromQL expression of metric definition-file. Specify at least twice scrape interval.


The length of the character string set in IM management node label name (jp1_pc_nodelabel value) exceeds the upper limit. URL encoding limit is 234 bytes (26 characters for all multibyte characters).

Set the jp1_pc_nodelabel so that the value does not exceed the upper limit by the setting procedure (same for Linux) described in 1.21.2(3)(g) Setting the label name (jp1_pc_nodelabel value) of IM management node exceeds the upper limit (for Windows) (Optional) in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

(71) No JP1 Events Notified to integrated operation viewer

Item number

Key factors

Corrective action


Prometheus server is hesitation and does not scrape.

Start the Prometheus server.


The scrape is failing because the exporter is hesitation.

Launch Exporter.


Notifications are not made because Alertmanager is hesitation.

Launch Alertmanager.


JP1 event cannot be notified because of a communication failure between Alertmanager and JP1/IM (Intelligent Integrated Management Platform) host.

Resolve the communication failure.

(72) JP1/IM - Agent is notified of an outage (if you are monitoring JP1/IM - Agent processing).

Item number

Key factors

Corrective action


The JP1/IM - Agent process being monitored has hesitation.

Launch the JP1/IM - Agent process.

(73) IM management node for Yet another cloudwatch exporter Is Not Created

Item number

Key factors

Corrective action


CloudWatch is not displaying metrics.

Perform operations such as launching an instance (in the case of EC2) so that you can check the metrics in CloudWatch.


You haven't set jp1_pc_nodelabel tags on the resource.

Set jp1_pc_nodelabel tags for each resource in AWS.


Yet another cloudwatch exporter is misconfigured.

  • Check if the Connection settings to CloudWatch are correct.

  • Check that the values specified for setting items such as type, metrics, etc. are correct.


Prometheus, scraping Yet another cloudwatch exporter, has set the scrape interval to a value greater than 10 minutes.

Set the scrape interval to no more than 10 minutes.


There is a difference of more than 10 minutes between the system time of the JP1/IM - Manager host and the Yet another cloudwatch exporter host.

Correct the system time skew.

(74) If you start the service of the integrated agent in a Windows environment, the status goes to the running status but changes to the stopped status immediately.

Item number

Key factors

Corrective action


The integrated agent process consists of a Windows serviced process and a service process.

This behavior occurs when the integrated agent service is started with only the Windows serviced process stopped and the service process not stopped.

In Task Manager, make sure that the process for each of the following services is running: If only one process is running, run End Task Manager to stop the process and start the service.

  • JP1/IM3-Agent

    imagent.exe, jpc_imagent_service.exe

  • JP1/IM3-Agent proxy

    imagentproxy.exe, jpc_imagentproxy_service.exe

  • JP1/IM3-Agent action

    imagentaction.exe, jpc_imagentaction_service.exe

  • JP1/IM3-Agent Alert forwarder

    alertmanager.exe, jpc_alertmanager_service.exe

  • JP1/IM3-Agent metric forwarder



  • JP1/IM3-Agent Synthetic metric collector

    blackbox_exporter.exe, jpc_blackbox_exporter_service.exe

  • JP1/IM3-Agent Windows metric collector

    windows_exporter.exe, jpc_windows_exporter_service.exe

  • JP1/IM3-Agent AWS metric collector



  • JP1/IM3-Agent Azure metric collector



  • JP1/IM3-Agent Azure resource discovery

    promitor_resource_discovery.exe, jpc_promitor_resource_discovery_service.exe

  • JP1/IM3-Agent Script metric collector

    script_exporter.exe, jpc_script_exporter_service.exe

  • JP1/IM3-Agent Log trapper

    ruby.exe (1+number of workers), jpc_fluentd_service.exe

(75) In Windows, when a service of the integrated agent is started or stopped, Error 1067 is notified to the standard error output of net commands and dialogs on the service screen, and the service fails to start or stop.

Item number

Key factors

Corrective action


The integrated agent process consists of a Windows serviced process and a service process.

This behavior occurs when only the Windows serviceization process is stopped and the service process is not stopped, and the integrated agent service is started or stopped.

This is same with (74).

(76) Service does not start

Item number

Key factors

Corrective action


The definition file is incorrect.

Check the following definition file formats, settings, character codes, newline codes, etc. for errors. For details about the format of each file, see the appropriate definition file in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  • Alertmanager

    - Alertmanager configuration file

    - Service definition file (For Windows)

    - Unit definition file (For Linux)

  • Prometheus server

    - Prometheus configuration file#

    - Alert configuration file#

    - Node exporter discovery configuration file#

    - Windows exporter discovery configuration file#

    - Blackbox exporter (HTTP/HTTPS monitoring) discovery configuration file#

    - Blackbox exporter (ICMP Monitoring) discovery configuration file#

    - Yet another cloudwatch exporter discovery configuration file#

    - User-specific discovery configuration file#

    - Service definition file (For Windows)

    - Unit definition file (For Linux)

  • Node exporter

    - Unit definition file

  • Windows exporter

    - Windows exporter configuration file

    - Service definition file

  • Blackbox exporter

    - Blackbox exporter configuration file

    - Service definition file (For Windows)

    - Unit definition file (For Linux)

  • Yet another cloudwatch exporter

    - Yet another cloudwatch exporter configuration file

    - Unit definition file


The Prometheus server definition file can be validated with the promtool check config command.


There is a duplicate of the port used by the other process and the port used by the JP1/IM - Agent process.

The ports used by JP1/IM - Agent can be checked in the unit definition file or by the following command-line options listed in the service definition file:

  • For Prometheus server, Alertmager, Node exporter, Blackbox exporter


  • For Windows exporter

    --telemetry.addr= IP-address:port-number

  • Yet another cloudwatch exporter


Stop the JP1/IM - Agent process, and then run the following command to verify that the port specified in the command line option above is not in use:

  • For Windows environment

    netstat -ane

  • For Linux environment

    ss -ant

If it is in use, change the port settings so that they do not overlap. For details on how to change the port number setting, see the appropriate explanation in 1.21.2 Change settings in JP1/IM - Agent (for Windows) and 2.19.2 Change Setup in JP1/IM - Agent (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

(77) JP1/IM - Agent process is running but does not work properly

Item number

Key factors

Corrective action


There is a duplicate of the port used by the other process and the port used by the JP1/IM - Agent process.

The ports used by JP1/IM - Agent can be checked in the unit definition file or by the following command-line options listed in the service definition file:

  • For Prometheus server, Alertmanager, Node exporter, Blackbox exporter


  • For Windows exporter

    --telemetry.addr= IP-address:port-number

  • Yet another cloudwatch exporter


Stop the JP1/IM - Agent process, and then run the following command to verify that the port specified in the command line option above is not in use:

  • For Windows environment

    netstat -ane

  • For Linux environment

    ss -ant

If it is in use, change the port settings so that they do not overlap. For details on how to change the port number setting, see the appropriate explanation in 1.21.2 Change settings in JP1/IM - Agent (for Windows) and 2.19.2 Change Setup in JP1/IM - Agent (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

(78) If you execute a REST API provided by JP1/IM - Agent while JP1/IM - Agent process is running, there is no response, or an error is returned.

Item number

Key factors

Corrective action


There is a duplicate of the port used by the other process and the port used by the JP1/IM - Agent process.

The ports used by JP1/IM - Agent can be checked in the unit definition file or by the following command-line options listed in the service definition file:

  • For Prometheus server, Alertmanager, Node exporter, Blackbox exporter


  • For Windows exporter

    --telemetry.addr= IP-address:port-number

  • Yet another cloudwatch exporter


Stop the JP1/IM - Agent process, and then run the following command to verify that the port specified in the command line option above is not in use:

  • For Windows environment

    netstat -ane

  • For Linux environment

    ss -ant

If it is in use, change the port settings so that they do not overlap. For details on how to change the port number setting, see the appropriate explanation in 1.21.2 Change settings in JP1/IM - Agent (for Windows) and 2.19.2 Change Setup in JP1/IM - Agent (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

(79) Blackbox_exporter does not monitor correctly

Item number

Key factors

Corrective action


Possible causes include:

  • You have specified a host name that does not exist in the discovery configuration file (file_sd_config_blackbox_module-name.yml).

  • The monitored host specified discovery configuration file (file_sd_config_blackbox_module-name.yml) is stopped.

  • The monitored service specified in the discovery configuration file (file_sd_config_blackbox_http.yml) is stopped.

  • You have specified the wrong URL in the discovery configuration file (file_sd_config_blackbox_http.yml).

  • You have specified an incorrect value for the compressor in the Blackbox exporter configuration file (blackbox_exporter.yml).

  • The credentials specified in the Blackbox exporter configuration file (blackbox_exporter.yml) are incorrect.

  • The Blackbox exporter configuration file (blackbox_exporter.yml) source_ip_address incorrectly.

  • The certificate specified in the Blackbox exporter configuration file (blackbox_exporter.yml) does not exist.

  • The certificate specified in the Blackbox exporter configuration file (blackbox_exporter.yml) is incorrect.

Make sure that:

  • The monitored object is operating normally

  • file_sd_config_blackbox_module-name.yml is correct.

  • blackbox_exporter.yml description is correct.

If there are no problems with the above, you should Output and investigate the detailed log of the blackbox_exporter to determine the cause. Perform the following steps:

  1. Change the blackbox_exporterSlag level setting from "info" (Differential Gear) to "debug".

  2. Rewrite --log.level described in the unit definition file or service definition file from "info" to "debug".

  3. Restart the service.

  4. Restarting the service will enable the log level setting change.

  5. After monitoring with blackbox_exporter and reproducing the phenomenon, collect blackbox_exporterSlag and contact the system administrator.

If you change the log level to "debug", a large number of logs will be Output, so it is necessary to return the log level to "info" after collecting the log.

(80) User-defined Exporter does not monitor correctly

Item number

Key factors

Corrective action


This could be due to:

  • Cause caused by user-defined Exporter

  • No settings of scrape job for user-defined Exporter are added to Prometheus configuration file (jpc_prometheus_server.yml), or the settings are incorrect.

  • You have not created a user-specific discovery configuration file (file_sd_config_any-name.yml) or the configuration is incorrect.

Check the following points.

  • Check if user-defined Exporter is operating normally. Use a curl or browser to scrape user-defined Exporter to verify that it can be retrieved successfully. If it is not, it is probably due to user-defined Exporter, check the source of user-defined Exporter.

  • If you are not having trouble working with user-defined Exporter, you may not be able to scrape from Prometheus server, so check whether a scrape job is defined in Prometheus configuration file (jpc_prometheus_server.yml) and user-specific discovery configuration file (file_sd_config_any-name.yml) is created.

(81) Log trapper monitored logs or event logs are not published as a JP1 event

Item number

Key factors

Corrective action


This could be due to:

  • Fluentd monitor definition file is incorrect.

Check the following files for errors in format, settings, character codes, and line feed codes.

  • Log monitoring common definition file (jpc_fluentd_common.conf)

  • Log monitoring target definition file (jpc_fluentd_common_list.conf)

  • Text-formatted log file monitoring definition file (fluentd_@@trapname@@_tail.conf.template)

  • Windows event-log monitoring definition file (fluentd_@@trapname@@_wevt.conf.template)

(82) Unable to acquire the Script exporter metric

Item number

Primary cause



The executed script terminated abnormally.

Correct the script executed by Script exporter, and then restart Script exporter.


Attempted to execute a file without execute permissions.

Change the file permissions for the file being executed.

(83) Unable to acquire the Promitor metric

Item number

Primary cause



Resource Discovery has stopped.

Start Resource Discovery.


Incorrect Resource Discovery setup.

Check whether type and other settings are correct.


Incorrect Scraper setup.

  • Check whether the connection settings for Resource Discovery are correct.

  • Check whether resourceType, metricName, and other settings are correct.