
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide

12.3.1 Information about JP1/IM - Manager

Organization of this subsection

(1) In Windows

(a) OS system information

You need to collect the OS-related information listed in the table below. These types of information can be collected using data collection tools.

The two data collection tools (the jim_log.bat command and the jcoview_log.bat command) collect different types of data. When the jim_log.bat command is executed, all of the data listed in the table below is collected. The data that can be collected by executing the jcoview_log.bat command is indicated in the far-right column.

Table 12‒15: OS system information (Windows)

Information type

Collected data

File name#1


Data collection date/time

  • date /t execution result

  • time /t execution result



Hitachi integrated installer log file

Files under Windows-installation-folder\Temp\HCDINST\

Copies of the files indicated at left


JP1/IM - Manager installation/uninstallation log file




JP1/IM - View installation/uninstallation log file




JP1/Base installation/uninstallation log file




Product information log file

Files under Windows-installation-folder\Temp\jp1common\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Host name settings that are set in the machine




Service port settings that are set in the machine




NIC installation status

ipconfig /all execution result



Startup service list

net start execution result



Network statistical information

netstat -nao execution result



Machine's environment variable

set execution result



Machine's system information

msinfo32 /report-file-name execution result



Registry information




collected by the reg command



Product information file

Files under system-drive:Program Files\HITACHI\jp1common\

Copies of the files indicated at left


JP1/IM - Manager installation information

system-drive:Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\setup.ini



JP1/IM - Manager installation log file

system-drive:Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\setup.ilg



JP1/Base installation information

system-drive:Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\setup.ini



JP1/Base installation log file

system-drive:Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\setup.ilg



JP1/IM - View installation information

system-drive:Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\setup.ini



JP1/IM - View installation log file

system-drive:Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\setup.ilg



JP1/Base access permission information (installation folder)

cacls Base-path execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Base execution result#2



JP1/Base access permission information (log folder)

cacls Base-path\log execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Base\log execution result#2



JP1/Base access permission information (command execution history folder)

cacls Base-path\log\COMMAND execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Base\log\COMMAND execution result#2



JP1/Base access permission information (event database folder)

cacls Base-path\sys execution result



JP1/Base access permission information (event database folder)

cacls Base-path\sys\event execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Base\event execution result#2



JP1/Base access permission information (event database folder)

cacls Base-path\sys\event\servers execution result



JP1/Base access permission information (event database folder)

cacls Base-path\sys\event\servers\default execution result



JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) access permission information (installation folder)

cacls Console-path execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Cons execution result#2



JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) access permission information (log folder)

cacls Console-path\log execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Cons\log execution result#2



JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) access permission information (correlation history folder)

cacls Console-path\operation execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Cons\operation execution result#2



JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) access permission information (correlation event generation history folder)

cacls Console-path\operation\evgen execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Cons\operation\evgen execution result#2



JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) access permission information (common exclusion history folder)

cacls Console-path\operation\comexclude execution result



JP1/IM - View access permission information (installation folder)

cacls View-path execution result



JP1/IM - View access permission information (log folder)

cacls system-drive:\ProgramData\Hitachi\jp1\jp1_default\JP1CoView\log execution result



JP1/IM - Manager access permission information (installation folder)

cacls Manager-path execution result



JP1/IM - Manager access permission information (log folder)

cacls Manager-path\log execution result



JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) access permission information (installation folder)

cacls Scope-path execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Scope execution result#2



JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) access permission information (log folder)

cacls Scope-path\log execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Scope\log execution result#2



JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) access permission information (database folder)

cacls Scope-path\database execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Scope\database execution result#2



JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) access permission information (database folder)

cacls Scope-path\database\event execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Scope\database\event execution result#2



JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) access permission information (database folder)

cacls Scope-path\database\jcsdb execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Scope\database\jcsdb execution result#2



JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) access permission information (database folder)

cacls Scope-path\database\jcsdb\event execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Scope\database\jcsdb\event execution result#2



JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) access permission information (database folder)

cacls Scope-path\database\jcsdb\pw execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Scope\database\jcsdb\pw execution result#2



JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) access permission information (database folder)

cacls Scope-path\database\jcsdb\tree execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Scope\database\jcsdb\tree execution result#2



JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) access permission information (database folder)

cacls Scope-path\database\jcshosts execution result



cacls shared-folder\JP1Scope\database\jcshosts execution result#2



JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base) access permission information (log folder)

cacls Manager-path\log\imdd execution result



cacls shared-folder\log\imdd execution result#2



JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base) access permission information (response action execution history folder)

cacls Manager-path \log\suggestion execution result



cacls shared-folder \log\suggestion execution result#2



Access permission information for the operation log file output destination

cacls operation-log-output-destination execution result

operation-log-output-destination indicates the folder specified in the following common definition:





cacls operation-log-output-destination execution result

operation-log-output-destination indicates the folder specified in the following common definition:





JP1/Base file list

dir Base-path /s execution result



dir shared-folder\JP1Base /s execution result#2



JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) file list

dir Console-path /s execution result



dir shared-folder\JP1Cons /s execution result#2



JP1/IM - View file list

dir View-path /s execution result



Only for Windows

dir system-drive:\ProgramData\Hitachi\jp1\jp1_default\JP1CoView /s execution result



JP1/IM - Manager file list

dir Manager-path /s execution result



JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) file list

dir Scope-path /s execution result



dir shared-folder\JP1Scope /s execution result#2



List of files at the operation log output destination

dir operation-log-output-destination /s execution result

operation-log-output-destination indicates the folder specified in the following common definition:





dir operation-log-output-destination /s execution result

operation-log-output-destination indicates the folder specified in the following common definition:





Host name for resolving network address

jbsgethostbyname execution result

  • jbsgethostbyname.log (standard output)

  • jbsgethostbyname_err.log (standard error)


jbsgethostbyname logical-host-name execution result#2

  • jbsgethostbyname.log (standard output)

  • jbsgethostbyname_err.log (standard error)


Health check

jbshcstatus -debbug -a execution result

  • jbshcstatus.log (standard output)

  • jbshcstatus_err.log (standard error)


jbshcstatus -debbug -a -h logical-host-name execution result#2

  • jbshcstatus.log (standard output)

  • jbshcstatus_err.log (standard error)


Process operation status of Event Service

jevstat execution result

  • jevstat.log (standard output)

  • jevstat_err.log (standard error)


  • jevstat logical-host-name execution result

  • jevstat.log (standard output)

  • jevstat_err.log (standard error)


Process operation status of items other than Event Service

jbs_spmd_status execution result

  • jbs_spmd_status.log (standard output)

  • jbs_spmd_status_err.log (standard error)


jbs_spmd_status -h logical-host-name execution result#2

  • jbs_spmd_status.log (standard output)

  • jbs_spmd_status_err.log (standard error)


Automated action execution result

jcashowa execution result#3

  • jcashowa.log (standard output)

  • jcashowa_err.log (standard error)


jcashowa -h logical-host-name execution result#2, #3

  • jcashowa.log (standard output)

  • jcashowa_err.log (standard error)


Automated action status

jcastatus execution result

  • jcastatus.log (standard output)

  • jcastatus_err.log (standard error)


jcastatus -h logical-host-name execution result#2

  • jcastatus.log (standard output)

  • jcastatus_err.log (standard error)


Automated action definition file content

jcastatus -d execution result

  • jcastatus_d.log (standard output)

  • jcastatus_d_err.log (standard error)


jcastatus -d -h logical-host-name execution result#2

  • jcastatus_d.log (standard output)

  • jcastatus_d_err.log (standard error)


Event Generation Service status

jcoegsstatus execution result

  • jcoegsstatus.log (standard output)

  • jcoegsstatus_err.log (standard error)


jcoegsstatus -h logical-host-name execution result#2

  • jcoegsstatus.log (standard output)

  • jcoegsstatus_err.log (standard error)


Process operation status

jco_spmd_status execution result

  • jco_spmd_status.log (standard output)

  • jco_spmd_status_err.log (standard error)


jco_spmd_status -h logical-host-name execution result#2

  • jco_spmd_status.log (standard output)

  • jco_spmd_status_err.log (standard error)


Results of executing the data collection tool

jim_log.bat command execution result



JP1/IM - Manager license information

Trace logs and error logs that are output by the license library (HLICLIB) at installation

  • hlicliberr{n}.log

  • hliclibmgrerr{n}.log

  • hliclibtrc{n}.log

  • hliclibmgrtrc{n}.log


JP1/IM - View license information

Trace logs and error logs that are output by the license library (HLICLIB) at installation

  • hlicliberr{n}.log

  • hliclibmgrerr{n}.log

  • hliclibtrc{n}.log

  • hliclibmgrtrc{n}.log


Windows event log

  • Application: system-root-folder\system32\config\AppEvent.Evt

  • System: system-root-folder\system32\config\SysEvent.Evt

  • AppEvent(Backup).evt

  • AppEvent(Backup).txt

  • SysEvent(Backup).evt

  • SysEvent(Backup).txt


jp1hosts2 information registered on the host

  • jbshosts2export execution result

  • jbshosts2export.log (standard output)

  • jbshosts2export_err.log (standard error)


  • jbshosts2export -h logical-host-name execution result

  • jbshosts2export.log (standard output)

  • jbshosts2export_err.log (standard error)


Media sense functionality's ON/OFF information

Content of the registry


displayed by the reg command



Server certificate information (CN and SAN settings and expiration dates)

openssl x509 -noout -in server-certificate-file -subject -dates execution result

  • openssl_x509_server.log (standard output)

  • openssl_x509_server_err.log (standard error)


Server certificate and private key compatibility information (modulus)

  • openssl rsa -noout -in private-key-file -modulus execution result

  • openssl x509 -noout -in server-certificate-file -modulus execution result

  • openssl_keymatching.log (standard output)

  • openssl_keymatching_err.log (standard error)


Intelligent Integrated Management Database Files List

  • dir Intelligent-Integrated-Management-Database-install-destingation-folder# /s execution result

  • Result of executing dir Intelligent-Integrated-Management-Database-data-storage-folder# /s execution result

  • dir_jp1imgndb_env.log

  • dir_jp1imgndb_data.log



Y: Collected by the jcoview_log.bat command.

Δ: Collected by the jcoview_log.bat command only when JP1/Base and JP1/IM - Manager are installed on the same host as JP1/IM - View.

--: Not collected by the jcoview_log.bat command.

#1: Indicates the storage destination file name after a data collection tool is executed. For details about the storage destination, see the following sections:

  • jim_log.bat (Windows only) in Chapter 1. Commands in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

  • jcoview_log.bat (Windows only) in Chapter 1. Commands in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

#2: Can be collected when data in a logical host (cluster) environment is being collected.

#3: Can be collected only when Console-path\log\action\action-information-file-name exists.

(b) JP1 information

You need to collect the JP1-related information listed in the table below. These types of information can be collected using a data collection tool. If a network connection problem has occurred, you must also collect files from the machine at the connection destination.

The two data collection tools (the jim_log.bat command and the jcoview_log.bat command) collect different types of data. When the jim_log.bat command is executed, all of the data listed in the table below is collected. The data that can be collected by executing the jcoview_log.bat command is indicated in the far-right column.

Table 12‒16: JP1 information (Windows)

Information type

Collected data

File name#1


Common to JP1/IM and JP1/Base

Integrated trace log

system-drive:Program Files\Hitachi\HNTRLib2\spool

The following files in the default mode:



JP1/IM - Manager (common to components)

Patch information




Model name and version information




License type and expiration date




Settings and definition file

Files under Manager-path\conf\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Log file

Files under Manager-path\log\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Operation log file

Files under the folder specified in the following common definition:



Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under the folder specified in the following common definition:



Copies of the files indicated at left


JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console)

Settings and definition file

Files under Console-path\conf\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under shared-folder\JP1Cons\conf\#2

Copies of the files indicated at left


Common definition information

Files under Console-path\default\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Log file

Files under Console-path\log\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under shared-folder\JP1Cons\log\#2

Copies of the files indicated at left


File for accumulated response-waiting events#3

Files under Console-path\log\response\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under shared-folder\jp1cons\log\response\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Correlation event generation history file

Files under Console-path\operation\evgen\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under shared-folder\JP1Cons\operation\evgen\#2

Copies of the files indicated at left


Common exclusion history file, and common exclusion-conditions definition history file

Files under Console-path\operation\comexclude\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under shared-folder\JP1Cons\operation\comexclude\#2

Copies of the files indicated at left


JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope)

Settings and definition file

Files under Scope-path\conf\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under shared-folder\JP1Scope\conf\#2

Copies of the files indicated at left


Common definition information

Files under Scope-path\default\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Log file

Files under Scope-path\log\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under shared-folder\JP1Scope\log\#2

Copies of the files indicated at left


Database information

Files under Scope-path\database\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under shared-folder\JP1Scope\database\#2

Copies of the files indicated at left


JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base)

Settings and definition file

Files under Manager-path\conf\imdd\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under shared-folder\jp1imm\conf\imdd\#2

Copies of the files indicated at left


Log file

Files under Manager-path\log\imdd\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under shared-folder\jp1imm\log\imdd\#2

Copies of the files indicated at left


Plug-in file

Files under Manager-path\plugin\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under shared-folder\plugin\#2

Copies of the files indicated at left


Response action execution history file

Files under Manager-path\log\suggestion\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under shared-folder\log\suggestion\#2

Copies of the files indicated at left


JP1/IM - Manager (IM Configuration Management)

Settings and definition file

Files under Manager-path\conf\imcf\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under shared-folder\jp1imm\conf\imcf\#2

Copies of the files indicated at left


Common definition information

Files under Manager-path\system\default\new\imcf\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Log file

Files under Manager-path\log\imcf\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under shared-folder\jp1imm\log\imcf\#2

Copies of the files indicated at left


JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Database)#4

Configuration and definition files

Files under Manager-path\conf\imgndb\

Copy file of the file on the left


Files under Shared-folder\jp1imm\conf\imgndb\#2

Copy file of the file on the left


Files under Physical-host-Intelligent-Integrated-Management-Database-data-storage-folder\imgndb\

  • postgresql.conf

  • pg_hba.conf

  • pg_ident.conf


  • postmaster.opts


Copy file of the file on the left


Files under Logical-host-Intelligent-Integrated-Management-Database-data-storage-folder\imgndblogical-host-number\

  • postgresql.conf

  • pg_hba.conf

  • pg_ident.conf


  • postmaster.opts


Copy file of the file on the left


Files under Physical-host-Intelligent-Integrated-Management-Database-installation-folder\imgndbbin\promscale\

  • promsrv.xml

Copy file of the file on the left


Files under Logical-host-Intelligent-Integrated-Management-Database-Installation-folder\imgndbbinlogical-host-number\promscale\

  • promsrv.xml

Copy file of the file on the left


Log Files

Files under Manager-path\log\imgndb\

Copy file of the file on the left


Files under Shared-folder\jp1imm\log\imgndb\

Copy file of the file on the left


State of the database

Result of executing the following commands on the physical host (jimgndb_status.txt)

  • Jimgndbstatus

  • Jimgndbstauts -ri#5

  • Jimgndbstatus -rs#5

Copy file of the file on the left


Result of executing the following command on the logical host (jimgndb_status.txt)

  • Jimgndbstatus -h logical hostname

  • Jimgndbstauts -h logical hostname -ri#5

  • Jimgndbstatus -h logical hostname -rs#5

Copy file of the file on the left


JP1/IM - Agent (JP1/IM - Agent management base)

Definition file

Files that need to be collected under Manager-path\conf\imdd\plugin\jp1pccs\

  • AWS definition file (aws_settings.conf)

  • Property display name definition file (property_labels.conf)

  • Node exporter metric definition file (metrics_node_exporter.conf)

  • Windows exporter metric definition file (metrics_windows_exporter.conf)

  • Windows exporter (process monitoring) metric definition file (metrics_windows_exporter_process.conf)

  • Blackbox exporter metric definition file (metrics_blackbox_exporter.conf)

  • Yet another cloudwatch exporter metric definition file (metrics_ya_cloudwatch_exporter.conf)

  • Container Monitor (kubelet) metric Definition Files (metrics_kubelet.conf)

  • Fluentd metric definition file (metrics_fluentd.conf)

  • User-defined Exporter's metric definition-file (metrics_ any Prometheus of trend name.conf)

  • Process exporter metric definition file (metrics_process_exporter.conf)

  • Promitor metric definition file (metrics_promitor.conf)

  • Script exporter metric definition file (metrics_script_exporter.conf)


Files that need to be collected under Manager-path\conf\imdd\plugin\jp1pccs\user\

User-defined Exporter's metric definition-file (metrics_ any Prometheus trend name.conf)


Files that need to be collected under Manager-path\conf\imdd\imagent\

  • Imbase configuration file (jpc_imbase.json)

  • Imbaseproxy configuration file (jpc_imbaseproxy.json)

  • JP1/IM - Agent management base Server Certificate Files


Log Files

Files that need to be collected under Manager-path\conf\imdd\imagent\imbase\

JP1/IM - Agent management base (imbase) log


Files that need to be collected under Manager-path\conf\imdd\imagent\imbaseproxy\

JP1/IM - Agent management base (imbaseproxy) log


Files that need to be collected under Manager-path\conf\imdd\imagent\tools\

Logs such as commands


Files that need to be collected under Manager-path\conf\imdd\jp1pccs\

Product plugin Log


JP1/IM - View

Patch information




Model name and version information




License type and expiration date




Settings and definition file

Files under View-path\conf\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under system-drive:\ProgramData\Hitachi\jp1\jp1_default\JP1CoView\conf\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Common definition information

Files under View-path\default\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Log file

Files under system-drive:\ProgramData\Hitachi\jp1\jp1_default\JP1CoView\log\

Copies of the files indicated at left



Patch information




Model name and version information




License type and expiration date




Settings and definition file

Files under Base-path\conf\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under shared-folder\JP1Base\conf\#2

Copies of the files indicated at left


Common definition information

Files under Base-path\default\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Log file

Files under Base-path\log\

All files under the folder indicated at left, excluding COMMAND


Files under shared-folder\JP1Base\log\#2

All files under the folder indicated at left, excluding COMMAND


Plug-in service settings file

Files under Base-path\plugin\conf\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Log and temporary file

Files under Base-path\sys\tmp\

Copies of the files indicated at left



All files under the folder indicated at left, excluding IMEvent*.*


Command execution log file

Files under Base-path\log\COMMAND\

Copies of the files indicated at left


Files under shared-folder\JP1Base\log\COMMAND\#2

Copies of the files indicated at left


Event database

Files under Base-path\sys\event\servers\default\

Copies of the files indicated at left






Y: Collected by the jcoview_log.bat command.

--: Not collected by the jcoview_log.bat command.

#1: Indicates the storage destination file name after a data collection tool is used. For details about the storage destination, see the following sections:

  • jim_log.bat (Windows only) in Chapter 1. Commands in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

  • jcoview_log.bat (Windows only) in Chapter 1. Commands in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

#2: Can be collected when data in a logical host (cluster) environment is being collected.

#3: The file for accumulated response-waiting events is created when you enable the response-waiting event management function. You can prevent the jim_log.bat command from collecting this file by specifying a command option. For details, see 11.5.2 jim_log.bat (Windows only).

#4: Intelligent Integrated Management Database log is not subject to data collection tool. For more information about Intelligent Integrated Management Database log, see 1.3.2(1) Checking the log output by Intelligent Integrated Management Database. If you are using Intelligent Integrated Management Database and matches the following cases, collect them manually separately:

  • When an error message related to Intelligent Integrated Management Database is output and the action taken by the operator for that message is described to log Intelligent Integrated Management Database

  • When storing or retrieving trend data for Intelligent Integrated Management Database issues an error message that begins with "KAJY6200" and the problem cannot be resolved by the corrective action for that message

Collect the log file of Intelligent Integrated Management Database immediately after collecting other materials with the data collection tool. (The log will be wrapped when only one-week is left until the log file is collected.)

Note that Intelligent Integrated Management Database log files are included in the backup target of Intelligent Integrated Management Database, so if there is enough disk space, you can make a backup and collect it. For the backup procedure, see 1.2.2(7) Backup and recovery procedure of Intelligent Integrated Management Database.

# 5 -ri and -rs option-attached execution results can be retrieved only when the database is running.

(c) Operation content

You need the following types of information related to the operation that was being performed when the problem occurred:

  • Operation content details

  • Time of problem occurrence

  • Machine configuration (version of each OS, host name, and Central Console configuration)

  • Reproducibility

  • Login user name that was used to log in from JP1/IM - View

(d) Error information on the screen

Collect a hard copy of the following:

  • Error dialog box (and the content displayed by the Details button, if available)

(e) User dump (only for Windows)

If a JP1/IM - View process stops due to an application error in Windows, collect a user dump.

(f) RAS information during remote monitoring

If a problem occurs during remote monitoring, the user must collect RAS information. For details about how to collect RAS information, see 12.4.1(1)(g) Collecting RAS information.

(g) IM management node-related files

If the Intelligent Integrated Management Base is used, collect the following information:

  • Files under the folder specified by the -o option of the jddcreatetree command

  • Files under the folder specified by the -i option of the jddupdatetree command

(2) In UNIX

(a) OS system information

You need to collect the OS-related information listed in the table below. These types of information can be collected using data collection tools.

Table 12‒17: OS system information (UNIX)

Information type

Collected data

File name#1

Installed Hitachi product information


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • pplistd

Information about products installed by Hitachi PP Installer

Output based on /etc/.hitachi/bin/SHOWPP

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}


Hitachi PP Installer installation log file


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • .install.log*

Hitachi PP Installer uninstallation log file


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • .uninstall.log*

Common definition information

Files under /opt/jp1/hcclibcnf/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) core analysis information (back trace)#6

Analysis result from seraph


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • core_module-name.log

Analysis result from seraph


  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • core_module-name.log

JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) core analysis information (back trace)#6

Analysis result from seraph


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • core_module-name.log

Analysis result from seraph


  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • core_module-name.log

JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base) core analysis information (back trace) #6

Analysis result from seraph


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • core_module-name.log

Analysis result from seraph


  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • core_module-name.log

JP1/IM - Manager distribution release file

Information for identifying which distribution the execution environment is

  • Linux


  • Oracle Linux


  • SUSE Linux


JP1/Base installation log file


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jp1base_inst{1|2|3|4|5}.log

JP1/IM - Manager installation log file


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jp1imm_inst{1|2|3|4|5}.log

File list

  • ls -lRa /opt/jp1imm execution result

  • ls -lRa /var/opt/jp1imm execution result

  • ls -lRa /opt/jp1cons execution result

  • ls -lRa /etc/opt/jp1cons execution result

  • ls -lRa /var/opt/jp1cons execution result

  • ls -lRa /opt/jp1scope execution result

  • ls -lRa /etc/opt/jp1scope execution result

  • ls -lRa /var/opt/jp1scope execution result

  • ls -lRa /opt/jp1base execution result

  • ls -lRa /etc/opt/jp1base execution result

  • ls -lRa /var/opt/jp1base execution result

  • ls -lRa user-specified -IMDBENVDIR-value-in-setup-information-file execution result

  • ls -lRa user-specified -IMDBDIR-value-in-setup-information-file execution result

  • ls -lRa /etc/opt/jp1imm execution result

  • ls -lRa /tmp/HITACHI_JP1_INST_LOG execution result

  • ls -lRa /etc/.hitachi execution result

  • ls -lRa /etc/opt/.hlic execution result

  • ls -lRa operation-log-output-destination execution result#4

  • ls -lRa Intelligent-Integrated-Management-Database-install-destingation-directory execution result

  • ls -lRa Intelligent-Integrated-Management-Database-data-storage-directory execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • inst_dir.log

  • ls -lRa shared-directory/jp1cons execution result#2

  • ls -lRa shared-directory/jp1scope execution result#2

  • ls -lRa shared-directory/jp1base execution result#2

  • ls -lRa shared-directory/event execution result#2

  • ls -lRa operation-log-output-destination execution result#5

  • ls -lRa Intelligent-Integrated-Management-Database-install-destingation-directory execution result

  • ls -lRa Intelligent-Integrated-Management-Database-data-storage-directory execution result

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • share_dir.log

File list (with the -L option added for referencing the file or folder at the symbolic link destination)

  • ls -lRaL /opt/jp1imm execution result

  • ls -lRaL /var/opt/jp1imm execution result

  • ls -lRaL /opt/jp1cons execution result

  • ls -lRaL /etc/opt/jp1cons execution result

  • ls -lRaL /var/opt/jp1cons execution result

  • ls -lRaL /opt/jp1scope execution result

  • ls -lRaL /etc/opt/jp1scope execution result

  • ls -lRaL /var/opt/jp1scope execution result

  • ls -lRaL /opt/jp1base execution result

  • ls -lRaL /etc/opt/jp1base execution result

  • ls -lRaL /var/opt/jp1base execution result

  • ls -lRaL user-specified -IMDBENVDIR-value-in-setup-information-file execution result

  • ls -lRaL user-specified -IMDBDIR-value-in-setup-information-file execution result

  • ls -lRaL /etc/opt/jp1imm execution result

  • ls -lRaL /tmp/HITACHI_JP1_INST_LOG execution result

  • ls -lRaL /etc/.hitachi execution result

  • ls -lRaL /etc/opt/.hlic execution result

  • ls -lRaL operation-log-output-destination execution result#4

  • ls -lRaL Intelligent-Integrated-Management-Database-install-destingation-directory execution result

  • ls -lRaL Intelligent-Integrated-Management-Database-data-storage-directory execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • inst_dir_lRaL.log

  • ls -lRaL shared-directory/jp1cons execution result

  • ls -lRaL shared-directory/jp1scope execution result

  • ls -lRaL shared-directory/jp1base execution result

  • ls -lRaL shared-directory/event execution result

  • ls -lRaL operation-log-output-destination execution result#5

  • ls -lRaL Intelligent-Integrated-Management-Database-install-destingation-directory execution result

  • ls -lRaL Intelligent-Integrated-Management-Database-data-storage-directory execution result

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • share_lRaL_dir.log

Data collection date/time

date execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jp1_default_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • logical-host-name_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • date.log

Disk information

df -k execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • df.log

btrfs file system information

Only when btrfs is installed in Linux

  • btrfs filesystem show --all-device result

  • Linux:jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.gz

  • df.log

Information about process operation based on the automated startup service (systemd)

Only when systemd is installed in Linux

systemctl --all,

systemctl list-unit-files,

systemctl status jp1_base,

systemctl status jp1_cons,

systemctl status /usr/lib/systemd/system/2248-*start.service result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.gz

  • systemctl.log

Machine's environment variable

env execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • env.log

Host name settings that are set in the machine


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • hosts

Status of shared memory for inter-process communication

ipcs -ma execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • ipcs.log

Host name for resolving network address

jbsgethostbyname execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jbsgethostbyname.log (standard output)

  • jbsgethostbyname_err.log (standard error)

jbsgethostbyname logical-host-name execution result#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jbsgethostbyname_logical-host-name.log

Health check

jbshcstatus -debbug -a execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jbshcstatus.log (standard output)

  • jbshcstatus_err.log (standard error)

jbshcstatus -debbug -a -h logical-host-name execution result#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jbshcstatus.log (standard output)

  • jbshcstatus_err.log (standard error)

Process operation status of Event Service

jevstat execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jevstat.log (standard output)

  • jevstat_err.log (standard error)

jevstat logical-host-name execution result

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jevstat.log (standard output)

  • jevstat_err.log (standard error)

Process operation status of items other than Event Service

jbs_spmd_status execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jbs_spmd_status.log (standard output)

  • jbs_spmd_status_err.log (standard error)

jbs_spmd_status -h logical-host-name execution result#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jbs_spmd_status.log (standard output)

  • jbs_spmd_status_err.log (standard error)

Automated action execution result

jcashowa execution result#3

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jcashowa.log (standard output)

  • jcashowa_err.log (standard error)

jcashowa -h logical-host-name execution result#2, #3

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jcashowa.log (standard output)

  • jcashowa_err.log (standard error)

Automated action function status

jcastatus execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jcastatus.log (standard output)

  • jcastatus_err.log (standard error)

jcastatus -h logical-host-name execution result#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jcastatus.log (standard output)

  • jcastatus_err.log (standard error)

Automated action definition file content

jcastatus -d execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jcastatus_d.log (standard output)

  • jcastatus_d_err.log (standard error)

jcastatus -d -h logical-host-name execution result#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jcastatus_d.log (standard output)

  • jcastatus_d_err.log (standard error)

Event Generation Service status

jcoegsstatus execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jcoegsstatus.log (standard output)

  • jcoegsstatus_err.log (standard error)

jcoegsstatus -h logical-host-name execution result#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jcoegsstatus.log (standard output)

  • jcoegsstatus_err.log (standard error)

Process operation status

jco_spmd_status execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jco_spmd_status.log (standard output)

  • jco_spmd_status_err.log (standard error)

jco_spmd_status -h logical-host-name execution result#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jco_spmd_status.log (standard output)

  • jco_spmd_status_err.log (standard error)

Results of executing the data collection tool command execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jim_log_result.log

IP address acquisition

ifconfig -a

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • ifconfig.log

ip addr show

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.gz

  • ip_addr_show.log

NIC installation status

netstat -ai execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • netstat_ai.log

ip -s link

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.gz

  • ip_s_link.log

Network statistical information

netstat -nap execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • netstat_na.log

ss -nap

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.gz

  • ss_na.log

List of users that are set in the machine


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • passwd

Process list

ps -elfa execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • ps.log

Service port settings that are set in the machine




Memory information

cat /proc/meminfo



System diagnostic information

dmesg execution result



Syslog (syslog)


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • syslog.log


journalctl -l --no-pager execution result

Obtained in SUSE Linux 15 or later


JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) core analysis information (back trace) output by the jcogencore command#6

Analysis result from seraph


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • trace_module-name.log

Analysis result from seraph


(core output by jcogencore)#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • trace_module-name.log

OS version information

uname -a execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • uname_a.log

Kernel parameter information

  • sysctl -a execution result

  • ulimit -a execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • sysctl.log

  • ulimit.log

Page size information

Nothing (Linux)

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • pagesize.log

OS patch application information

rpm -qa execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • rpm.log

Distribution information



JP1/IM - Manager license information

Trace logs and error logs that are output by the license library (HLICLIB) at installation

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • hlicliberr{n}.log

  • hliclibmgrerr{n}.log

  • hliclibtrc{n}.log

  • hliclibmgrtrc{n}.log

Process startup information used by the init daemon

  • Files under /etc/init

    In Linux, this information is collected only in Linux 6.

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • For left files under the init directory

Disk mounting information


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • fstab

  • filesystems

jp1hosts2 information registered on the host

jbshosts2export execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jbshosts2export .log (standard output)

  • jbshosts2export _err.log (standard error)

jbshosts2export -h logical-host-name execution result

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jbshosts2export .log (standard output)

  • jbshosts2export _err.log (standard error)

Server certificate information (CN and SAN settings and expiration dates)

openssl x509 -noout -in server-certificate-file -subject -dates execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • openssl_x509_server.log (standard output)

  • openssl_x509_server_err.log (standard error)

Server certificate and private key compatibility information (modulus)

  • openssl rsa -noout -in private-key-file -modulus execution result

  • openssl x509 -noout -in server-certificate-file -modulus execution result

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • openssl_keymatching.log (standard output)

  • openssl_keymatching_err.log (standard error)

#1: Indicates the name of the compressed file and uncompressed file after a data collection tool is used (with the compressed file described first, followed by the uncompressed file).

The compressed file is created in .tar.Z format for Windows, and created in .tar.gz format for Linux.

For details about the internal directory configuration of the compressed file, see (UNIX only) in Chapter 1. Commands in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

#2: Can be collected when data in a logical host (cluster) environment is being collected.

#3: Can be collected only when /var/opt/jp1cons/log/action/action-information-file-name exists.

#4: operation-log-output-destination indicates the directory specified in the following common definition:



#5: operation-log-output-destination indicates the directory specified in the following common definition:



#6: Core dump files might not be generated if the operating system is configured to restrict generating core dump files. For details about the settings for core dump files, see 2.18.10 Specifying settings for handling JP1/IM - Manager failures (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

(b) JP1 information

You need to collect the JP1-related information listed in the table below. These types of information can be collected using a data collection tool. If a network connection problem has occurred, you must also collect files from the machine at the connection destination.

Table 12‒18: JP1 information (UNIX)

Information type

Collected data

File name#1

Common to JP1/IM and JP1/Base

Integrated trace log

All files under /var/opt/hitachi/HNTRLib2/spool/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • The following files in the default mode:


JP1/IM - Manager (common to components)

Patch application history


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • patch_history

Patch log information


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • update.log

License type and expiration date


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • ProductInfo

Managed-node count log file


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • jimnodecount_cmd{1|2}.log

Operation log file

Files under the directory specified in the following common definition:



  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under the directory specified in the following common definition:



  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console)#4

Automatic startup and automatic termination script

Files under /etc/opt/jp1cons/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Settings and defintion file

Files under /etc/opt/jp1cons/conf/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under shared-directory/jp1cons/conf/#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Common definition information

Files under /etc/opt/jp1cons/default/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Log file

Files under /var/opt/jp1cons/log/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under shared-directory/jp1cons/log/#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

File for accumulated response-waiting events#3

Files under /var/opt/jp1cons/log/response/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under shared-directory/jp1cons/log/response/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Core analysis information (CAR file) output by the jcogencore command

car command result


(core output by jcogencore)

  • jp1_default_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • car_module-name.tar[.Z]

car command result


(core output by jcogencore)#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • car_module-name.tar[.Z]

Core analysis information (CAR file)

car command result


  • jp1_default_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • core_module-name_car.tar[.Z]

car command result


  • logical-host-name_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • core_module-name_car.tar[.Z]

Correlation event generation history file

Files under /var/opt/jp1cons/operation/evgen/

  • jp1_default_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left


  • logical-host-name_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Common exclusion history file, and common exclusion-conditions definition history file

Files under /var/opt/jp1cons/operation/comexclude/

  • jp1_default_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left


  • logical-host-name_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope)#4

Settings and definition file

Files under /etc/opt/jp1scope/conf/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under shared-directory/jp1scope/conf/#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Common definition information

Files under /etc/opt/jp1scope/default/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Log file

Files under /var/opt/jp1scope/log/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under shared-directory/jp1scope/log/#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Core analysis information (CAR file)

car command result


  • jp1_default_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • core_module-name_car.tar[.Z]

car command result


  • logical-host-name_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • core_module-name_car.tar[.Z]

Database information

Files under /var/opt/jp1scope/database/

  • jp1_default_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under shared-directory/jp1scope/database/#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base)#4

Settings and definition file

Files under /etc/opt/jp1imm/conf/imdd

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under shared-directory/jp1imm/conf/imdd

  • logical-host-name_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Log file

Files under /var/opt/jp1imm/log/imdd

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under shared-directory/jp1imm/log/imdd

  • logical-host-name_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Plug-in file

Files under /etc/opt/jp1imm/plugin

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.gz

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under shared-directory/jp1imm/plugin

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.gz

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Response action execution history file

Files under /var/opt/jp1imm/log/suggestion

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.gz

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under shared-directory/jp1imm/log/suggestion

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.gz

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Core analysis information (CAR file)

car command result


  • jp1_default_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • core_module-name_car.tar[.Z]

car command result


  • logical-host-name_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • core_module-name_car.tar[.Z]

JP1/IM - Manager (IM Configuration Management)#4

Settings and defintion files

Files under /etc/opt/jp1imm/conf/imcf/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under shared-directory/jp1imm/conf/imcf/#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Common definition information

Files under /etc/opt/jp1imm/default/imcf/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Log file

Files under /var/opt/jp1imm/log/imcf/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under shared-directory/jp1imm/log/imcf/#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Core analysis information (CAR file)

car command result


  • jp1_default_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • ./var/opt/jp1imm/log/_jp1_default/core/core_module-name_car.tar[.Z]

car command result


  • logical-host-name_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • ./var/opt/jp1imm/log/_logical-host-name/core/core_module-name_car.tar[.Z]

JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Database)#5

Settings and defintion file

Files under /etc/opt/jp1imm/conf/imgndb/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.gz

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under shared-directory/jp1imm/conf/imgndb/

  • logical-host-name_imm_2nd.tar.gz

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under Physical-host-Intelligent-Integration-Management-Database-data-storage-directory/imgndb/

  • postgresql.conf

  • pg_hba.conf

  • pg_ident.conf


  • postmaster.opts


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.gz

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under Logical-host-Intelligent-Integration-Management-Database-data-storage-directory/imgndb/

  • postgresql.conf

  • pg_hba.conf

  • pg_ident.conf


  • postmaster.opts


  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.gz

  • Copies of the files indicated at lef

Log file

Files under /var/opt/jp1imm/log/imgndb/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.gz

  • Copies of the files indicated at lef

Files under shared-directory /jp1imm/log/imgndb/

  • logical-host-name _imm_2nd.tar.gz

  • Copies of the files indicated at lef

Status of the database

Results of the following command on the physical host (jimgndb_status.txt):

  • jimgndbstatus

  • jimgndbstauts -ri#6

  • jimgndbstatus -rs#6

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.gz

  • Copies of the files indicated at lef

Results of the following command on the logical host (jimgndb_status.txt):

  • jimgndbstatus

  • jimgndbstauts -ri#6

  • jimgndbstatus -rs#6

  • logical-host-name _imm_2nd.tar.gz

  • Copies of the files indicated at lef

JP1/IM - Agent (JP1/IM - Agent management base)

Defintion file

Files that need to be collected under /etc/opt/jp1imm/conf/imdd/plugin/jp1pccs/

  • AWS definition file (aws_settings.conf)

  • Property display name definition file (property_labels.conf)

  • Node exporter metric definition file (metrics_node_exporter.conf)

  • Windows exporter metric definition file (metrics_windows_exporter.conf)

  • Windows exporter (process monitoring) metric definition file (metrics_windows_exporter_process.conf)

  • Blackbox exporter metric definition file (metrics_blackbox_exporter.conf)

  • Yet another cloudwatch exporter metric definition file (metrics_ya_cloudwatch_exporter.conf)

  • Container monitoring metric definition file (metrics_kubernetes.conf)

  • Container Monitoring (kubelet) metric Definition Files (metrics_kubelet.conf)

  • Fluentd metric definition file (metrics_fluentd.conf)

  • User-defined Exporter's metric definition file (metrics_ any Prometheus trend name.conf)

  • Process exporter metric definition file (metrics_process_exporter.conf)

  • Promitor metric definition file (metrics_promitor.conf)

  • Script exporter metric definition file (metrics_script_exporter.conf)

Files that need to be collected under /etc/opt/jp1imm/conf/imdd/plugin/jp1pccs/user/

User-defined Exporter's metric definition-file (metrics_ any Prometheus of trend name.conf)

Files that need to be collected under /etc/opt/jp1imm/conf/imdd/imagent/

  • Imbase configuration file (jpc_imbase.json)

  • Imbaseproxy configuration file (jpc_imbaseproxy.json)

  • JP1/IM - Agent management base Server Certificate Files

Log file

Files that need to be collected under /var/opt/jp1imm/conf/imdd/imagent/imbase/

JP1/IM - Agent management base (imbase) log

Files that need to be collected under /var/opt/jp1imm/conf/imdd/imagent/imbaseproxy/

JP1/IM - Agent management base (imbaseproxy) log

Files that need to be collected under /var/opt/jp1imm/conf/imdd/imagent/tools/

Logs such as commands

Files that need to be collected under /var/opt/jp1imm/conf/imdd/jp1pccs/

Product plugin Log


Automatic startup and automatic termination script

Files under /etc/opt/jp1base/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Settings and definition file

Files under /etc/opt/jp1base/conf/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under shared-directory/jp1base/conf/#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Common definition information

Files under /etc/opt/jp1base/default/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Plug-in service settings file

Files under /opt/jp1base/conf/plugin/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Patch application history


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • PatchInfo

Patch log information


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • PatchLog

Log file


  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • All files under the directory indicated at left, except COMMAND


  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • All files under the directory indicated at left, except COMMAND

Log and temporary file

Files under /var/opt/jp1base/sys/tmp/

  • jp1_default_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left


  • logical-host-name_imm_1st.tar.{Z|gz}

  • All files under the directory indicated at left, except IMEvent*

SES settings file

  • /tmp/.JP1_SES*

  • /usr/tmp/jp1_ses

  • /usr/lib/jp1_ses/log

  • /usr/lib/jp1_ses/sys

  • /usr/bin/jp1_ses/jp*

  • /var/opt/jp1_ses

  • jp1_default_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Command execution history file

Files under /var/opt/jp1base/log/COMMAND/

  • jp1_default_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Files under shared-directory/jp1base /log/COMMAND/#2

  • logical-host-name_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left

Event database

Files under /var/opt/jp1base/sys/event/servers/default/

  • jp1_default_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • Copies of the files indicated at left


  • logical-host-name_imm_2nd.tar.{Z|gz}

  • IMEvent*.*

#1: Indicates the name of the compressed file and uncompressed file after a data collection tool is executed (with the compressed file described first, followed by the uncompressed file).

The compressed file is created in .tar.gz format for Linux.

For details about the internal directory configuration of the compressed file, see (UNIX only) in Chapter 1. Commands in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

#2: Can be collected when data in a logical host (cluster) environment is being collected.

#3: The file for accumulated response-waiting events is created when you enable the response-waiting event management function. You can prevent the command from collecting this file by specifying a command option. For details, see 11.5.3 (UNIX only).

#4: Core dump files might not be generated if the operating system is configured to restrict generating core dump files.

For details about the settings for core dump files, see 2.18.10 Specifying settings for handling JP1/IM - Manager failures (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

#5: Intelligent Integrated Management Database log is not subject to data collection tool. For more information about Intelligent Integrated Management Database log, see 1.3.2(1) Checking the log output by Intelligent Integrated Management Database. If you are using Intelligent Integrated Management Database and matches the following cases, collect them manually separately:

  • When an error message related to Intelligent Integrated Management Database is output and the action taken by the operator for that message is described to log Intelligent Integrated Management Database

  • When storing or retrieving trend data for Intelligent Integrated Management Database issues an error message that begins with "KAJY6200" and the problem cannot be resolved by the corrective action for that message

Collect the log file of Intelligent Integrated Management Database immediately after collecting other materials with the data collection tool. (The log will wrap when only one week is left until the log file is collected.)

Note that Intelligent Integrated Management Database log files are included in the backup target of Intelligent Integrated Management Database, so if there is enough disk space, you can make a backup and collect it. For the backup procedure, see 1.2.2(7) Backup and recovery procedure of Intelligent Integrated Management Database.

#6 -ri and -rs option-attached execution results can be retrieved only when the database is running.

(c) Operation content

You need the following types of information related to the operation that was being performed when the problem occurred:

  • Operation content details

  • Time of problem occurrence

  • Machine configuration (version of each OS, host name, and Central Console configuration)

  • Reproducibility

  • Login user name that was used to log in from JP1/IM - View

(d) Error information on the screen

Collect a hard copy of the following:

  • Error dialog box

(e)  RAS information during remote monitoring

If a problem occurs during remote monitoring, the user must collect RAS information. For details about how to collect RAS information, see 12.4.1(2)(f) Collecting RAS information.

(f) IM management node-related files

If the Intelligent Integrated Management Base is used, collect the following information:

  • Files under the directory specified by the -o option of the jddcreatetree command

  • Files under the directory specified by the -i option of the jddupdatetree command