L.4 Changes in version 12-00
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Changes in the manuals 3021-3-D50(E), 3021-3-D51(E), 3021-3-D52(E), 3021-3-D53(E), 3021-3-D54(E), 3021-3-D55(E), and 3021-3-D56(E)
The Intelligent Integrated Management Base was added as the base for JP1/IM - Manager. Because of this change, the following descriptions were added:
Setup of the Intelligent Integrated Management Base
Settings of the Intelligent Integrated Management Base
Direction of jddmain (Intelligent Integrated Management Base service) communication through a firewall
Intelligent Integrated Management Base files to be backed up
Description about how to migrate the Intelligent Integrated Management Base to a different host
Description about how to change the configuration of the Intelligent Integrated Management Base
How to log in to the Intelligent Integrated Management Base
System monitoring using the Intelligent Integrated Management Base
Troubleshooting of the Intelligent Integrated Management Base
Integrated Operation Viewer window
Internal folder structure of the primary data and the secondary data (Intelligent Integrated Management Base)
Messages for the Intelligent Integrated Management Base (KAJY00001-E to KAJY52010-E)
The following commands were added:
The -dd option was added to the jcoimdef command.
The following definition files were moved to JP1/Base:
Configuration definition file (jbs_route.conf)
Environment variable file
Host group definition file
The following definition files were added:
Intelligent Integrated Management Base definition file (imdd.properties)
System node definition file (imdd_systemnode.conf)
Category name definition file for IM management nodes (imdd_category_name.conf)
Target host definition file for configuration collection (imdd_target_host.conf)
Host name definition file (imdd_host_name.conf)
IM management node link definition file (imdd_nodeLink_def.conf)
The definition example of the extended startup process definition file (jp1co_service.conf) was modified.
A description of integrated operation viewer was added of the following definition files:
Event guide information file (jco_guide.txt)
Definition file for extended event attributes
Definition file for extended event attributes (extended file)
The following definition files were removed:
Web-based operation definition file (console_xx.html)
Web-based startup definition file (console_xx.jnlp)
The following terms were added:
Intelligent Integrated Management Base
integrated operation viewer
The following OS is now supported:
Windows Server 2019
The following OSs are no longer supported:
Windows Server 2008 R2
The web-based version of JP1/IM - View was deleted.