L.3 Changes in version 12-10
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Changes in the manuals 3021-3-D51-10(E), 3021-3-D52-10(E), 3021-3-D53-10(E), 3021-3-D54-10(E), 3021-3-D55-10(E), and 3021-3-D56-10)(E)
Proactive monitoring was introduced to check for signs of operational faults and to help administrators quickly isolate the factors that are causing failures or producing warning signs.
Products that can be linked with the Intelligent Integrated Management Base were added.
The integrated operation viewer can now display related nodes, which indicate how the selected component is linked with related components (nodes).
It is now possible to view the duration of time before the operation affected by the failure is scheduled to start as well as the related infrastructure elements.
The Intelligent Integrated Management Base can now provide the suppressing display of repeated events.
The windows and operations of linked products were brought together so that operations of the entire systems can be integrated from the integrated operation viewer.
It is now possible to use the integrated operation viewer to launch linked products by monitor startup.
Communication between the event services of JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/Base (agent host) was encrypted.
Limit values related to the following items were added:
Related node
Custom UI
Trend information
Information regarding the operating permissions required for system monitoring using the Intelligent Integrated Management Base when restrictions on viewing and operating business groups are enabled was added.
Regular expressions can be used for system node definitions.
Information regarding connectivity with a previous version (version 12 products) was added.
The following terms were added:
IM management node
IM management node type
IM management node tree
Object node
Object root node
Object root node type
Category node
Related node
Work impact icon
Time-series data
System node
Trend information
Root node
Linked unit
Information regarding the upgrade of the Intelligent Integrated Management Base was added.
Information regarding where to save manuals on the JP1/IM - View side was added to the procedure for saving manuals on a computer.
A procedure for creating a cluster environment to which a corrected version is applied was added.
Information regarding the settings necessary to use the custom UI display function was added.
Compatible setting of the repeated event viewing suppression function (compatible with version 12-00) was added.
Information regarding the definition of links was added.
Information regarding the setting of the icons that indicate the impact on the following root jobnet was added.
Information regarding the monitor startup settings for linked products was added.
Settings concerning communication between the Intelligent Integrated Management Base and the host of a linked product were added.
A note on using the integrated operation viewer when JP1/IM is linked with JP1/PFM was added.
Plug-in definition files for JP1/AJS and JP1/PFM were added to the files to be backed up in the Intelligent Integrated Management Base.
A description about operation of the Intelligent Integrated Management Base was added.
A whether an event is a consolidation event, and whether an event is a severe event are now displayed in the events list.
Displayed the Repeated event list window in the events list.
The monitor startup of linked products, is now available from the integrated operation viewer window.
Additional examples when the product is linked with other products were added.
Notes on when there is a link with JP1/AJS was added.
Notes for using event receiver filters during operations were added.
The data folder of Windows (64-bit version) integrated trace logs was added.
The jddsetproxyuser command trace log was added.
A log output from a component was added.
The following troubleshooting procedures were added:
Troubleshooting procedure to be used when you successfully collect host information but fail to collect profiles by using IM Configuration Management
Troubleshooting procedure to be used when the integrated operation viewer fails to display the configuration of JP1/AJS linked
Troubleshooting procedure to be used when JP1/IM - Manager version 12-00-05 or earlier does not start
Troubleshooting procedure to be used when JP1/IM - Manager version 12-00-31 or later does not start
The URL of the Login window for the Intelligent Integrated Management Base was added.
Notes on operating the Integrated Operation Viewer window were added.
The layout of the Details area in the Integrated Operation Viewer window was changed and some information is now displayed in the following tabs:
Performance tab
Custom UI tab
Job flow tab
Related node tab
Trends tab
The URL, SID, and path of a tree can now be copied from the Integrated Operations Viewer windows.
A JP1/PFM - Web Console window can now be displayed on the Performance tab.
A user-defined window can now be displayed.
Relations with root jobnets are now displayed in the Job flow tab.
Users can see icons to check if errors in preceding root jobnets impact following root jobnets.
The statuses of the preceding and following units are now displayed in the Linked unit dialog box.
The relationship with each linked product and relationships in the system configuration displayed in the Operating status area are now displayed in the Related node tab.
Users can see trend information, such as job accumulations and performance data, in the Trends tab.
Users can identify if a certain event is a consolidation event or severe event.
It is now possible to open the Repeated event list window or launch a relevant window by monitor startup by simply selecting an event.
The Repeated event list window, which enables comprehensive processing of consolidation events, was added.
A section about metrics that can be retrieved from linked products was added.
The following command was added:
A description of functionality provided by the jddsetaccessuser command was added.
The data folder for 64-bit integrated trace logs was added to the jcoview_log.bat command (Windows only).
Both the data folder of plug-ins for the Intelligent Integrated Management Base and the -b option were added to the following commands:
jim_log.bat (Windows only)
jim_log.sh (UNIX only)
The following definitions were added to the Intelligent Integrated Management Base definition file (imdd.properties):
Proxy server authentication
User-defined window display area setting
Setting that determines whether the linked unit display function is available
Setting that determines whether to display an icon indicating that the impact of the failure on the following root jobnet is unknown
Compatible setting of the repeated event viewing suppression function (compatible with version 12-00)
It is now possible to use the system node definition file (imdd_systemnode.conf) to define the acquisition of the configuration of the object root node that belongs to a system or subsystem.
It is now possible to use the IM management node link definition file (imdd_nodeLink_def.conf) to define relations between jobnets.
Specifiable substitute keywords of the Definition file for opening monitor windows, In the Intelligent Integrated Management Base, the string is not substituted was supplemented.
Limitations applicable to dummy events were added to the list of JP1 events output by JP1/IM.
The output path of the integrated trace log in Windows was changed.
The following messages were added:
KAVB1986-E, KAVB1987-E, KAVB1988-W, KAVB1990-E, KAVB1991-E, KAVB1993-E, KAVB1994-E, KAVB9942-Q, KAVB9943-E, KAJY00019-W, KAJY00020-W, KAJY02047-E, KAJY02048-E, KAJY02049-E, KAJY02050-E, KAJY02051-E, KAJY02052-E, KAJY02053-W, KAJY02054-W, KAJY04260-E, KAJY22006-E, KAJY22007-E, KAJY22008-E, KAJY22009-E, KAJY22010-E, KAJY22011-E, KAJY22012-W, KAJY22015-E, KAJY24106-E, KAJY24107-E, KAJY24108-E, KAJY24109-E, KAJY24110-E, KAJY24111-E, KAJY24112-E, KAJY24210-E, KAJY24211-E, KAJY24212-E, KAJY24213-E, KAJY24217-E, KAJY24218-W, KAJY24250-E, KAJY24252-E, KAJY24253-E, KAJY24254-E, KAJY24255-E, KAJY24257-E, KAJY24258-I, KAJY24259-W, KAJY24260-E, KAJY24261-W, KAJY32010-W, KAJY32221-E, KAJY52012-E, KAJY52013-E, KAJY52014-E, KAJY52015-W, KAJY52016-W, KAJY52017-W, KAJY52018-W
A description of and corrective action for the following message were added:
A description of the following message was added:
Corrective actions for the following messages were added:
KAVB1522-E, KAVB4423-W, KNAN22015-E, KAJY04102-E, KAJY04151-E
The corrective actions specified for the following messages were changed:
KAVB7818-E, KAVB8819-E, KAJY24105-E, KAJY24120-E, KAJY04120-E
The corrective action specified for the following message, which is output to KAJY24101-E and KAJY04101-E, was changed:
KAVJR2202-E, KAVJR2203-E