
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

C.2 Direction of communication through a firewall

Organization of this subsection

(1) The direction of the firewall's passage (JP1/IM-Manager and JP1/IM-View)

The following tables show the directionality of JP1/IM-Manager and JP1/IM-View firewalls. Note that JP1/IM supports packet-filtering and NAT (static mode) firewalls.

Table C‒5:  Direction of communication through a firewall

Service name

Port number

Direction of communication



JP1/IM - View -> JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console)



JP1/IM - View -> JP1/Base#1

JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) -> JP1/Base#1



JP1/IM - View -> JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope)



JP1/IM - View -> JP1/IM - Rule Operation





Firewall setup is unnecessary because all communication takes place on the machine on which JP1/IM - Manager is installed.



Web browser -> JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base)


Port number of the IM database#3

JP1/IM - Manager (physical host) -> JP1/IM - Manager (IM database (physical host))

Port number of the IM database#4

JP1/IM - Manager (logical host) -> JP1/IM - Manager (IM database (logical host))



JP1/IM - View -> JP1/IM - Manager (IM Configuration Management)



Firewall setup is unnecessary because all communication takes place on the machine on which JP1/IM - Manager is installed.



JP1/IM - Manager -> mail server (SMTP) (without authentication)


JP1/IM - Manager -> mail server (SMTP) (with SMTP-AUTH authentication)


JP1/IM - Manager -> mail server (POP3) (with POP-before-SMTP authentication)



No need to configure the firewall because JP1/IM-Manager only communicates within the installed machine.



No need to configure the firewall because JP1/IM-Manager only communicates within the installed machine.


->: Direction of the connection when established

#1: Refers to JP1/Base on the manager.

#2: Not registered in the services file.

#3: This is the port number for the IM database (physical host) that was set in the setup information file when the IM database was set up on the physical host.

#4: This is the port number for the IM database (logical host) that was set in the cluster setup information file when the IM database was set up on the logical host.

#5: The destination port number might differ depending on which port is used on the destination server.

#6: The port number might differ depending on the HTTP server settings.

When a connection is established, the port number in the table is used by the side being connected (the side towards which the arrow points). The connecting side uses an available port number assigned by the OS. The range of port numbers that can be used depends on the OS.

When JP1/IM is installed on a server host with a firewall, communications within that machine might also be subject to the firewall restrictions. In such a case, set up the firewall so that services can use the port numbers in the table even for communications within the firewall server host.

For details about operation with a firewall, see 9.3 Operating in a firewall environment in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

(2) Setting the direction in which data passes through the firewall (when remotely monitored host information is collected)

The following connection methods are used to collect remotely monitored host information in JP1/IM - Manager:

In Windows:




Therefore, when you place JP1/IM - Manager and monitored hosts via a firewall, the data must pass through the firewall as follows:

JP1/IM - Manager (jcfmain and jcfallogtrap) -> Monitored hosts

Legend: ->: Direction of the connection when established

For an SSH connection

Let the data pass through the firewall using the port number specified for the SSH setting in the System Common Settings window of JP1/IM - Manager.

For a NetBIOS (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) connection

Let the data pass through the firewall using the port used by NetBIOS (NetBIOS over TCP/IP). For details about the configuration, see the manual for the firewall product, or ask the developer of the firewall product.

Note that the connection cannot be separated from other NetBIOS (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) connections.

For a WMI connection

WMI uses DCOM. DCOM uses dynamic port assignment. Therefore, let the data pass through the firewall using the port used by DCOM. For details about the configuration, see the manual for the firewall product, or ask the developer of the firewall product.

Note that the connection cannot be separated from other WMI or DCOM requests.

(3) Configure the transit direction of the firewall (if you are monitoring more than one location with Intelligent Integrated Management Base)

If the communication path has a firewall, Intelligent Integrated Management Base communication of the Integration Manager must be configured to allow the ports listed in the following tables to pass.

Each table shows the direction of the firewall. The legends and notes for each table are as follows:

In addition, you must configure integrated operation viewer communication that connects to the Integration Manager to pass through the ports listed in the following tables.

For communication between integrated operation viewer and the site/relay manager host that connects to the Integration Manager

Integration Manager host

Communication direction

Site/relay manager host

Typical Uses


Intelligent Integrated Management Base Ports

Operations on bases/relay managers and monitored hosts


→ :Indicates the connection direction when a connection is established.

(4) Configuring Firewall Transit Direction (JP1/IM-Agent)

If your communication path has a firewall, you must configure JP1/IM agent management base to allow imbase and imbaseproxy ports to pass. You can also use a NAT type firewall.

The firewall traverse directions are shown in each table. The legend and notes for each table are as follows:


→ : When a connection is established, it indicates a connection from the left term to the right term.

← : When a connection is established, it indicates a connection from the right term to the left term.


Indicates to use any free port number assigned by the OS.