C.1 Port numbers for JP1/IM
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Port numbers used by JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View
The following table shows the port-numbers used by JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View.
For communication, JP1/IM also uses the port numbers in the range from 1025/tcp to 65535/tcp, which are automatically assigned by the OS. The range of automatically assigned port numbers, however, might vary depending on the OS.
Service name |
Port number |
IM-V |
IM-M |
Description |
jp1imevtcon |
20115/tcp |
Y |
Y |
Used to connect to JP1/IM - Manager (event console service) from JP1/IM - View |
jp1imcmda |
20238/tcp |
Y |
Y |
Used for the following:
jp1imcss |
20305/tcp |
Y |
Y |
Used to connect to JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope service) from JP1/IM - View |
None#2 |
Port number of the IM database#3 |
-- |
-- |
Used for internal processing by JP1/IM - Manager (IM database) (for physical hosts) |
Port number of the IM database#4 |
-- |
-- |
Used for internal processing by JP1/IM - Manager (IM database) (for logical hosts) |
jp1imcf |
20702/tcp |
Y |
Y |
Used to connect to JP1/IM - Manager (IM Configuration Management service) from JP1/IM - View |
jp1imfcs |
20701/tcp |
-- |
Y |
Used for internal processing by JP1/IM - Manager (event base service) |
jp1imegs |
20383/tcp |
-- |
Y |
Used for internal processing by JP1/IM - Manager (event generation service) |
jddmain |
20703/tcp |
-- |
-- |
Used to connect from a Web client (a Web browser or a client to issue REST APIs) to JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base service) |
None |
20705/tcp |
-- |
Y |
Used for JP1/IM-Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Database) |
None |
20706/tcp |
-- |
Y |
Used by JP1/IM-Manager (Trend Data Management Service) internally |
- Legend:
IM-V: JP1/IM - View
IM-M: JP1/IM - Manager
Y: Registered in the services file at installation.
--: Not registered in the services file at installation (and does not need to be set).
#1: It refers to JP1/Base on the manager.
#2: Not registered in the services file.
#3: This port number is set in the setup information file when the IM database is set up on a physical host. For details about the setup information file, see Setup information file (jimdbsetupinfo.conf) (in Chapter 2. Definition Files) in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.
#4: This port number is set up in the cluster setup information file when the IM database is set up on a logical host. The port number increments with each IM database configured on the logical host. For details about the cluster setup information file, see Cluster setup information file (jimdbclustersetupinfo.conf) (in Chapter 2. Definition Files) in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.
Remotely monitored hosts use the port numbers shown in the following table.
Remotely monitored host |
Port number |
Remote-monitoring log file trap (SSH connection) |
Port number specified in the System Common Settings window of IM Configuration Management |
Remote-monitoring log file trap (NetBIOS [NetBIOS over TCP/IP]) connection#1 |
137/udp, 137/tcp, 138/udp, 139/tcp, 445/tcp |
Remote-monitoring event log trap (WMI connection)#1 |
135/tcp, 445/tcp and dynamic port numbers that are automatically assigned as needed#2 |
#1: To collect host information in remote monitoring, WMI and NetBIOS (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) are used for Windows hosts and SSH is used for UNIX hosts.
#2: WMI uses DCOM, and DCOM uses dynamic port allocation. Therefore, set the ports to be used by DCOM so that the lines connected to the ports pass through a firewall.
Standard ranges of the port numbers that are assigned by individual OSs are as follows:
Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022: 49152 to 65535
(2) Port numbers used by JP1/IM - Agent
The following shows the port numbers used by JP1/IM-Agent.
Process |
Listening port to use |
Default port number |
imbase |
Processes and JP1/IM agent control base (imagent) listening ports in the Integration Manager host |
20724 |
imbaseproxy |
Processes and JP1/IM agent control base (imagentproxy) listening ports in the Integration Manager host |
20725 |
Process |
Listening port to use |
Default port number |
Prometheus server |
Listening port for GUI and REST API |
20713 |
Alertmanager |
Listening port for GUI, REST API, and Alert notifications |
20714 |
Node exporter |
Listening port for scrape |
20716 |
Windows exporter |
20717 |
Blackbox exporter |
20715 |
Yet another cloudwatch exporter |
20718 |
imagent |
Listen port in integrated agent host |
20726 |
imagentproxy |
20727 |
imagentaction |
20728 |
Process |
Destination port to use |
Default port number |
Intelligent Integrated Management Base |
Alert notification |
Follow JP1/IM-Manager settings. |
Promscale |
Remotewrite |
PostgreSQL |
JP1/IM-Agent administration, message queuing, and command execution history |
Web server to be monitored |
Monitor target of Blackbox exporter |
80/443 |
AWS CloudWatch to be monitored |
Monitor target of Yet another cloudwath exporter |
443 |
HTTP proxy server |
The settings of the installed HTTP proxy server are followed. |