
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

10.1.1 Attributes of a JP1 event registered as an incident in JP1/Service Support during linkage

When a JP1 event displayed in JP1/IM - View is registered as an incident in JP1/Service Support, the incident automatically inherits attributes of the JP1 event.

In JP1/Service Support, you can register only JP1 events that are registered in the event database of the manager host to which you have logged in from JP1/IM - View or in the integrated monitoring database. You cannot register as incidents either JP1 events that are registered in the event database of an agent host or dummy events, which are events displayed only in JP1/IM - View.

You can select an incident registration mode to control which information to be registered as an incident in JP1/Service Support. The following table describes available incident registration modes and when each mode should be used.

Table 10‒1: Incident registration modes and when to use each of them

Incident registration mode


When to use

Supported version of JP1/IM - Manager, JP1/IM - View, and JP1/Service Support


Source attributes and their target fields are fixed.

The specification of JP1/IM - Manager 10-00 or earlier must be used for linkage with JP1/Service Support.

09-50 or later


  • Source attributes and their target fields are fixed.

  • The event ID (B.IDBASE) is inherited in addition to the attributes that are inherited when SS_MODE=1.

  • The event ID is required to be registered.

  • Linkage with JP1/IM - Manager, JP1/Service Support, and JP1/Navigation Platform is required.

10-10 or later


  • The mapping between source attributes and target fields is configurable.

  • Multiple attributes can be mapped to one target field.

  • Any character string you want can be inherited.

  • Any attribute or character string you want is required to be registered.

  • This mode also allows linkage with JP1/IM - Manager, JP1/Service Support, and JP1/Navigation Platform.

11-50 or later

The following figure shows an overview of incident registration modes.

Figure 10‒2: Overview of incident registration modes


To change the incident registration mode, edit the definition file for manually registering incidents to set the SS_MODE parameter to a desired value. When the SS_MODE parameter is not set, the incident registration mode is considered to be 1. For details about the definition file for manually registering incidents (incident.conf), see Definition file for manually registering incidents (incident.conf) in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

Organization of this subsection

(1) JP1 event attributes inherited when the incident registration mode is 1 or 2

The following table describes the JP1 event attributes that are inherited by incidents and the items displayed in the New item window of JP1/Service Support when the incident registration mode is 1 or 2.

Table 10‒2: JP1 event attributes inherited by incidents from JP1/IM - View (when the incident registration mode is 1 or 2)


JP1 event attributes

Event serial number (JIMSD_FORM_IMEVENTNO)

The event serial number (B.SEQNO) of JP1 event is inherited.

JP1/IM - Manager host name (JIMSD_FORM_IMHOSTNAME)

The host name of the JP1/IM - Manager to which you have logged in from JP1/IM - View is inherited. The maximum size of the host name is 255 bytes.


The following information is inherited:

  • The event ID of the JP1 event (B.IDBASE)#1

    The format is the same as that of the event ID displayed in the Event Details window.

  • JP1 event message (B.MESSAGE)

    Maximum of 1,023 bytes

  • Source event server name (B.SOURCESERVER)#2

    Maximum of 255 bytes


The event level (E.SEVERITY) of the JP1 event is inherited.

Event levels are inherited as the following codes:

Emergency = 1, Alert = 2, Critical = 3, Error = 4, Warning = 5, Notice = 6, Information = 7, and Debug = 8.

Event levels other than these eight are inherited as Information.


The product name (E.PRODUCT_NAME) of the JP1 event is inherited. The maximum size of the product name is 255 bytes.

#1: This is not inherited when the incident registration mode is 1.

#2: If mapping is enabled on the source host, the source host name (E.JP1_SOURCEHOST) is inherited instead of the source event server name (B.SOURCESERVER).

(2) JP1 event attributes inherited when the incident registration mode is 3

When the incident registration mode is 3, an incident can inherit any JP1 event attributes and character strings. You can use a configuration file for incident inheritance information (incident_info.conf) to define the mapping between attributes and character strings in JP1 events and the item elements in JP1/Service Support.

Figure 10‒3: Relationship between a configuration file for incident inheritance information and the New item window in JP1/Service Support


For details, see Configuration file for incident inheritance information (incident_info.conf) in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

(3) Matrix of versions for incident registration

The following matrix describes which combinations of versions allow incident registration.

Table 10‒3:  Matrix of versions for incident registration (Connectivity between JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View)

Version of JP1/IM - Manager

Incident registration mode

Version of JP1/IM - View

Earlier than 09-10

09-50 to 10-00

10-10 to 11-10

11-50 or later

Earlier than 09-10






09-50 to 10-00






10-10 to 11-10











11-50 or later

















Y: An incident can be registered according to SS_MODE you specified.

R: An incident can be registered but the functionality is limited to the scope of SS_MODE of 1.#

N: Linkage with JP1/Service Support is disabled (neither the Register Incident menu nor the Register Incident button appears).

--: There is no function to link with JP1/Service Support.


For details about differences between incident registration modes, see Table 10-1 Incident registration modes and when to use each of them.

For details about connectivity between JP1/IM - View and JP1/Service Support, see the manual JP1/Service Support Configuration and Administration Guide.

(4) Notes on switching the incident registration mode

The maximum length of a URL that is used to call JP1/Service Support is 2,046 characters. The message inherited when the incident registration mode is 2 is shorter than the message inherited when the incident registration mode is 1. This is because the event ID is inherited when the incident registration mode is 2. If an inherited message is truncated before the end, copy the full message displayed in the Event Details window, and then paste it into JP1/Service Support.