
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

10.1 Linking with JP1/Service Support

The Central Console provides a linkage function that enables you to manually register the JP1 events displayed in the event list of JP1/IM - View as incidents in JP1/Service Support. To register a JP1 event as an incident, choose Register Incident from the pop-up menu or click the Register Incident button in the Event Details window to call the Select the process work board as the registration target window. You can register the incident in this window.

Figure 10‒1: Open the Select the process work board as the registration target window from JP1/IM - View


For the settings for calling the Select the process work board as the registration target window in JP1/Service Support, see 11.1.1 Enabling calling the JP1/Service Support window in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide. For details about JP1/Service Support, see the JP1/Service Support Configuration and Administration Guide.


You can use the functionality for command execution by automated actions in JP1/IM to automatically register JP1 events as incidents in JP1/Service Support.

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