9.5.6 Initial setting command
In JP1/IM - Agent definition-file, there are several places where the self-host-name is written. During autoscale, the service is started after the host name is changed, so before the service is started, a command is provided to set the new host name in the definition file.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Function Overview
Initial setting command is used to initialize integrated agent. The following cases are performed from JP1/IM - Agent installer:
When building a JP1/IM - Agent on a physical host
You create a virtual machine image with JP1/IM - Agent installed, and you want the virtual machine to replicate and run from it.
When creating a container image with JP1/IM - Agent installed and creating a container from it
If you are configuring a JP1/IM - Agent on a logical host in a clustered configuration, you must configure the initial settings manually.
For information on how to build JP1/IM - Agent for each case, see the appropriate section in JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Configuration Guide manual.
For more information about initial setting command, see jimasetup"(1. Command in JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference manual.