
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

9.5.5 Polling monitoring of JP1/IM agent management base

JP1/IM agent management base detects connections and disconnections from JP1/IM agent control base and issues JP1 events.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Function Overview

JP1/IM agent control base's polling monitoring detects that JP1/IM agent control base is connected to and disconnected from JP1/IM agent management base and issues a JP1 event. JP1/IM agent control base starts and connects to JP1/IM agent management base on a regular basis. Therefore, JP1/IM agent management base determines that it has been disconnected for a period of time if there is no connection from JP1/IM agent control base. You can view published JP1 events by viewing the list of integrated operation viewer events by selecting JP1/IM agent control base SID's IM management node.

JP1/IM agent management base and JP1/IM agent control base processes are composed of the following processes. For this feature, JP1/IM agent management base refers to imbase process, and JP1/IM agent control base refers to imagent process. For details about the roles of individual processes, see " 9.5.2(1) Common capabilities".

- JP1/IM agent management base

- JP1/IM agent control base

(2) Polling monitoring for JP1/IM agent control base

JP1/IM agent control base starts and connects to JP1/IM agent management base periodically. JP1/IM agent management base detects that a JP1/IM agent control base has been disconnected and issues a JP1 event-if it has not been connected to it for a period of time. When JP1/IM agent control base is started, or when JP1/IM agent control base connects to JP1/IM agent management base after disconnection, it detects the connection and issues a JP1 event. If JP1/IM agent control base is stopped normally, it is disconnected from JP1/IM agent management base, so it issues a JP1 event.

The following table shows JP1 events that are issued by polling monitoring in JP1/IM agent control base and the timing at which they are issued. For more information about JP1 events, see "3.2.3 Details of JP1 events output by JP1/IM - Agent in JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference". A JP1 event is issued only when the connected/disconnected status is changed.

Event ID












The following is a use case for checking JP1 events that are issued by polling monitoring in JP1/IM agent control base.

Use case

Event ID

Checking when JP1/IM agent control base error is detected #


Checking when JP1/IM agent control base is starting up after a successful shutdown and connecting to JP1/IM agent management base for the first time


Checking when JP1/IM agent management base connects to JP1/IM agent control base for the first time after error is detected# in JP1/IM agent management base

Checking when JP1/IM agent management base connects to JP1/IM agent control base for the first time after restarting your JP1/IM agent management base

Checking when JP1/IM agent control base connects to JP1/IM agent management base for the first time after obtaining licensing information after JP1/IM - Agent install/setup

Checking when JP1/IM agent control base is stopped normally


#: If JP1/IM agent control base is not connected to JP1/IM agent management base for 60 seconds (up to 120 seconds) or more in the following cases, an error is detected.

The following is a use case in which JP1 events issued by polling monitoring of JP1/IM agent control base cannot be checked.

Item number

Use case


After JP1/IM agent control base has stopped abnormally, JP1/IM agent control base starts and connects to JP1/IM agent management base prior to JP1/IM agent management base error detection#


JP1/IM agent control base error detection# while JP1/IM agent management base is stopped


Successful shutdown of JP1/IM agent control base while JP1/IM agent management base is down

#: If JP1/IM agent control base is not connected to JP1/IM agent management base for 60 seconds (up to 120 seconds) or more in the following cases, an error is detected.

If JP1/IM agent control base and JP1/IM agent management base are unable to connect due to a temporary network error, reconnection will not be detected as disconnected if reconnection is established within 60 to 120 seconds due to the following operation:

The following describes the retries for communication between JP1/IM agent management base and JP1/IM agent control base.

  • If JP1/IM agent management base goes down, the connected JP1/IM agent control base is disconnected but not detected. After JP1/IM agent management base starts, JP1/IM agent control base connects and issues a JP1 event with an event ID of 00007621.

  • If JP1/IM agent control base stops abnormally and starts JP1/IM agent control base prior to JP1/IM agent management base detection (up to 120 seconds), no JP1 event with an event ID of 00007620 is issued. If you want to detect such a case (a case that starts up quickly after JP1/IM agent control base has stopped abnormally), please refer to the section "Configuring integrated agent process activity monitoring" in the manual "JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Configuration Guide" to monitor imagent process. This setting notifies the integrated manager through JP1/IM agent control base, so you are not notified when JP1/IM agent control base has stopped abnormally, but you are notified when JP1/IM agent control base has started.

  • JP1/IM agent control base's polling monitoring is started after you get the licensing information. (polling monitoring is not enforced while using initial secret.) For licensing details, see " 9.5.2(1)(b) Authentication with initial secret".

(3) Health check function

Polling monitoring with the health check function is supported only for imagent processing of JP1/IM agent control base.

For processes other than imagent process of JP1/IM agent control base, use the alive monitoring of the process by the user's operation.

For information on how to monitor the alive of a process in the user's operation, refer to the section "Setup of integrated agent process alive monitoring" in JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Configuration Guide.


If JP1/IM agent base process-down occurs, JP1/IM - Agent cannot communicate with JP1/IM - Manager, so no JP1 event is issued for integrated agent host. By starting JP1/IM agent base process, communication will be retried while it is stopped. However, log trapper may discard JP1 events if JP1/IM agent base process has been stopped for a long time#.

For more information, see 9.5.4(9)(c) Buffer function for log data to be sent (buffer).


How long Fluentd defaults settings to register about 270000 JP1 events