
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

7.1 Overview of response actions

You can run response action automatically or manually. The automatic execution of a response action is a function to execute a coping action automatically for the event that the content of the received JP1 event is determined. Manual execution of a response action is a function that can be used to perform appropriate actions by the monitoring operator's discretion in case of events that cannot be dealt with only the contents of the JP1 event.

You can also see what happens, for example, if response action you performed in each of these ways has been successfully terminated, or if the problem has been resolved by corrective action.

These features are available for Intelligent Integrated Management Base managed JP1/IM when linking with JP1/IM - Agent.

The combination of automatic execution feature and the manual execution feature provides flexibility and reduces the burden on monitoring operators.

Unless otherwise noted in this section, the term "response action" refers to both automatic execution feature and the manual execution feature.

Figure 7‒1: Automatic execution of response action overview


Figure 7‒2: Manual execution of response action overview


Automatic execution of response action can execute commands automatically under any criteria by defining the following items:

In addition, the following functions are provided to enable early detection of problems in response action execution process.

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