3.9.1 Evaluation using JP1 events
The Intelligent Integrated Management server uses the information of a JP1 event source host to map the IM management node on JP1 events. Based on the mapping information, the Intelligent Integrated Management Base evaluates the status of the IM management node.
Among the JP1 events subject to evaluation, only severe events are evaluated.
All Systems has no status information and therefore is not evaluated.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Mapping JP1 events to IM management nodes
Two methods are available to map JP1 events to IM management nodes: mapping based on JP1 event attributes and mapping based on inherited information. Choose the method that is suitable to each related function.
(a) Mapping based on JP1 event attributes
JP1 events related to the target of management and monitoring by each JP1 product are mapped to management objects in the category of the event source host#.
For details about the relationship between JP1 products, categories, and management objects, see Table 3-4 Names of the management objects underlying the category.
- #:
JP1 events related to JP1/IM remote monitoring or a JP1/Base log file trap or event log trap are mapped to the management object with the relevant product name under the Other Applications category.
JP1 events related to a JP1 product itself, such as a health check, are mapped to the management object with the relevant product name under the Management Applications category of the event source host.
JP1 events generated on a host other than the preceding hosts in the IM management node are mapped to the management object "JP1/Base" under the Other Applications category of the event source host.
Some JP1 events# that are registered when the host mapping function at the problem source is disabled are mapped to the management object "JP1/Base", which is categorized under Other Applications at the host where the event is issued. In addition, the warning message KAJY02022-W, which provides notifications about mapping failures involving JP1 events and IM management nodes, is output.
- #:
This applies to the following JP1 events:
- Correlation events that are issued by JP1/IM - Manager
- Events that are sent and received via another host of a type shown below:
- Events that are issued by JP1/Base log file traps
- Events that are issued by JP1/Base event log traps
- Events that are issued by log file traps of remote monitoring functions
- Events that are issued by event log traps of remote monitoring functions
- Events that are issued by remote monitoring functions
JP1 events generated on a host that is not contained in the IM management node are mapped to the management object "JP1/Base" under the Other Applications category of the JP1/IM - Manager host used as the local host.
(b) Mapping based on inherited information
Inherited information resulting from executing the jddupdatetree command in configuration change mode (-c option) contains JP1 events that were previously mapped to the IM management modes deleted from the system configuration or to those whose system configuration has been changed. These JP1 events are remapped as follows based on the SIDs in the configuration information (inherited information) to which the JP1 events were originally mapped:
When the host that generated the SIDs in the configuration information to which the JP1 events were originally mapped exists on the Intelligent Integrated Management Base:
The JP1 events are mapped to the management object JP1/Base under the Other Applications category of the host generating the SIDs.
When the host that generated the SIDs in the configuration information to which the JP1 events were originally mapped does not exist on the Intelligent Integrated Management Base:
The JP1 events are mapped to the management object JP1/Base under the Other Applications category of the JP1/IM - Manager host.
When the IM management nodes that were deleted from the configuration or those whose configuration was changed get reregistered in the configuration, the above-mentioned JP1 events are remapped to the SIDs in the configuration information to which they were originally mapped. If, however, the JP1 events no longer exist on the integrated monitoring database, they cannot be mapped again to the original SIDs.
(2) Evaluation timing
The status of an IM management node is evaluated when:
When the jddupdatetree command is executed in the new and rebuilding mode (-r option):
The statuses of all IM management nodes are evaluated based on information regarding all JP1 events. In this case, mapping based on JP1 event attributes is used.
When the jddupdatetree command is executed in the configuration change mode (-c option):
Component information is inherited. Only the statuses of those IM management nodes to which the JP1 events, which had previously been linked to the SIDs in the configuration information that was deleted or changed, were remapped are evaluated. In this case, mapping based on inherited information is used.
The Intelligent Integrated Management server collects a JP1 event.
The statuses of IM management nodes are evaluated on management objects of the JP1 event source host. In this case, mapping based on JP1 event attributes is used.
- Important
To evaluate the status, the following criteria must be met:
The jddcreatetree and jddupdatetree commands have been executed properly.
At least one IM management node is to be managed.
- Note
For a correlation event, the status of an IM management node is evaluated by defining the correlation so that the extended attribute of the correlation event includes the information of the source host and using the event-source-host mapping function to map this information on the attribute of the source host.
(3) Status of an IM management node
From the highest priority to the lowest, the status of an IM management node can be Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Information, Debug, and Normal. The color corresponding to the status is determined based on the event level and event status of the JP1 event mapped to the IM management node.
The following table lists the relationship between a JP1 event and the status of an IM management node displayed in the Operating status area.
Event status of the JP1 event |
Event level of the JP1 event |
Emergency |
Alert |
Critical |
Error |
Warning |
Notice |
Information |
Debug |
Unprocessed |
Emergency (red) |
Alert (red) |
Critical (red) |
Error (orange) |
Warning (yellow) |
Notice (yellow) |
Information (yellow) |
Debug (yellow) |
Held |
Processing |
Resolved |
Normal (green) |
- Note
The evaluation is basically carried out by using JP1 events. Properly set a system hierarchy and event acquisition filters to ensure that the JP1 events necessary for JP1/IM - Manager are collected.
(4) Rules for status changes and propagation
After all the unprocessed severe events related to IM management nodes are processed through the following operations and events, the status turns back to Normal:
Change the status of the severe event with the serial number owned by an IM management node that is not normal, to Processed.
Remove the severe event with the serial number owned by an IM management node that is not normal.
Configure the severe event with the serial number owned by an IM management node that is not normal, so that the event is not handled as a severe event.
The severe event with the serial number owned by an IM management node that is not normal disappears from the integrated monitoring database.
When multiple related JP1 events are received into a management object, the content of each JP1 event is evaluated and the event with the highest priority is set for the status of the management object.
If the status of a management object is changed as a result of the JP1 event related to the management object being received and the content of the JP1 event being evaluated, the status of the changed management object is propagated to the higher-level management group.
The propagation to a higher level occurs based on the following rules:
The status of a management object is changed.
If the highest status of the management objects in the same level changes due to the change in step 1, the management group at one level higher moves to the highest status after the change in the management object immediately below the group.
If the management group that moved to a different status in step 2 has a higher-level group, the status is propagated to the higher group according to the same rule in step 2. However, when the higher-level management group is All Systems, the status is not propagated.
If the highest status of the management objects in the same level is not changed due to the change in step 1, the statuses of the higher groups are not changed.
The following figure shows an example of the status of a management group.
The following figure shows an example of the status change in XXX being propagated to the management group.
The flow of processing is described below, following the numbers in the figure:
The status of the management object turns from Normal to Error.
The statuses of the management objects in the same level are checked to find the change in the highest status, and therefore the status is propagated to the higher-level management group.
The status of the management group turns from Warning to Error.
The status is propagated to the system one level below All Systems, the highest management group.