1.3.4 Centralized system monitoring
JP1/IM - Manager can centrally monitor the system in its entirety via the Central Console and Central Scope.
The Central Console centrally monitors events in the system by collecting JP1 events as they occur and displaying them in a time series. JP1 events are displayed on the Monitor Events page of the Event Console window, so you can monitor everything that is happening across the entire system.
Using the Central Scope, the administrator can centrally monitor the system from any chosen viewpoint. The entire system can be displayed in a tree view matched to your purpose, providing a visual understanding of the relationships between the tasks in progress and system resources. Essential monitoring points can also be mapped geographically, enabling centralized monitoring from the required viewpoints, no matter how large the system.
In the Monitoring Tree window, you can group resources and centrally monitor the system in a tree view. In the Visual Monitoring window, you have a map view of objects you selected in a monitoring tree.