1.3.3 Integrated management using JP1 events
JP1/IM - Manager centrally manages the various events that occur in the system as JP1 events. Events generated by JP1/Base, which provides the core functionality for integrated management, are managed by the agent hosts in the system as JP1 events. In addition, JP1/IM-Agent notifies JP1/IM-Manager of the log being monitored and the event that occurred in the system performance by JP1 event. JP1/IM-Manager centrally manages forwarded and notified JP1 events.
Alternatively, JP1 events accumulated at an agent's JP1/Base can be acquired by JP1/IM - Manager and managed at the JP1/IM - Manager side.
Implementing integrated management by simply collecting all JP1 events would result in a deluge of events across the system. Severe events could easily be overlooked, making operations management more difficult. Too many events would also place a greater load on the monitoring system. Using event filtering, JP1/IM - Manager selects only those events relevant to operations management, allowing JP1 events to be managed appropriately. The filtering feature gives you various choices: You can select which events to send to JP1/IM - Manager, and which to treat as severe events.
In addition, JP1/IM - Manager can manage the following events:
Events (such as SNMP traps managed by HP NNM version 7.5 or earlier) that are converted into JP1 events by JP1/Base event conversion. JP1/IM - Manager can also manage events issued by a user application calling a command or the API.
Events (such as messages in the log files and the Windows event logs) that are issued on hosts on which JP1/IM-Agent or JP1/Base has not been installed and that are converted into JP1 events by remote monitoring based on the remote communication settings.
A monitored host for which the remote communication settings have been set is called a remotely monitored host.
NNMi incidents converted into JP1 events by JP1/IM - EG for NNMi. For details about NNMi incidents, see the manual Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management 3 - Event Gateway for Network Node Manager i Description, User's Guide and Reference.
Events handled by a wide variety of non-JP1 products and converted into JP1 events.