
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

4.6.2 Search Results field

Search Results

Displays the total number of items in the search results.

Display range

Displays the location of the current item with respect to the beginning of the search results.

< button

Displays the previous 20 items in the search results.

> button

Displays the next 20 items in the search results.

List of Search Results

Displays the items that satisfy the search condition. A maximum of 20 items can be displayed at a time.


The number displayed corresponds to the number of items in the search results.

Process Definition Name

Displays the business process definition name.

Process Definition Version

Displays the business process version.


Displays the status of the process instance.

Start Time

Displays the date and time at which the process instance began executing, in the same format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss as when the search condition was specified. If execution has not begun, this information is not displayed.

End Time

Displays the date and time at which the process instance finished executing, in the same format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss as when the search condition was specified. If execution is not finished, this information is not displayed.

HCSC Server Name

Displays the name of the last executed HCSC server name.

Delete button

Deletes the execution log of a single process instance that has been selected from the search results.

Reexec button

Re-executes a single process instance that has been selected from the search results.