
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

4.6.1 Search condition field

Use this field to select or enter search conditions, or perform a search.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Search by Date/Time or Status

Figure 4‒15: Search condition field when (Search by DATE/Time or Status) tab is selected


Search by Date/Time or Status tab

This tab displays a page for searching process instances using date/time or status as the search condition.

ProcessInstance start time

Search process instances with the process instance start date/time specified.

Specify radio button

Searches process instances with the process instance start date/time specified.

Do not specify radio button

Searches process instances without specifying the process instance start date/time.

Start date/time condition entry field

Enter the start date/time for the search range. The time zone for the machine that is running is assumed for the specified date/time.


Specifies the start year for the search range as a 4-digit integer. The permitted value range is from 1970 to 9999.


Selects the start month for the search range from the drop-down list. The permitted value range is from 1 to 12.


Selects the start date for the search range from the drop-down list. The permitted value range is from 1 to 31.


Selects the start hour for the search range from the drop-down list. The permitted value range is from 0 to 23.


Selects the start minute for the search range from the drop-down list. The permitted value range is from 0 to 59.


Selects the start second for the search range from the drop-down list. The permitted value range is from 0 to 59.

End date/time condition entry field

Enters the end date/time for the search range.

The year, month, date, hour, minute, and second are the same as for the start date/time condition entry field.

ProcessInstance status

Search process instances with the process instance status specified. You can also select multiple statuses and search for those process instances that are in any of the statuses you select.

Executing check box

Searches for the process instances that are currently executing.

Completed check box

Searches for the process instances whose global scope has been completed.

Faulted check box

Searches for the process instances that have terminated with fault and that cannot be detected by the global scope.

Error check box

Checks to search for completed process instance in which an error occurred while executing the service invocation activity.

Sort condition

Specifies the order in which the search results are displayed.

ASC of start time. radio button

Displays the search results in ascending order by start date/time.

DESC of start time. radio button

Displays the search results in descending order by start date/time.

Do not specify radio button

Displays the search results without specifying the sort condition.

Search button

Executes the search according to the specified condition.

Reset button

Resets the search condition that was entered on the selected page to the initial value.

(2) Search by Correlation Set

Figure 4‒16: Search condition field when the Search by Correlation Set tab is selected


Search by Correlation Set tab

Displays the window for searching process instances from a correlation set as the search condition. You must enter the value in both Correlation Set Name and Correlation Set Value.

Correlation Set Name

Enters the correlation set definition name to be searched, expressed in alphanumeric characters.

Correlation Set Value

Enters the correlation set value to be searched, expressed in alphanumeric characters.

(3) Search by identifier

Figure 4‒17: Search condition field when the Search by Identifier tab is selected


Search by Identifier tab

As the search condition of this tab, select a screen searching the process instance from the process instance identifier.

Process Instance Identifier

Enter the process instance identifier to be searched.