
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

4.5 Resource Information page

The Resource Information page displays the resource information for the HCSC server. The Resource Information page opens if you choose the Resource information tab in the editor area.

The following figure shows the Resource Information page and the items displayed on the page:

Figure 4‒12: Resource Information page


HCSC-Server Display name

Displays the display name for the HCSC server.

HCSC-Server Status

Displays the operating status of the HCSC server. Displays one of the following:

  • inactive

  • active

  • stopping

  • starting

  • acquisition error

Resource Notification

Displays whether the statistic information is reported from the execution environment to the HCSC server. When the statistic information is reported, ON is displayed and when the statistic information is not reported, OFF is displayed.

Time that resource information was collected

Displays the time at which the statistic information is acquired. Hyphen (-) is displayed if the HCSC server is not in the active status. If the acquisition of operating information fails, acquisition error is displayed.

As shown in the figure, the statistic information is the information that is acquired 60 seconds (default) before the displayed statistics information acquisition time.

Figure 4‒13: Relationship between the statistics information acquisition time and the acquired statistic information


Java VM Heap Size(MB)

Displays the Java VM heap size of the HCSC server. Displays the size in the format Maximum-Java-VM-heap-size-acquired / Upper-limit-of-the-Java-VM-heap-size.

Displays an integer truncated after the decimal point. Hyphen (-) is displayed if the HCSC server is not in the active status. If the acquisition of operating information fails, acquisition error is displayed.

Note that the value, excluding a part of the Survivor area size from the value specified in the -Xmx option of Java VM, is displayed.

Database Connection Count

Displays the information about all the resource adapters running on the J2EE server. The information is not displayed if the HCSC server is not in the active status. If the acquisition of operating information fails, acquisition error is displayed.

Resource Adapter Name

Displays the display name of the resource adapter.

Connection Count

Displays the number of DB connections on the HCSC server. Displays number-of-connections in the format Maximum-number-of-DB-connections-acquired / Upper-limit-of-the-number-of-DB-connections. The upper limit for the number of DB connections displays the value specified in the range of 1 to 2,147,483,647. If -1 (indefinite) is specified in the upper limit of the number of DB connections, the number of connections are displayed in the format Maximum-number-of-DB-connections-acquired / NA. NA indicates that the number is indefinite. Also, in the following cases, NA / NA (invalid value) is displayed:

  • When 0 is specified in the upper limit of the number of DB connections

  • When the relevant resource adapter is the root resource adapter or the DB connector for Reliable Messaging integration


Displays the information of a standard reception or user-defined reception. For standard reception, the information is not displayed if the standard reception is not set up.

Reception name

Displays the reception name of standard reception or the reception name of user-defined reception. For standard reception, displays Standard reception (Web Service (SOAP1.1)) or Standard reception (Web Service(SOAP1.2)). For the user-defined reception, displays the reception name defined by the user.


Displays the operating status of the standard reception or user-defined reception. Displays one of the following:

  • inactive

  • active

  • stopping

  • starting

  • stop error

  • start error

  • acquisition error

Hyphen (-) is displayed if the HCSC server is not in active status. For the user-defined reception, Not deployed is displayed if the user-defined reception is not deployed.

Service Name

Displays the service name of the dependent business process or service adapter. Always displays hyphen (-) in case of standard reception. A hyphen (-) is displayed for the user-defined reception (invocation target specified).

Waiting Queue Count

Displays the queue retention count of standard reception or user-defined reception. Displays the count in the format Maximum-queue-retention-count-acquired / Upper-limit-of-the-queue-retention-count. The queue retention count of standard reception or user-defined reception displays values in the range of 0 to 2,147,483,647. Hyphen (-) is displayed if the HCSC server is not in the active status and if the relevant reception is in the stopping status. For the user-defined reception, - is displayed if the user-defined reception has not been deployed yet. If the acquisition of operating information fails, acquisition error is displayed.

Active Thread Count

Displays the number of executions of standard reception or user-defined reception. Displays the number-of-executions in the format Maximum-number-of-executions-collected / Upper-limit-of-the-number-of-executions. The number-of-executions of standard reception or user-defined reception displays values in the range of 1 to 1,024. Hyphen (-) is displayed if the HCSC server is not in the active status and if the relevant reception is in the stopping status. For the user-defined reception, - is displayed if the user-defined reception has not been deployed yet. If the acquisition of operating information fails, acquisition error is displayed.

Dependency Business Process

Displays information about the business process dependent on the HCSC server.

Service Name

Displays the service name of the dependent business process.


Displays the operating status of the business process. Displays one of the following:

  • inactive

  • active

  • stopping

  • starting

  • stop error

  • start error

  • acquisition error

  • Pre-deployment status

Hyphen (-) is displayed if the HCSC server is not in the active status.

Active Thread Count

Displays the number-of-executions of the business process. Displays the number-of-executions in the format Maximum-number-of-executions-acquired / NA. NA indicates that the number is indefinite. The maximum-number-of-executions-acquired displays values in the range of 0 to 2,147,483,647. Hyphen (-) is displayed if the HCSC server is not in the active status and if the business process is in the pre-deployment or stopping status. If the acquisition of operating information fails, acquisition error is displayed.

Dependency Service Adapter

Displays information about the service adapter dependent on the HCSC server.

Service Name

Displays the service name of the service adapter.


Displays the operating status of the service adapter. Displays one of the following:

  • inactive

  • active

  • stopping

  • starting

  • stop error

  • start error

  • acquisition error

  • pre-deployment status

Hyphen (-) is displayed if the HCSC server is not in the active status.

Active Thread Count

Displays the number-of-executions of the service adapter. Displays the number-of-executions in the format Maximum-number-of-executions-acquired / Upper-limit-of-the-number-of-executions. NA might also be displayed in the Upper-limit-of-the-number-of-executions. NA indicates that the number is indefinite. The maximum-number-of-executions-acquired displays values in the range of 0 to 2,147,483,647. Hyphen (-) is displayed if the HCSC server is not in the active status and if the service adapter is in the pre-deployment or stopping status. If the acquisition of operating information fails, acquisition error is displayed.

Resource Notification
ON button

The report of the statistic information from the execution environment will start.

OFF button

The report of the statistic information from the execution environment will stop.