
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

4.4.4 User-defined reception operations

The following figure shows the screen of Operations page for the user-defined reception and the items displayed on the page:

Figure 4‒11: Operations page for the user-defined reception


Reception name

Displays the name of the user-defined reception to be operated using this window.


Displays the operating status of the user-defined reception. Displays one of the following:

  • inactive

  • active

  • stopping

  • starting

  • stop error

  • start error

  • acquisition error

  • pre-deployment status

Even in cases other than starting or stopping of the user-defined reception, the status might change with reporting from the execution environment.

Dependency HCSC-Server

Displays the information about the dependent HCSC server.

HCSC-Server display name

Displays the display name of the dependent HCSC server.


Displays the operating status of the HCSC server on which the user-defined reception is deployed. Displays one of the following:

  • inactive

  • active

  • stopping

  • starting

  • acquisition error

Even in cases other than starting or stopping of the user-defined reception, the status might change with reporting from the execution environment.

Dependency Business Process

Displays the information about the dependent business processes.

Service name

Displays the service name of the dependent business process. A hyphen (-) is displayed for the user-defined reception (invocation target specified).


Displays the operating status of the business process. Displays one of the following:

  • inactive

  • active

  • stopping

  • starting

  • stop error

  • start error

  • acquisition error

  • pre-deployment status

A hyphen (-) is displayed for the user-defined reception (invocation target specified).

Even in cases other than starting or stopping of the user-defined reception, the status might change with reporting from the execution environment.

Start button

Start the user-defined reception.

Stop button

Terminate the user-defined reception.