
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

1.4.10 Invoke Java Activity Dialog

You use this dialog for defining invoke Java activity details.

This dialog opens when you perform one of the following operations:

For details about how to define invoke Java activity, see the description of the invoke Java activity in the manual Service Platform Basic Development Guide.

Figure 1‒75: Invoke Java Activity dialog


Activity name

Specify an activity name. You can use the NCName definition characters of XMLSchema. Specify an activity name that is unique inside a business process or scope.

Java class name

Specify a Java class name. The Java class name to be specified must include a package name. Do not specify an extension (.class, or .java, for example).

Variable for argument

Specify the variable to be allocated to the argument when the Java class specified in Java class name is invoked. You can also specify multiple variables.


From the drop-down list, select the variable to be allocated to the argument when the Java class specified in Java class name is invoked. The drop-down list contains only the variables that can be used from those defined in the List Of Variables And Correlation Sets dialog box.

The selected variable appears in the List field when you click the Add button.

Add button

Adds the variable selected in Variable to the List field.


Displays the variables that are to be allocated to the arguments when the Java class specified in Java class name is invoked. The order of arguments when the Java class is invoked is the same as the order of Index.


Displays the index of the Java class variable argument (array) for using allocated variables.

This value is not used when an interface whose version is 09-70 or earlier is used.


Displays the value of the variable to be allocated to the Java class argument.

Variable name

Displays the variable name to be allocated to the Java class argument.

Delete button

Deletes the variable selected in the List field. If you select multiple variables and click the Delete button, all the selected variables are deleted.

Up button

Moves up by one line the position of the variable selected in the List field.

Down button

Moves down by one line the position of the variable selected in the List field.

Variable for return value

From the drop-down list, select the variable to be allocated to the return value when the Java class specified in Java class name is invoked. The drop-down list shows only the variables that can be used of those defined in the List Of Variables And Correlation Sets dialog.

Edit button

The Variable-Correlation Set dialog opens. Click this button to edit the contents of the variable to be specified in Variable for argument or Variable for return value.

For details about the List Of Variables And Correlation Sets dialog, see 1.4.1 List Of Variables And Correlation Sets Dialog.

OK button

Saves the defined contents and closes the dialog.

Cancel button

Closes the dialog without saving the defined contents.