
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

1.4.1 List Of Variables And Correlation Sets Dialog

Use the List Of Variables And Correlation Sets dialog to add or modify variables and correlation sets, or to display a list.

For details about operating procedures, see the description for defining variables and correlation sets in the manual Service Platform Basic Development Guide.

Figure 1‒65:  List Of Variables And Correlation Sets dialog (for displaying variable information)


Figure 1‒66: List Of Variables And Correlation Sets dialog (for displaying variable information)


Variable List

Displays a list of already defined variables that belong to the process or scope.

Variable name

Specify a variable name consisting of a maximum of 64 bytes.


Select the type of variables from the following six types:

  • XML

  • Binary (non-XML)

  • Any

  • Numeric

  • String

  • Boolean

Message format

For message-type (XML or non-XML) variables, the file containing the message format is displayed.

Get Format button

For message-type (XML or non-XML) variables, use this button to set the message format (specified in the request, response, or fault message of the service component to be invoked or the user-defined reception) in the variable.

The Take In Message Format dialog opens. In the Take In Message Format dialog, you specify the message format to be set in the variable.

... button

For message-type (XML or non-XML) variables, specify the file to be used as the message format.

Display button

For message-type (XML or non-XML) variables, use this button to acquire paths to variables. Clicking this button opens the Showing Variable dialog box.

Output button

Displays the dialog box for specifying the output destination of the message format file.

Part Specifications check box

For message-type (XML or non-XML) variables, select this check box to enable part specification.

Part name

Specify a part name for part specification.

Specify the part name according to the following conditions:

When the part type is message (XML)

Part names must be unique in the business process.

When the part type is numeric (numeric), string (string), or Boolean (boolean)
  • The same part name can be used for variables that have different message formats but the same part type.

  • In all other cases, part names must be unique.


When performing part specification, specify an expression that corresponds to the part name. For the expression, specify the path acquired in Selected path in the Showing Variable dialog.


Select the type corresponding to the part name.

  • For message-type (XML) variables

    Select from message type (XML), numeric, string, and Boolean.

  • For message-type (non-XML) variables

    Select from numeric, string, and Boolean.

CorrelationSet List

Displays a list of already defined correlation sets that belong to the process or scope.

CorrelationSet Name

Specify a correlation set name consisting of a maximum of 64 bytes.

Acquisition Part
Variable name

Specify variables that have the message format to be used for defining the correlation set. Message type variables that are already defined in the scope to which they belong or the parent scope and which have basic-type parts are displayed.

Part name

For the variable selected in Variable name, specify a part name of the basic-type part that is to be used as a correlation set.

Add Line button

Adds a line for specifying a part or acquisition part.

Delete Line button

Deletes unneeded part or acquisition part specification lines.

Add button

Adds information about the defined variables and correlation sets.

Delete button

Deletes information about the defined variables and correlation sets.

Update button

Updates the contents of the information about the defined variables and correlation sets.

OK button

Commits the defined contents and closes the List Of Variables And Correlation Sets dialog.

Cancel button

Cancels the defined contents and closes the List Of Variables And Correlation Sets dialog, leaving the previous contents intact.