
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

H.3 Repository migration procedure in the operating environment during update installation

Update Service Platform from the old version to the new version (11-00), following the steps in the below figure ((1) Perform update installation in each environment to (6) Update the version of the execution environment (operating environment).

Figure H‒2: Migration procedure for an update installation (in the operating environment only)


The steps in Figure H-2 ((1) Perform update installation in each environment to (6) Update the version of the execution environment (operating environment)) are described below.

For details about the commands used in these steps, see Chapter 5. Commands (Operating and Execution Environments) in the uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Perform update installation in each environment

Update the version of Service Platform by installing Service Platform 11-00 as an update installation in the operating and execution environments. For a test environment in which Service Platform was set up by using HCSC Easy Setup, use HCSC Easy Setup to perform unsetup before you perform update installation, and perform setup again after update installation.

The following shows the prerequisites for update installation in each environment.

  • The HCSC server has been set up.

  • Service Platform and Reliable Messaging are not running.

  • The embedded database (if used) is not running.

  • The HCSC server, J2EE server, and HCSC components are not running.


When you perform update installation, note the following:

  • Before you start update installation, terminate all components, such as the J2EE server, Management Server, and PRF, in the execution environment.

  • If an embedded database is used, terminate it before you start update installation.

Note that update installation overwrites all files other than the files listed below:

(2) Change the class path of the J2EE server

If the version to be updated is earlier than 09-00 and the option definition file for the J2EE server (usrconf.cfg) contains the entries listed below, delete all of them. When you change the definition, we recommend that you use Smart Composer functionality or management portal.

(3) Perform migration of old option adapter definition files

Migration of the option adapters that were used in a version earlier than 09-00 requires the tasks described below.

(a) Migration of the TP1 adapter definition files

Copy the TP1 adapter execution-environment property files. The files to be copied and the copy destination directory are as follows:

Files to be copied: TP1-adapter-installation-directory\config\*.properties

Copy destination: Service-Platform-installation-directory\CSC\custom-adapter\TP1\config\

(b) Migration of the file adapter definition files

Copy the file adapter execution-environment property files. The files to be copied and the copy destination directory are as follows:

Files to be copied: file-adapter-installation-directory\config\*.properties

Copy destination: Service-Platform-installation-directory\CSC\custom-adapter\File\config\

(c) Migration of the Object Access adapter definition files

Copy the Object Access adapter execution-environment property files. The files to be copied and the copy destination directory are as follows:

Files to be copied: Object-Access-adapter-installation-directory\config\*.properties

Copy destination: Service-Platform-installation-directory\CSC\custom-adapter\OA\config\

(d) Migration of the Message Queue adapter definition files

Copy the Message Queue adapter execution-environment property files. The files to be copied and the copy destination directory are as follows:

Files to be copied: Message-Queue-adapter-installation-directory\config\*.properties

Copy destination: Service-Platform-installation-directory\CSC\custom-adapter\MQ\config\

(e) Migration of the FTP adapter definition files

Copy the FTP adapter command definition files and FTP adapter execution-environment property files. The files to be copied and the copy destination directory are as follows:

Files to be copied: FTP-adapter-installation-directory\config\*.properties

Copy destination: Service-Platform-installation-directory\CSC\custom-adapter\FTP\config\

(4) Uninstall products

The products listed below come with Service Platform 09-00 or later. If you update Service Platform from a version earlier than 09-00 and any of these products have already been installed, we recommend that you uninstall them.

(5) Update Service Platform and Reliable Messaging (execution environment)

Update Service Platform and Reliable Messaging by using the following procedure, which is also required when the version to be updated is earlier than 09-00:

(6) Update the version of the execution environment (operating environment)

Update the version of the execution environment from the operating environment.

(a) Prerequisites

The execution environment can be updated when all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  • Management Server is running.

  • The embedded database (if used) is running.

  • The version of the repository is equal to or older than the version of the installation.

  • The version of the repository is 08-00 or later (but older than that of the installation).

  • (If the FTP inbound adapter is to be used) The resource adapter has already been updated by using the cjrarupdate command#.


    For the cjrarupdate command, specify the following options and values:

    -type option: rar

    -f option: Service-Platform-installation-directory\CSC\inbound-adapter\ftp\rar\ftp_inbound_adapter.rar

    For details about the cjrarupdate command, see cjrarupdate (update resource adapter version) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.

    Note that if you update the FTP inbound adapter from a version earlier than 09-50, the default terminator used for FTP response changes from the OS-dependent line break code to CR-LF. If you do not want to change the terminator, use the cjgetrarprop command to obtain the attribute file from the FTP inbound adapter's RAR files, change the definition, and then use the cjsetrarprop command to set the attribute file. For details about how to set the attribute file, see 3.2.3(3) Setting up the FTP inbound adapter.

If the prerequisites listed above are not satisfied, satisfy them in the order in which they are listed.

(b) How to update the version

Execute the cscenvupdate command to update the version of the repository and HCSC server.

cscenvupdate -csc name-of-the-HCSC-server-to-be-updated

If you choose to convert the existing repository information before or after version update in the development environment, and to use the converted repository information with the new version, see Appendix A. Migrating from old version in the Service Platform Basic Development Guide.

Important note

If you stop the HCSC server and update the version of the execution environment while HCSC components are running, the HCSC components will stop when you restart the HCSC server. Therefore, after you restart the HCSC server, you must also restart the HCSC components.