
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

H.2 Repository migration procedure in the operating environment during a new installation

Update Service Platform from the old version to the new version (11-00), following the steps in the figure below ((1) Export the repository (operating environment) to (9) Deploy HCSC components (operating environment)).

Figure H‒1: Migration procedure for a new installation (in the operating environment only)


The steps in Figure H-1 ((1) Export the repository (operating environment) to (9) Deploy HCSC components (operating environment)) are described below.

For details about the commands used in these steps, see Chapter 5. Commands (Operating and Execution Environments) in the uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Export the repository (operating environment)

Before you update the version, in the operating environment, export the repository as a backup. If there are multiple repositories, export all necessary repositories as backups.

In the operating environment, execute the cscrepctl command (with the -export option) to export the repository (or repositories).

For details about how to export a repository, see 4.2 Exporting Repository Information.

(2) Delete HCSC components (operating environment)

Delete all HCSC components deployed on the HCSC server in the execution environment. If there are multiple HCSC servers in the execution environment to be updated, delete all HCSC components from all of those HCSC servers.

In the operating environment, execute the csccompoundeploy command, as shown below. This command deletes all HCSC components deployed on the specified HCSC server.

csccompoundeploy -csc HCSC-server-name -type {adapter|bp} -name service-adapter's-service-ID

(3) Perform unsetup of the HCSC servers

Before you update the version, in the execution environment, perform unsetup of all HCSC servers.

In the operating environment, execute the cscsvunsetup command to perform unsetup of all HCSC servers. For a test environment in which Service Platform was set up by using HCSC Easy Setup, use HCSC Easy Setup to perform unsetup.

For details about how to perform unsetup of HCSC servers, see 3.3.5 Unsetting up an HCSC server.

(4) Uninstall Service Platform in each environment

Uninstall the old version of Service Platform in the operating and execution environments. We recommend that you back up the Service Platform installation directory before uninstalling Service Platform.


When you perform uninstallation, note the following:

  • Before you start uninstallation, terminate all components, such as the J2EE server, Management Server, and PRF, in the execution environment.

  • If an embedded database is used, terminate it before you start uninstallation.

Notes applying to an update from a version earlier than 09-00

The products listed below come with Service Platform 09-00 or later. If any of the products listed below have already been installed, we recommend that you uninstall them.

  • Service Adapter for Flat Files

  • Service Adapter Architect for Flat Files

  • Service Adapter for FTP

  • Service Adapter Architect for FTP

  • Service Adapter for Message Queue

  • Service Adapter Architect for Message Queue

  • Service Adapter for Object Access

  • Service Adapter Architect for Object Access

  • Service Adapter for TP1

  • Service Adapter Architect for TP1

  • Code Conversion - Development Kit

  • Code Conversion - Server Runtime

  • Code Conversion - Runtime

  • TP1/Client/J

(5) Install Service Platform in each environment

Install Service Platform 11-00 to update the version in the operating and execution environments.

(6) Set up an HCSC server (operating environment)

Set up and define the same environment as the previously created HCSC server, based on the following files that were created previously:

In a test environment, use HCSC Easy Setup to set up an HCSC server.

(7) Update the repository

To continue to use business processes and service adapters that were created in the old version, use the cscrepupdate command to update the repository created in the old version.

cscrepupdate -inputfile old-repository-ZIP-file-name -outputfile new-repository-ZIP-file-name

(8) Import the repository (operating environment)

Import the repository that was updated in (7) Update the repository. Note that you cannot import the repository that was used in the old version.

Execute the cscrepctl command (with the -import option) in the operating environment.

For details about how to import the repository, see 4.3 Importing a repository.

(9) Deploy HCSC components (operating environment)

After you have imported the repository information in (8) Import the repository (operating environment), deploy the HCSC components included in the repository information on the HCSC server. Make sure that the resulting environment is the same as the environment existing when the repository was exported in (1) Export the repository (operating environment).

Execute the csccompodeploy command (with the -all option) in the operating environment.

For details about how to deploy HCSC components, see 3.1.8 Deploying a service adapter and 3.1.13 Deploying a business process.

After you have deployed the HCSC components, you can perform operations on them as you could before the version was updated.