
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

7.7.14 Troubleshooting when executing the HTTP reception

This sub-section describes the kinds of failure information which is output when HTTP reception is operating. Following are the types of failure information related to HTTP reception.

The following points describe the collection method, output format and output destination of the logs and traces which are output by Service Platform during the execution of HTTP reception.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Message log

The message log of HTTP reception outputs the operating log of J2EE server from among the message log outputted by Service Platform.

For details about the output contents of message log, see "2.6 Messages from KDEC80400 to KDEC80499" in "Service Platform Messages".

For details about output contents and output destination of message log, see "7.4.1 Message log".

(2) Method trace

The method trace of HTTP reception is as per the specifications of the method trace output by Service Platform.

For details about output contents and output destination of method trace, see "7.4.7(3) Method trace".

(3) Performance analysis trace

This sub-section describes the performance analysis trace in HTTP reception. By using Performance Tracer, Performance analysis trace (PRF trace function) outputs performance analysis information at any point in the series of processes right from receiving requests from service requester to returning the service execution result. Thus, you can check the performance of the entire system.

Settings are required for collecting performance analysis trace. For details about these settings, see "7. Performance Analysis by Using Trace Based Performance Analysis" in "Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide".

(a) Output format

The format which is output in performance analysis trace file is the same as that of performance analysis trace of Application Server. For details, see "7.3 Collecting the trace based performance analysis file by using Management Server" in "Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide".

(b) Output contents

The following table describes the contents which are output in performance analysis trace file.

Table 7‒141:  Contents that are output in performance analysis trace file (HTTP reception)



Event ID

Event ID of collection point is output.

For details about collection point, see "(c) Performance analysis trace collection point".

Return code

Collection point type is output.

  • 0: Normal end

  • 1: Abnormal end

Interface name

Class name is output.

Operation name

Method name is output.

Option information

Only the following option information is output.

  • Reception name

  • Reception ID

  • Request ID

  • Service name

  • Service operation name

  • Exception name#

Note #

This item is output only when error is generated.

(c) Performance analysis trace collection point

The following figure shows the collection point of performance analysis trace.

Figure 7‒119:  Performance analysis trace collection point (HTTP reception)


The following table shows event ID, trace collection point and performance analysis trace collection level. The "Number in figure" in the table, corresponds to the numbers shown in the above figure.

Table 7‒142:  Performance analysis trace collection point (HTTP reception)

Event ID

Number in figure

Trace collection point




Entry to HTTP reception




Invocation of custom reception framework




Reception of response from custom reception framework




Exit from HTTP reception




Before deletion of work folder#



A: Indicates that the process/level is "Standard".

Note #

When you want to download file to HTTP client, in HTTP response, you will be able to do so after sending data to HTTP client.