
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

7.7.12 Troubleshooting in a system that uses file event linkage

This section describes the types of information that can be collected for failures that occur in a system that uses file event linkage. The following types of failure information are related to file event linkage:

The following describes the preceding types of failure information.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Snapshot log

To include the file event reception in the targets of information collection by the mngsvrutil and snapshotlog commands, you might need to modify the file that defines the targets for collection of snapshot log data.

To collect log data at the same logging level as the other receptions of the service platform, add entries as shown in the following paragraphs. You do not need to add these entries if they have already been included in the relevant files.

(a) snapshotlog.conf


(b) snapshotlog2.conf


(c) snapshotlog.param.conf


(2) Message log

For failures that occur during operation using the file event linkage functionality, messages are output to message logs. The log data that is output to the message log for the file event reception is the message log data that is output by the service platform and is related to J2EE server operations.

The error messages that are output for the file event linkage functionality include the following:

For details about the messages that are output, see 2.1 Messages from KDEC00001 to KDEC19999 in the manual Service Platform Messages. For details about the output items and output destination of message log data, see 7.4.1(3) Activity log of J2EE server.

(a) If a fault response message is returned to the file event reception

This section describes troubleshooting when a fault response message is returned to the file event reception. For the error notification method used in this case, see the description of the case where an error is returned by a service component about a user-defined exception in the following section: A.7 Method of notifying error in custom reception in the Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide.

If a fault response message is returned to the file event reception, take action according to the message that is output, and then take action for the monitoring-target files as described in the following table:

Monitoring-target file


Update completion notification file

If the file to be acquired remains:

Use the file transfer and data linkage software to re-create the update completion notification file.

If the file to be acquired does not remain:

Use the file transfer and data linkage software to re-perform a transfer of the file to be acquired and the subsequent processing.

File to be acquired

Use the following procedure to take action:

  1. Check whether the file to be acquired that is renamed remains.

    If the file remains, use file event traces to confirm that processing for the file has already ended, and then delete the file.

  2. Use the file transfer and data linkage software to re-create the file to be acquired.

(b) If an error is returned by the custom reception framework

This section describes troubleshooting when an error is returned by the custom reception framework. For the error notification method used in this case, see the description of the case where an error is returned by the HCSC server in the following section: A.7 Method of notifying error in custom reception in the Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide.

If an error is returned by the custom reception framework, take action according to the message that is output, and then take action for the monitoring-target files as described in the following table:

Error location


Monitoring-target file

Update completion notification file

File to be acquired

File event reception or HCSC message delivery control


Use the file transfer and data linkage software to re-create the monitoring-target file (update completion notification file or file to be acquired).

Other locations

If the following conditions are met:

  • An execution history of business processes has been collected.

  • The process instance is re-executable.

Re-execute the process instance.

If the file to be acquired does not remain although the file is used during re-execution, use the file transfer and data linkage software to re-perform a transfer of the file to be acquired and the subsequent processing.

Re-execute the process instance.

If the preceding conditions are not met:

Use the file transfer and data linkage software to perform the following task:

  • If the file to be acquired remains:

    Re-create the update completion notification file.

  • If the file to be acquired does not remain:

    Re-perform a transfer of the file to be acquired and the subsequent processing.

Use the file transfer and data linkage software to re-perform a transfer of the file to be acquired and the subsequent processing.

(c) If an error is detected by the file event reception

The file event reception can detect the following errors:

  • Non-existence of the file to be acquired

  • Failure in creating a lock file

  • Failure in obtaining a lock with the lock file

  • Failure in releasing a lock with the lock file

  • Failure in renaming the monitoring-target file (update completion notification file or file to be acquired)

If an error is detected, check whether a file event trace from the collection point IN has been output. If you know whether this trace has been output, you will be able to guess a rough error location and take specific action as shown in the following table.

Table 7‒124: Failure location and action

Has a trace from collection point IN been output?

Failure location



After the business process was invoked

See the relevant error message that has been output to the message log and determine whether some action must be taken.


Before the business process was invoked

Take action according to the relevant message that has been output to the message log, and then take action as follows:

  • If the monitoring-target file has been renamed

    Use the file transfer and data linkage software to re-create the monitoring-target file.# When the re-created file is detected at the next file monitoring interval, the file event reception is invoked.

  • If the monitoring-target file has not been renamed

    You do not need to take action because this file is detected at the next file monitoring interval.


If the file to be acquired is the monitoring-target file, you must delete the file before you re-create it. Use the file event traces to check whether processing for the file has already ended. After you have confirmed that processing for the file has already ended, delete it.

(3) Method trace

The method traces for file event linkage conform to the specifications of the method traces that are output by the service platform.

For details about the output items and output destination for method traces, see 7.4.7(3) Method trace.

(4) Performance analysis trace

The performance analysis traces for the file event linkage functionality can be used to analyze performance bottlenecks. These traces can be used to check the following:

Before you can collect performance analysis traces, you must specify the necessary settings. For details about the necessary settings, see 7. Performance Analysis by Using Trace Based Performance Analysis in the Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide.

(a) Output format

Performance analysis traces are output to files that are in the same format as the performance analysis trace files for the J2EE server. For details about the output format, see 7.3 Collecting the trace based performance analysis file by using Management Server in the Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide.

(b) Output items

The following table shows the items that are output to performance analysis trace files.

Table 7‒125: Items that are output to performance analysis trace files (for file event linkage)



Event ID

The event ID of a collection point is output.

For details about collection points, see (c) Collection points of performance analysis traces.

Return code

The collection point type is output:

  • 0: Normal termination

  • 1: Abnormal termination

Interface name

The class name is output.

Operation name

The method name is output.

Optional information#

Message common ID

The request identification information (parent ID) is output. If this information is not set, the string null is output.

Service request ID

The request identification information (child ID) is output. If this information is not set, the string null is output.

Additional information

The following additional information is output:

  • Reception name

  • Reception ID

  • Client correlation ID

  • Service name

  • Service operation name

  • Exception name (only at failure occurrence)


The optional information is a maximum of 256 bytes long. This item is not output at collection points 1 and 2 in the figure in (c) Collection points of performance analysis traces.

(c) Collection points of performance analysis traces

The two types of collection points of performance analysis traces for file event linkage are as follows:

  • Points at which to collect a trace when the file event reception operates

  • Points at which to collect a trace when the file monitoring processing starts and ends

The following describes the preceding types of collection points:

  • Points at which to collect a trace when the file event reception operates

    Figure 7‒110: Collection points of performance analysis traces (for file event linkage)


    The following table shows the event IDs, trace collection points, and collection levels of performance analysis traces. The numbers in the Number in figure column of the table correspond to the circled numbers in the preceding figure.

    Table 7‒126: Collection points of performance analysis traces (for file event linkage)

    Event ID

    Number in figure

    Trace collection point




    Entry to a custom reception




    Exit from a custom reception




    Point for invoking the custom reception framework




    Point for receiving a response from the custom reception framework




    Entry to the custom reception framework




    Exit from the custom reception framework




    Point for invoking the message delivery control




    Point for receiving a response from the message delivery control



    A: Indicates the Standard level.

    B: Indicates the Advance level.


    For details about how to change the collection level of performance analysis traces, see the Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide.

  • Points at which to collect a trace when the file monitoring processing starts and ends

    Figure 7‒111: Collection points of performance analysis traces (for file event linkage)


    The following table shows the event IDs, trace collection points, and collection levels of performance analysis traces. The numbers in the Number in figure column of the table correspond to the circled numbers in the preceding figure.

    Table 7‒127: Collection points of performance analysis traces (for file event linkage)

    Event ID

    Number in figure

    Trace collection point




    Start of the file monitoring processing




    End of the file monitoring processing



    A: Standard level

(5) File event trace

When the file event reception starts, it initializes file event traces. If initialization fails, a warning message (KDEC00457-W) is output to the message log and the processing to start the file event reception continues. No file event traces can be collected using the file event reception that failed in initialization.

(a) Output destination

The output destination of file event traces is as follows:


The log data output directory on the J2EE server can be specified by using the key in the option definition file (usrconf.cfg) for the J2EE server on which the HCSC server operates. The following table shows the names of file event trace files.

Table 7‒128: Names of file event trace files

Trace file output mode

Trace file name

Wraparound mode


Shift mode


(b) Number of files

The default number of output files is 8. The number of files can be changed by using the urecp-fileevent.trace.filenum key in the file-event-reception configuration file.

For details about the file-event-reception configuration file, see 6.9.1 File-event-reception configuration file in the manual Service Platform Reference Guide.

(c) File size

The default output file size is 2 MB. The file size can be changed by using the urecp-fileevent.trace.filesize key in the file-event-reception configuration file.

For details about the file-event-reception configuration file, see 6.9.1 File-event-reception configuration file in the manual Service Platform Reference Guide.

(d) Output format

The following figure shows the output format of file event traces.

Figure 7‒112: Output format of file event traces


(e) Output items

The following table shows the output items of file event traces.

Table 7‒129: Output items of file event traces (for file event linkage)




The sequence number of each file event trace is output.


The date on which the file event trace was collected is output in YYYY/MM/DD format.


The time at which the file event trace was collected is output in hh:mm:ss.SSS format.

Product ID

The string CSCMSG is output as a product identifier.


The identifier of each process is output.


The identifier of each thread is output.



Reception ID

The ID of the file event reception that processed the request is output.

Collection point

The following items are output as the information about collection points:

  • IN: Entry to the file event reception

  • OUT: Exit from the file event reception (This item is output only if true is set in the success element of the response message.)

  • FAULT: Error (This item is output only if false is set in the success element of the response message.)

  • ERROR: Error (An error was returned by the caller of the file event reception or an error occurred in the file event reception.)

Root application information

Root application information

Additional information

  • If the information about the collection point is IN

    The name of the file created when file creation was detected and the size of the file to be acquired is output.

  • If the information about the collection point is not IN

    If a value is set in the message element of the response message, the value is output.

    If an exception is returned, the error message obtained from the exception is output.


The record end code is output.

(f) Collection points of file event traces

The following figure shows the collection points of file event traces.

Figure 7‒113: Collection points of file event traces


The following table shows the collection points of file event traces and the collection point information. The numbers in the Number in figure column of the table correspond to the circled numbers in the preceding figure.

Table 7‒130: Collection points of file event traces

Number in figure

Trace collection point

Collection point information


Entry to the file event reception



Exit from the file event reception