
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

1.3 Relationship between Test Environment and Production Environment

On the Service Platform, you first configure a test environment, and then test and debug. You can use the HCSC Easy Setup functionality for configuring the test environment.

When developing a real system, you must configure a production environment other than the test environment. For this reason, you must move the repository used in the test environment to the production environment.

The following are the three cases to move the repository used in the test environment to the production environment:

Case 1

When configuring with the same settings of the database and Reliable Messaging, in the test environment and production environment

Case 2

When configuring with the different settings of the database and Reliable Messaging, in the test environment and in the production environment, the repository used in the test environment can be moved to the production environment as it is#

Case 3

When you re-create a repository of the production environment from the repository used in the test environment because the environments are configured with the different settings of the database and Reliable Messaging in the test environment and production environment#

Note #

For details about whether the repository used in the test environment can be moved to the production environment as it is, see 4.3 Importing a repository.

The following table describes the settings used for databases and Reliable Messaging corresponding to the above cases. For details about configuration types depending on the usage of databases and Reliable Messaging, see 2.2 Selecting configuration types and SOAP modes.

Table 1‒2: Cases corresponding to the settings used for a database and Reliable Messaging

Test environment settings

Production environment settings

Both database and Reliable Messaging are used

Database is used and Reliable Messaging is not used

Both database and Reliable Messaging is not used

Both database and Reliable Messaging are used

Case 1#

Case 3

Case 3

Database is used and Reliable Messaging is not used

Case 2

Case 1#

Case 3

Both database and Reliable Messaging is not used

Case 2

Case 2#

Case 1#


Setting to which a user corresponds with the settings of the test environment and the production environment.

An overview of migration in each case is as follows:

Organization of this section