
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

8.2.9 manager.cfg (Manager settings file)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

Specify the key as follows:

Specification method
  • Use '=' as the separator between the key and value. Any spaces put before and after '=' are ignored.

  • The string up to the linefeed is a value. The linefeed character is OS dependent.

  • The size of one line needs to be less than 1KB (1024 bytes).

  • The line beginning with a hash mark (#) is a comment.

  • If you define a line without a value, the line is ignored.

  • Whitespaces at the beginning or end of the line and blank lines are ignored.

  • When there is a multiple specification of the same key, the last key value is applicable.

  • You can use only ASCII characters.

  • Use "/" as the file separator.

  • You cannot use "\" as a part of the key or the value.

  • Path separators are OS dependent.

(2) File storage location

(3) Functionality

This file specifies settings that are common to Management Server, Administration Agent and components or commands operating on them.

The integrated message log, integrated trace log and command maintenance log of the Manager are available as integrated log.

(4) Specifiable keys

The specifiable keys and default values are described below.

Key name


Specifiable value




Specify the Manager log output directory.

Use '/' as the file separator.

Do not specify a path containing characters other than single-byte alphanumeric characters, underscore (_), space ( ), and hyphen (-).

In case the specified log output directory is invalid, Manager does not startup. Make sure that the specified log data output-destination directory is not shared with J2EE servers, batch servers, or Web container servers (compatibility functionality). If the directory is shared, operations are not guaranteed.

Directory name (absolute path)




Specify a value from 4096 to 16777216 for the upper size limit (in bytes) for each integrated message log file. If you specify a value outside the range, the value 262144 is used.

If you change the value of this property after any of the following operations, the change in value will not be effective:

  • Management Server startup

  • Administration Agent startup

  • Executing commands provided by the Manager

When changing the value of this property, delete the following directory after backup:

  • Log-output-directory-of-Manager/message

Specify the value using an integer from 4096 to 16777216.




Specify a value from 1 to 64 for the number of integrated message log files. If the shift mode is specified in the key, this number becomes the number of backup files.

If you change the value of this property after any of the following operations, the change in value will not be effective:

  • Management Server startup

  • Administration Agent startup

  • Executing commands provided by the Manager

When changing the value of this property, delete the following directory after backup:

  • Log-output-directory-of-Manager/message

Specify the value using an integer from 1 to 64.




Specifies the time at which the integrated message log files for Manager will be rotated in HHMMSS format as a value from 000000 to 235959. However, if the log file size reaches the upper limit before the time set in this property is reached, the log file will be rotated at that point.

If no time is specified, the files will be rotated based only on the log size.

Specify a value from 000000 to 235959 in the HHMMSS format.



Specifies the rotation method for the integrated message log file for Manager.

If you specify SHIFT:

The log file will be rotated in the shift mode.

If you specify WRAP:

The log file will be rotated in the wraparound mode.

Specify one of the following values:


  • WRAP




Specify a value from 4096 to 16777216 for the upper size limit (in bytes) for each integrated trace log file. If you specify a value outside the range, the value 1048576 is used.

If you change the value of this property after any of the following operations, the change in value will not be effective:

  • Management Server startup

  • Administration Agent startup

  • Executing commands provided by the Manager

When changing the value of this property, delete the following directory after backup:

  • Log-output-directory-of-Manager/trace

Specify the value using an integer from 4096 to 16777216.




Specify a value from 1 to 64 for the number of integrated trace log files.

If you change the value of this property after any of the following operations, the change in value will not be effective:

  • Management Server startup

  • Administration Agent startup

  • Executing commands provided by the Manager

When changing the value of this property, delete the following directory after backup:

  • Log-output-directory-of-Manager/trace

Specify the value using an integer from 1 to 64.




Specify the HHMMSS format for the time at which the integrated trace log files will be rotated. However, if the log file size reaches the upper limit before the time set in this property is reached, the log files are rotated at that point.

If no value is specified, the log files are rotated based on the log size only.

Specify a value from 000000 to 235959 in the HHMMSS format.



Specify the rotation method of the integrated trace log files.

If SHIFT is specified:

The files are rotated using the shift mode.

If WRAP is specified:

The files are rotated using the wrap around mode.

Specify one of the following:


  • WRAP




Specify a value from 4096 to 16777216 for the upper size limit (in bytes) for each command maintenance log file. If you specify a value outside the range, the value 16777216 is used.

If you change the value of this property after any of the following operations, the change in value will not be effective:

  • Executing commands provided by the Manager

When changing the value for this property, delete the following directories and log files after backup:

  • Log-output-directory-of-Manager /maintenance/mmap

  • Log-output-directory-of-Manager /maintenance/mngcmdn.log

Specify the value using an integer from 4096 to 16777216.




Specify a value from 1 to 64 for the number of command maintenance log files.

If you change the value of this property after any of the following operations, the change in value will not be effective:

  • Executing commands provided by the Manager

When changing the value for this property, delete the following directories and log files after backup:

  • Log-output-directory-of-Manager /maintenance/mmap

  • Log-output-directory-of-Manager /maintenance/mngcmdn.log

Specify the value using an integer from 1 to 64.




Specify the parent compatibility of the Manager log.

If you specify true:

Unnecessary files are output by the Manager integrated log.

If you specify false:

Unnecessary files are not output by the Manager integrated log.

Specify one of the following values:

  • true

  • false

