
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

8.2.10 (Property file for execution of Management actions)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

This file is a Management Server property file and has the J2SE property file format.

(2) File storage location

(3) Functionality

Define the Management action corresponding to the message ID reported in the Management event.

(4) Specifiable keys

The following table describes the keys that you can specify, their contents, and the default values used when the specification is omitted:

Key name



Default value


Specify the command to be executed as Management action, as an absolute path.#1

Management action definition



Specify an integer from 0 to 86400 (units: seconds) for the timeout for the command process to be executed.

If you specify 0, a timeout will not occur.

Management action definition



Specify the operations to be performed for the executed command process, when a time out occurs.

If you specify true:

Command is terminated forcefully.

If you specify false:

No action occurs.

In the case of forced termination, there is no guarantee for the sub processes created by the command process.

Management action definition



Specify an integer from 0 to 86400 for the time interval (units: seconds) of preventing execution of Management actions with the same Management action ID, after a Management action starts.

If you specify 0, the execution is not prevented.

Management action definition



Specify an integer from 0 to 1000 for the maximum number of concurrently executing Management actions with the same Management action ID.

If you specify 0, there are no restrictions on the concurrently executing number of Management actions.

Management action definition



Specify the Management action ID for the message ID reported in the Management event. You can use alphanumeric characters and a comma (,) as a delimiter.#2

In the case of multiple specifications, demarcate using commas (,).

When no command is set for the specified Management action, the Management action is not executed.

Mapping between message ID and Management action



Specify the Management action ID corresponding to the logical server. You can use alphanumeric characters and a comma (,) as a delimiter.#2

In the case of multiple specifications, demarcate using commas (,).

In the logical-server-name part of the key name, you can specify a J2EE server, a J2EE server cluster, and a member of the J2EE server cluster. When no command is set for the specified Management action, the Management action is not executed.

Mapping between logical server and Management action



Specify the Management action ID corresponding to the physical tier. You can use alphanumeric characters and a comma (,) as a delimiter.#2

To specify multiple values, specify them as a comma-separated list.

When no command is set for the specified Management action, the Management action is not executed.

Mapping between logical server and Management action



Specify the Management action ID corresponding to the service unit. You can use alphanumeric characters and a comma (,) as a delimiter.#2

To specify multiple values, specify them as a comma-separated list.

When no command is set for the specified Management action, the Management action is not executed.

Mapping between logical server and Management action



Specify an integer from 0 to 2147483647 for the maximum number of Management event receipt information to be maintained. If you specify 0, the Management event receipt information is not maintained. High network load or failure may cause duplicate execution of Management actions. You can prevent such duplicate execution of Management actions by maintaining the Management event receipt information. When the maximum number of Management event receipt information maintenance cases is exceeded, the information received earliest is deleted. Management event receipt information is destroyed in the following cases:

  • On receiving a Management event, whose receipt information has exceeded the resend time limit.

  • All the information received is destroyed, when the Management Server terminates.

Settings when a Management event is received



The commands to be executed as Management action are executed by the Management Server. Note that the environment variables that are set in the Management Server are used.

For details on the command file sample, see 9.4.6 Settings of Management Action Execution Commands in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide.


Any whitespaces specified before and after a comma (,), are ignored.

(5) Examples of settings

The contents of the file are as follows:

(6) Precautions