
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

8.2.8 mserverenv.cfg (Management Server environment variable definition file)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

Specify the key as follows:

Specification method
  • Use '=' as the separator between the key and value. Any spaces put before and after '=' are ignored.

  • The string up to the linefeed is a value. The linefeed character is OS dependent.

  • The maximum size of one line is considered as 65536 bytes.

  • The line beginning with a hash mark (#) is a comment.

  • If you define a line without a value, the line is ignored.

(2) File storage location

(3) Functionality

This file specifies the environment variables required in the Management Server operations (starting, stopping, and setting up).

(4) Specifiable keys

The specifiable keys and default values are described below.

Key name


Default value


Set the environment variable in the following format:

Environment variable name=Environment variable value

You can specify multiple keys.

You can also specify special variables# in the environment variable value.




In the above example, the value of environment variable AAAHOME is set to C:\aaa and the value of BBBHOME is set to C:\bbb.



The following table describes the special variables that you can specify:

Special variables



Cosminexus installation directory


Environment variable XXX value

(5) Precautions