
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

B.1 Flow of setting up a system

For editing files and executing commands to set up a system that executes J2EE applications, you use commands and user-defined files that are provided with Application Server and build an operating environment for the system.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Files used when setting up the system

This subsection describes the main files used when setting up a system that executes J2EE applications. For details on each file, see 2. Files Used in J2EE Servers in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

Important note

To change a file, stop the J2EE server. The operation will not be guaranteed if you change the contents of a file while the J2EE server is running.

(2) Flow of setting up a system that execute J2EE applications

To set up a system that executes J2EE applications by editing files and executing commands:

  1. Set up a J2EE server.

    If you are using the default settings, you need not set up a J2EE server.

    If during installation you want to use a server name that is different from the name of an already set up J2EE server, set up the J2EE server. For details, see B.2 Setting up J2EE servers.

  2. Specify the operation settings of the J2EE server.

    If you are using the default settings, you need not specify the operation settings.

    For changing the operation of the functionality to be used and for using the specific functionality, you use user-defined files and commands provided with the Application Server to set up and change operations of the J2EE server.

    The functionality for which you can set up or change the operation of the J2EE server are as follows:

    • Naming Service

    • Transaction

    • JavaVM startup options

    • Container extension library

    • Scheduling of requests by CTM

  3. Specify the settings for collecting data on troubleshooting.

    If you are using the default settings, you need not specify the settings. However, if you do not specify the settings beforehand for collecting the following data, you will not be able to collect data. This data is required for troubleshooting, and therefore, we recommend that you collect this data.

    • Statistics of the OS, user dump (in Windows), or core dump (in UNIX)

    • Java VM GC log

    When collecting this data or when changing the settings for collecting some other data, specify the settings for collecting the troubleshooting data. For details on data required for troubleshooting, or whether or not specifying the settings for troubleshooting is required, see B.1(3) Data required for troubleshooting.

  4. Specify the settings for integrating with the Web server.

    If you do not want to integrate with the Web server, you need not specify the settings.

    In this step, you specify the settings required to link with the web server, including the request distribution by using a reverse proxy, communication timeout, and error page customization.

  5. Specify the settings for the integrated user management functionality.

    If you are not using the integrated user management functionality, you need not specify the settings.

    Specify the settings for performing integrated management for a user who logs into the Cosminexus system. Set up the LDAP directory for saving the user authentication information, and also set up the configuration file for integrated user management. For details on specifying the settings, see 5.13 Procedures to set up the integrated user management function in the uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide.

  6. Specify the settings for increasing the system availability.

    If you are not using the functionality to increase the system availability, you need not specify the settings.

    Specify the settings for inheriting the session information into the J2EE server using the session failover functionality. For details on specifying the settings, see 5. Inheriting Session Information Between J2EE Servers in the uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide.

  7. Specify the settings for resources and J2EE applications.

    Use server management commands to define the properties of the resource adapters and J2EE applications, and import them into the J2EE server. For details on specifying the settings, see 3. Connecting Resources and Managing Transactions in the uCosminexus Application Server Common Container Functionality Guide.

  8. Start the system, and check the system operation.

    For details on starting and stopping the system, see C. Starting and Stopping a System that Executes J2EE Applications (in Windows), or D. Starting and Stopping a System that Executes J2EE Applications (in UNIX).

(3) Data required for troubleshooting

The following table describes data required for troubleshooting, and whether or not specifying the settings for troubleshooting is required. For details on specifying the settings, see 3. Preparing for Troubleshooting in the uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide.

Table B‒1: Types of troubleshooting data and whether or not specifying the settings (for a system that executes J2EE applications)

Type of data

Possibility of specifying the settings

snapshot log


Trace based performance analysis file


J2EE server log


Web server log


J2EE application user log


Statistics file


Resource adapter log


Trace file of Cosminexus TPBroker


Log of Cosminexus DABroker Library


Statistical information of the OS


User dump


core dump


JavaVM data


Log of server management commands



Y: Settings must be specified when collecting data.

Δ: Settings must be specified only when changing the default settings for collecting data.

N: Settings need not be specified.


Collect the snapshot logs using the snapshotlog command. In such a case, during the execution of the command, specify the already set up list files as arguments. For details on the snapshotlog command, and the snapshot logs that can be collected with the default settings, see snapshotlog (collect snapshot logs)of 11.2 Details of commands used in log operations. To change the snapshot log collection destination, edit the definition files for which the snapshot logs are to be collected. For the snapshot log collection target definition files, see 10.2.1 Definition file for snapshot log collection in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.


During daily system operations, when you start the performance tracer by executing the cprfstart command, you can specify the PRF trace collection level and the number of files. For collecting the trace based performance analysis file, see 7.3.1 How to collect a trace based performance analysis file in the uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide.

The logs described in the Table B-1 can be collected in a batch as the snapshot log. However, some trace files of Cosminexus TPBroker can be collected, while some cannot be collected. Besides this, you must specify the settings for collecting the log that cannot be collected with the default settings of the snapshot log, and add them to the snapshot log collection destination.

Note that you cannot change the log output destination of the following logs:

For the types and default values of logs, channel names, details of the logs that can be collected and collection methods, see 2.4 Types of Required Data in the uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide.