
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

B.2 Setting up J2EE servers

This subsection describes the setup of J2EE servers configuring an Application Server system.

J2EE servers are already setup during the installation of the product. During the default settings, the J2EE server name is the host name. If you want to change the server name to another name, set up the J2EE server. When multiple J2EE servers are to be started on the same host, you must allocate a separate name to each J2EE server, and therefore, you must set up the J2EE servers.

The procedure for setting up a J2EE server is as follows. For details on the precautions to be taken when setting up a J2EE server, see B.2 (3) Precautions to be taken during setup, and take action, if necessary. For details on the precautions to be taken when allocating server names during the startup of multiple J2EE servers on the same host, see B.2 (4) Precautions to be taken when starting multiple J2EE servers.

Organization of this subsection

(1) In Windows

To set up a J2EE server in Windows:

  1. Move the current directory using the following command:

    cd Cosminexus-installation-directory\CC\server\bin

  2. Set up the J2EE server using the cjsetup command.

    cjsetup server-name

    An example of setting up a J2EE server is as follows. In this example, the Cosminexus installation directory is C:\Program Files\Hitachi\Cosminexus, and the server name is MyServer.

    C:\>cd C:\Program Files\Hitachi\Cosminexus\CC\server\binC:\Program Files\Hitachi\Cosminexus\CC\server\bin>cjsetup MyServer

(2) In UNIX

To set up a J2EE server in UNIX:

  1. Set up the J2EE server using the cjsetup command. You must have the root permission (when the Component Container Administrator is not set up), or the permission of the Component Container Administrator (when the Component Container Administrator is set up), to execute the command.

    /opt/Cosminexus/CC/server/bin/cjsetup server-name

    An example of setting up a J2EE server is as follows. In this example, the server name is MyServer.

    /opt/Cosminexus/CC/server/bin/cjsetup MyServer

(3) Precautions to be taken during setup

(4) Precautions to be taken when starting multiple J2EE servers

A J2EE server is identified by the server name. During installation, the host name of the already installed host is set up as the default server name. Therefore, when multiple J2EE servers are started on the same host, a serve name is allocated to each J2EE server, and the J2EE servers are set up.

When allocating a server name to a J2EE server, you must consider the following two conditions:

The precautions to be taken regarding the setup of the host name and port number of the CORBA Naming Service to be connected to the J2EE server, and also regarding the setup of the Smart Agent to be used in the CORBA Naming Service are as follows:

Setting up the host name and port number

When starting multiple J2EE servers simultaneously on the same host, make sure that no two host names or port numbers used to connect to the CORBA Naming Service are same. Set up the host name and port number in

Furthermore, specify different values for the port numbers set up in the webserver.connector.nio_http.port key and ejbserver.http.port key of for J2EE servers that are started simultaneously.

Setting up the Smart Agent

When you want to use a Smart Agent in the CORBA Naming Service to which the J2EE server is connected, use a unique J2EE server name within the same Smart Agent (when the connection is established using the same port number). If you do not use a unique J2EE server name, the message KDJE37302-E will be output by the server management command, and the server management command might not run.

Note that the Smart Agent can be used in the CORBA Naming Service in the following cases:

When the CORBA Naming Service is invoked manually as an out-process

When you invoke the CORBA Naming Service by specifying manual in the ejbserver.naming.startupMode key, specify vbroker.agent.enableLocator=true (the default value is true) in the argument during the invocation of the CORBA Naming Service.

When the CORBA Naming Service is invoked automatically as an out-process or in-process

When you invoke the CORBA Naming Service by specifying automatic or inprocess in the ejbserver.naming.startupMode key, specify vbroker.agent.enableLocator=true (the default value is false) in to enable the usage of the Smart Agent.