
uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide

6.2.5 Main problems occurring during operations

The following table describes the main problems that occur during operations.

Table 6‒6: List of main problems occurring during operations

Tool reporting the problem


Main effects

Main causes

Checking location


Management portal

Output of error message (GUI)

The business cannot continue.

The possible causes are as follows:

  • There is a problem with the environment (such as the OS, network, memory, disk)

  • Resource depletion in the server (such as OOM)

  • There is a problem with the integrated system (such as DB)

  • Lengthy processing on an application

  • HA switching

  • Displayed log

  • Manager log

  • J2EE server log

  • Web server log

  • OS

  • JavaVM, container resources

  • PRF trace

  • Thread dump

  • Application



  • Output of business errors

  • Browser-specific errors (such as server not found, 404, 500, 503)

  • No response

  • Delayed response (performance deterioration)

The business might not be continued.

  • Displayed log

  • Manager log

  • J2EE server log

  • Web server log

  • OS

  • JavaVM, container resources

  • PRF trace

  • Thread dump

  • Application


Appears as an event on the client using the service.