
uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide

6.4.2 Troubleshooting during operations

This section describes the actions to be taken for the problems occurring during operations.

"During operations" indicates the time immediately after the server startup is complete or when the server is running.

The following figure shows the procedure of checks during the operations of the tools being used.

Figure 6‒3: Procedure of checks for the tools being used (during operations)


Implement the required checks as per the procedure shown in the figure for the tools being used. The following subsections describe the details for the respective checks.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Checking the Manager logs

Check the log files output by Manager. For details on the Manager log checks, see 6.4.1(3) Checking the Manager logs.

(2) Checking the J2EE server logs

Check the log files output by the J2EE server. For details on the J2EE server log checks, see 6.4.1(5) Checking the J2EE server logs.

(3) Checking the Web server logs

Check the log files output by Web server. For details on the Web server log checks, see 6.4.1(6) Checking the Web server logs.

(4) OS peripheral checks

Check the memory size and operating status of the machine on which the Application Server is installed.

(5) Checking JavaVM and container resources

Check whether there are errors in JavaVM (occurrence of OutOfMemoryError) and in resources. For details on the action to be taken when an error occurs in JavaVM, see 2.5.4 If JavaVM Terminates abnormally.

(6) Checking the PRF trace

Check the trace based performance analysis and verify if there are any bottlenecks or if the processing is delayed at any location. For details on the trace based performance analysis, see 7. Performance Analysis by Using Trace Based Performance Analysis.

(7) Checking the thread dump

Check the thread dump and verify if there are any deadlocks or if there are any errors in the Java programs. For details on the information output to a thread dump, see 5.5 JavaVM Thread Dump.

(8) Checking the applications

Check the contents of the applications in which you think errors might have occurred. Request the creators of the application to perform the check.