
uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide

6.2.4 Main problems occurring during application startup

The following table describes the main problems that occur when you start an application.

Table 6‒5: List of main problems occurring during application startup

Tool reporting the problem


Main effects

Main causes

Checking location


SmartComposer (for compatibility)

Output of error message (command prompt)

The deploy operation is interrupted.

The possible causes are as follows:

  • There is a problem with the environment (such as the OS, network, memory, disk)

  • Operation error

  • Settings error

  • There is a problem with the created application

  • There is a problem between an application and Application Server

  • Command error

  • Manager log

  • J2EE server log

  • Web server log

  • OS


Management portal

Output of error message (GUI)

  • Displayed log

  • Manager log

  • admin log

  • J2EE server log

  • Web server log

  • OS

Server management commands#

Output of error message (command prompt)

  • Command error

  • admin log

  • J2EE server log

  • Application



When you use the server management commands, the action to be taken for the problems varies. Check the action described at the Reference column indicated in the table.